[D4 EM] Tea for Two & a Third Wheel (Mizuki's Room) [Closed]

Re: [D4 EM] Tea for Two & a Third Wheel (Mizuki's Room) [Clo

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:23 pm

"Thank you." Mizuki takes the charm, but it's meaning utterly lost on her. So, I just can't use these. Well, I guess that's why not all of the Unicorn know this word magic.

The last bit gets her attention. "Iuchi-san.... The Scorpion are... practical. But I would be very careful with such remarks. Suggesting that Lady Sun and Lord Moon did not create everything could be considered heretical."

Mizuki looks Dong-Ha in the eyes. "I say this as a friend. It could cause a duel or even cause you to be targeted by the Phoenix Inquisitors. The Clans have all sent friendly faces while they try to figure out how to react to your Clan. But soon enough you will be joining the Empire in full, and the Clans will figure out how to react. Some faces will no longer be friendly. Some will be friendly, but happy to take advantage."

Mizuki looks back to the meishodo. "I suspect you know the dangers of an incorrect word. It is as true of Court as I suspect it is with the words of creation." Mizuki leaves out that her Clan specializes in screwing people over who speak a misplaced word.

She gives the meishodo back. "Thank you for showing me this. Please understand my words are coming from a place of friendship. I would not you to get hurt."
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Re: [D4 EM] Tea for Two & a Third Wheel (Mizuki's Room) [Clo

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:32 pm

"Well, we can also work with the assumption that that..." he pointed at the scribble lining the amulet. "Is the language of Sun and Moon." That particular line of thought was only slightly less heretical. "Or at least how the people of the sands... interpreted their words. However, the words themselves... the language seems to have no relation with ours." Dong-Ha added with a shrug. It was hard to be a true believer of Celestial Heavens when you carried the evidence of an another pantheon on your body.

"Ehh, the Isawa I talked to... Isawa Nonin-san seemed more curious than... upset. We are actually setting up an experiment regarding my charms." Calloused, tanned fingers flicked one of the many dangling amulets. "But I will take your words, Yogo-sama." Another bow followed. "...and be more careful with my words, thank you."

"Eh... that we leave... and have always left for the Ide. They represent us... they speak for us. My duties should never take me to wherever they tread." He added, taking the amulet back. "Iuchi-shiryo said... everything is one when he saw Tao. Shinjo-kami never corrected him."
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Re: [D4 EM] Tea for Two & a Third Wheel (Mizuki's Room) [Clo

Postby Ide Amaya on Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:44 pm

Hearing the Ide name interrupted her musing and she nodded her agreement, only really half aware of what she was agreeing to. Why did it have to be so blasted early?
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Re: [D4 EM] Tea for Two & a Third Wheel (Mizuki's Room) [Clo

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:35 pm

Mizuki nods. "That is a good way to word it. I know you did not mean anything by it. And it makes a certain amount of sense that Lady Sun and Lord Moon did not create the gaijin."

Mizuki then gives a little bow. "I apologize. I sometimes forget that you have much to learn about the Empire. I did not mean the Phoenix on a whole. No. I figure they would be quite interested to learn about them. The Phoenix Inquisitors are an organization within the Phoenix Clan that hunt down dangerous magic. They are all righteous men and women, but some can be... overzealous." Mizuki hoped her message was understood.

"I have heard a little of the dangers you faced getting back here. I just want my friends to understand that the danger isn't over. It has just changed."

Mizuki looked to the Ide. "While I am sure the Ide will serve commendably in the Courts, all it takes is for word to get in a good courtier's ear." Mizuki was being less than honest about her faith in the Ide. ((Note: Mizuki gets a bonus Free Raise for every 3 Points of Mental or Social Disadvantages you have to a maximum of 5 Free Raises.))

"But I believe my point is made, and you did not come here to hear a lecture on the dangers of Courts. Is there anything you wish to know about the Yogo traditions? While not a shugenja myself, I grew up around many and have some basic knowledge of my Family's magic."
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Re: [D4 EM] Tea for Two & a Third Wheel (Mizuki's Room) [Clo

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:51 pm

Someone did... Dong-ha kept his thoughts for himself, though. People don't grow like mushrooms . He had studied enough medicine to be have a rudimentary understanding of that.

"My magic isn't dangerous." he shrugged. "It has to come from Lady Sun and Lord Moon after all." There was a hint of smugness in the young man's voice. if there could not be creators besides those of the Sun and Moon, then their magic too, had to be divine. Not that he believed in it. "But I will take Yogo-sama's words to my heart."

"Umm, so what is Yogo magic then.. and how it is different from the Rokgani magics?" that particular topic was relevant to Dong-Ha's interests.
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Re: [D4 EM] Tea for Two & a Third Wheel (Mizuki's Room) [Clo

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:53 pm

"Of course, I do not mean to imply that it is. I apologize for any misunderstanding."

