[Day 2 - Early Morning] Entertainment for the Kami

Re: [Day 2 - Early Morning] Entertainment for the Kami

Postby Seppun Hideo on Fri Apr 14, 2017 2:28 pm

"Perhaps if we had more Scorpion controlling the trends, we would see more outfits like your own Bayushi-san. I think the courts would benefit from that" Hideo offered with a smile "the bells would certainly make moving around court more musical also!" He chuckled. "As for the horses, have you met with any of the Shitome yet? I am yet to meet with them, I hope to meet them soon, but that will give us an idea of just how attached they are with the horses. I heard that the Otaku maidens literally grow up with their horses, which creates a strong bond with them. I would certainly welcome a Unicorn steed, it would make moving between provinces much faster."

He looked thoughtful at her final comment.

"I have heard the relations between Lion and Unicorn were too close, but I'm sure this will improve. They are both very militant clans, and it would not do good to have the two clans coming to blows so soon after the Unicorns return."
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Re: [Day 2 - Early Morning] Entertainment for the Kami

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:07 pm

Hotaru giggled and dipped her head in quick thanks. "You're very kind with your words, Seppun-sama. I would be delighted to see my outfits more commonplace, perhaps among the devout shugenja. I don't know if I'll ever be a trendsetter, truly. To be honest, I've never really attended the courts before, most of my duties have kept me at the temples or shrines so far. I was wondering to experience court here, but it seems the Unicorn aren't that settled in our lands yet, or our routines for that matter."

"Shitome?" She questioned with a curious look in her eyes and gave a slow shake of her head. "Noo, I can't say I've met with many of the Otaku as of yet. I could only imagine that such proud warrior women would want a husband who is also skilled with horses so that they can ride together. It would make it awkward if one is always on horseback and the other is trying to catch up on foot, ne? Perhaps they might be willing to give you a horse of your own if you wed into their family?"

"It seems unlikely the Unicorn are going to come to blows with many, anytime soon at least. They seemed to have been well received...and all of the marriages that are going to be happening at the end of this miai are bound to create lasting peace for many years go come. That is the power of tradition in marriage." She nodded surely at that.
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Re: [Day 2 - Early Morning] Entertainment for the Kami

Postby Seppun Hideo on Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:20 pm

"That is an honourable duty though, being a shrine maiden. I find it much more interesting talking with a Shrine Maiden over a Courtier anyway. I cannot say I know of the Unicorn shrines though, nor how they revere the Fortunes. You may have to learn a new dance Bayushi-san" Hideo said with a smile "do you look forward to potentially becoming a Unicorn? How are you with horses?"

There was a chuckle at the thought of the husband or wife chasing after the horseback partner. "That would certainly be a sight, but I imagine that they would perhaps be able to ride together? The horses are very large after all."
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Re: [Day 2 - Early Morning] Entertainment for the Kami

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Fri Apr 14, 2017 7:35 pm

"Thank you very much, Seppun-sama! Actually, now that you bring up their shrine and Fortunes, I had the opportunity to speak to one of their..." she was slightly at a loss to find the right word for it. "One of their people of holy talents. He did mention that constantly travelling did prevent them from erecting proper shrines for the Fortunes and some of them had different beliefs too. I could only imagine that they must still revere the Fortunes in some way, especially if much of their language and how easily we can interact with each other is still intact. It's my hope to be of aid when it comes to reconciling them to the Fortunes in my duties."

"If I have to learn a new dance, I'd be pleased to!" She giggled. "I can't say I've met a dance among their Clan as of yet. There's a singer, I think, maybe a few instruments. When it comes to handling horses, that's something I have less experience with. Hopefully, we can refresh them on some aspect of being Rokugani and they can trade us with horse lessons? I think they're taken to the idea of trading, while abroad."

"Oh, you can ride together. That's an idea!" she nodded in agreement. "I just don't know if they're willing to have others touch their horses or not. You know, if they value them as much as they do daisho!"
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Re: [Day 2 - Early Morning] Entertainment for the Kami

Postby Seppun Hideo on Sat Apr 15, 2017 4:40 am

"Different beliefs? So they do not revere the Fortunes? Did you perhaps learn who or what they do revere? I would imagine the more pious clans could find the Unicorn revering gaijin deities quite blasphemous, which concerns me. The ways of the Unicorn are so alien though, which will hopefully in time correct itself with the guidance of the empire. I know if I can have my say, the Imperial Families will do their upmost to welcome and guide our returning bretherin without taking away what makes them special and unique. They have been away too long, and we don't wish for them to go again. Trades for horse lessons are a great example, this is why the Empire has sent its brightest young samurai to be here" Hideo nodded approvingly at Hotaru.

"As for touching their horses, I would assume there would be some manner of horse related event here, and I cannot imagine they believed everyone here would have bring a horse from home."
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Re: [Day 2 - Early Morning] Entertainment for the Kami

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Sat Apr 15, 2017 1:42 pm

"They do revere the Fortunes...or at least a majority of them," she mentioned, a touch unsure now that they talked more about it. "At the very least, it is the Moto who have a different branch of belief. The Moto Family didn't originally come from Rokugan, but apparently were adopted by Shinjo-kami after the tried to invade their Clan. With her infinite mercy, she granted them forgiveness and even allowed them to join the Clan. Most kept to their beliefs to this day, having a god or many regarding death. I don't know where they would fit in with our Fortunes to be honest and that's something up to debate. It's doubtful the Moto will drop them soon, nor will the Unicorn urge them to give up what they are after their aid."

