by Yogo Mizuki on Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:53 pm
"It is something he has not shared with if it has even occurred. Sometimes it can come in light. Sometimes, it can come early. My cousin was 2 when he accidentally caused a fire that injured his mother. And one of my senseis is a man well past retirement age who has not yet had it occurred. The Curse has proven, above all things, to be flexible."
Mizuki gives a small laugh with only a hint of bitterness. "No one even knows what Yogo's betrayal was. Did he betray Asako and their children by joining the Scorpion? Did he betray his Kami, Shiba, the god he swore eternal loyalty to? Did he betray his oldest daughter among the Yogo who was not suited for the duties of a Family Daimyo? Did he betray his other daughter who was suited for those duties? Maybe it was someone else? Maybe it was all of them? We only know he did not love Bayushi and that he never betrayed him."
Mizuki sighs. "I suppose that's why it's easier for me to treat this like a business transaction. I want love. To be loved and to love in return. But I don't want to hurt my husband. So, my goal is to marry a man willing to risk loving me. Or a man who will not and do his duty. A marriage of duty isn't terrible. They are common among my family as I'm sure you'll understand. They respect and honor each other. They are happy. Just not in the form of the pillow books."
Mizuki shakes her head. "I am really not such a cold and direct person. It's just easier to deal with certain subjects in such a manner."
Then, she turns to Amaya. "You have not been in Rokugan for long. The traits I have are often associated with the Crane Clan. The blue eyes. Natural white hair is considered a blessing that many Crane would kill for. My facial features even resemble... a Crane." Mizuki gives it a moment. "Neither of my parents have a drop of Crane blood."
Scorpion Merchant * Kuge * Blessed By Daikoku * Wealthy * Black Sheep
Honor: Untrustworthy * Status: 3.0 * Glory: 1.0 * Infamy: 0.2 Courtship Points: 6