She takes a sip before going on. "Well, the Yogo family practices Rokugani magic. Where the Yogo differs, is that they specialize in protection magic. Specifically, they specialize in wards to prevent those who are not wanted from entering specific areas."
Last edited by Yogo Mizuki on Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [D4 EM] Tea for Two & a Third Wheel (Mizuki's Room) [Clo

Postby Ide Amaya on Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:58 pm

This talk of magiks was confusing to her, but she did her best to keep an ear on what was being said. Anything that might further her understanding of the world.
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Re: [D4 EM] Tea for Two & a Third Wheel (Mizuki's Room) [Clo

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:32 am

Yogo Mizuki wrote:"Of course, I do not mean to imply that it is. I apologize for any misunderstanding."

She takes a sip before going on. "Well, the Yogo family practices Rokugani magic. Where the Yogo differs, is that they specialize in protection magic. Specifically, they specialize in wards to prevent those who are not wanted from entering specific areas."

"I see." And that goes so well with the curse... oops Dong-Ha offered the Scorpion bastard a soft smile. "So your kin is responsible for protecting the Scorpion?"
Unicorn Clan • Mystic
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"Power is what you think it is."
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Re: [D4 EM] Tea for Two & a Third Wheel (Mizuki's Room) [Clo

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:43 am

Mizuki nods. "Hai. They are capable of putting the wards on paper and using the magic through that. But I do not know enough to know if it is similar to your meishodo. Well, the use of creations to use magic. They use the kami rather than words of creation."
Scorpion Merchant * Kuge * Blessed By Daikoku * Wealthy * Black Sheep

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Re: [D4 EM] Tea for Two & a Third Wheel (Mizuki's Room) [Clo

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Mon Apr 17, 2017 6:10 am

"Yes, Isawa Nonin-san explained me the basics." he nodded. "The means are different, though results seem to be very much the same." Other than the Iuchi not needing to fiddle with flimsy pieces of paper. "Does Yogo-sama have... anything else to ask?" Dong-Ha took an another bite from the piece of cheese he was holding in his hand.
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"Power is what you think it is."
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Re: [D4 EM] Tea for Two & a Third Wheel (Mizuki's Room) [Clo

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:25 pm

Mizuki thinks for a moment. The idea of marriage is dead. I've learned the basics of the their magic. Enough to get an idea. Then, a question occurs to her.

"I do have one question. And this is to help understand you as a Clan. I am satisfied with the answer on a personal level. I would like you both to answer. What are you looking for in a spouse?"
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Re: [D4 EM] Tea for Two & a Third Wheel (Mizuki's Room) [Clo

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:31 pm

Direct, are you. "Uh..." Dong-Hu murmured, evidently flustered. "I don't really know, Yogo-sama. I don't believe that one can learn to know someone else in two weeks well enough to make such a call." he paused, licking his lips. "That being said, I guess that one would do no harm by choosing someone gentle and learned."
Unicorn Clan • Mystic
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"Power is what you think it is."
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Re: [D4 EM] Tea for Two & a Third Wheel (Mizuki's Room) [Clo

Postby Ide Amaya on Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:50 pm

She was surprised by the question, but she gathered herself to answer it to the best of her ability. She'd been given some opportunity to think on this the last three days, for it was the question they all asked. "If it pleases Yogo-Sama, I am looking for a spouse who is kind and patient, one who is willing to teach me about this new life I have been thrust into, and able to learn with me, for I bring knowledge my own."

"A man generous in spirit. He need not be commanding in his tone or presence, but strong enough to be his own man. And strong enough to allow me to be my own woman. Someone who it intelligent, perhaps even studious. Who can guide and give advice, and provide satisfying conversation. A man whose stature is sufficient to offer some comforts after the difficult ride that has consumed the life of the Unicorn."

She thought about the stoney silence Suteichi had favoured her with when he had brought this question upon her unexpectedly. She had tried twice then to answer successfully. "I hope you find this answer sufficient, Yogo-Sama."
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Re: [D4 EM] Tea for Two & a Third Wheel (Mizuki's Room) [Clo

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:37 pm

I'm gentle and learned, but you discount because of a tiny curse. Coward. Mizuki maintains her on as she listens to the Unicorn. Maybe the Ide isn't stupid. Maybe she's just really sheltered.

Mizuki sips her tea. "Thank you. Learning more of your Clan helps." And Mizuki wasn't lying. She was noticing a similar thread in those answers. "I do not think I have any more questions for you. Do you -either of you - have any for me?"
Scorpion Merchant * Kuge * Blessed By Daikoku * Wealthy * Black Sheep

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Re: [D4 EM] Tea for Two & a Third Wheel (Mizuki's Room) [Clo

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:31 am

"Hmm... " Dong-Ha crossed his arms on his lap with a focused expression on hid face. "Would Yogo-sama know any stories regarding her clan?"
Unicorn Clan • Mystic
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"Power is what you think it is."
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