She chuckled softly, "You're right about that! I guess we'll just have to look forward to riding a horse in the near future. One way or another!" Oh, Kami... "All of this talk of horses makes me imagine that you've had extensive experience on a horse before, Seppun-sama."
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Re: [Day 2 - Early Morning] Entertainment for the Kami

Postby Seppun Hideo on Sun Apr 16, 2017 12:51 pm

"I see. Thank you for that clarification Bayushi-san. The Moto had appeared to be the most unique of all the Unicorn, however the ones I have conversed with do seem eager to learn more of the Rokugani way. Perhaps in time they will understand and adapt to a more acceptable way of being. While I can understand they wish to keep to their...beliefs, until the Emperor recognises these gods of death, they won't be accepted" Hideo sighed gently, shaking his head "I'm sure in time they will understand."

A smile grew at that.

"Actually, Bayushi-san, I've never been on a horse in my life. I spent the last month before arriving here though extensively studying as much as I could regarding horses. I sadly did not gain any chance to put my knowledge to the test, so we shall all be surprised! How are you with animals in general though Bayushi-san?"
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Re: [Day 2 - Early Morning] Entertainment for the Kami

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Sun Apr 16, 2017 1:47 pm

Hopefully, they won't result to fisticuffs when we disagree with them! She thought regarding the Moto, and that's perhaps the lightest of outcomes she imagined coming from this disagreement. "Of course! As with a few rules in Rokugan too. They aren't in the wilderness or the untamed lands outside of the Empire, there are rules set by the Divine Emperor and Imperial families. The borders of the Clans, too."

"Really?" She said with a bit of curious realization. "Seppun-sama came off as rather experienced, if I may say so myself. As for animals, I, unfortunately, don't have too much experience with them either. Unless you count the occasional cats and squirrels that find themselves on the temple steps from time to time."
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Re: [Day 2 - Early Morning] Entertainment for the Kami

Postby Seppun Hideo on Sun Apr 16, 2017 2:18 pm

"For now, we wait and see. The Unicorn are in a grace period, learning quickly and doing well. Perhaps with honourable samurai like Bayushi-san and others becoming part of the Unicorn, as well as the Crane previously married in, will help with the transition. By the end of the miai Bayushi-san may be the trendsetter after all, but for social matters instead of attires?" Hideo chuckled, before nodding.

"I am more studious than practical Bayushi-san. My studies are being put to a test here, and hopefully they will be of some use, but I have spent little time away from Otosan Uchi and Kyuden Seppun."
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Re: [Day 2 - Early Morning] Entertainment for the Kami

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Sun Apr 16, 2017 3:00 pm

"I would be fibbing if I didn't say that wasn't part of my earnest wish when it comes to marriage with the Unicorn, either into their family or receiving one of theirs into our family. I hope to aid in the translation or the injection of trends. Actually, all of us will be responsible for such a task, even in a small way. It's just a task I look to grapple with aplomb." She giggled with a small shake of her bells.

"Both the Imperial capital and Kyuden Seppun are grand cities, nevertheless! I guess those are far different than the near-frontier lands of the Unicorn. I get the feeling that we're going be constantly surprised by the Unicorn for years, maybe even for as long as they've been away. We have some catch-up to do, for each day they've been away?"
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Re: [Day 2 - Early Morning] Entertainment for the Kami

Postby Seppun Hideo on Sun Apr 16, 2017 10:47 pm

Hideo nodded, impressed with the shrine maidens thoughts. "That is exactly the thought process I would hope more samurai have brought here. The Imperial Families sent a number here to assist with this after all. We look forward to guiding the Unicorn onto the correct path. I noticed many of your own kin were here also at the banquet, the Scorpion have taken to assisting the Unicorn in droves it seems."

Another nod, as he continued "the yurts of the Unicorn are certainly a world away from the houses of Otosan Uchi. One of the Ide I spoke with recently had arranged for a sampling of a few different foods that were not in the banquet yesterday; I'm unsure what to expect, except more surprises and perhaps more cheese. I would say there must be a limit to how many times we can be surprised, but I'm not sure where the limit may lie."
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Re: [Day 2 - Early Morning] Entertainment for the Kami

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:23 pm

"I've had the opportunity to speak to one of your kin, Seppun Hitako-sama and she did express great interest in learning from the Unicorn," and others too, apparently. "So, I only imagine that your kin would feel the same way. The Imperial families are responsible for some of the largest weddings in the Empires to date, I believe."

She nodded regarding her kin. "We don't seek to outdo the Imperial families, but we have indeed taken an interest in the Unicorn. After the last few years we've gone through, perhaps unity and a new beginning are what we're looking for. In fact, it should be something everyone should be looking for. It seems rather fortuitous that we find ourselves rather close to one of the Setsuban festivals, too!"

"Ooooh..." She said in careful realization, dreading to be in his shoes. "That is rather brave of you, Seppun-sama. Especially, if you think there were actually things they omitted from the menu yesterday. Perhaps, extremely rare delicacies or ancestral recipes of familiar dishes?"
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Re: [Day 2 - Early Morning] Entertainment for the Kami

Postby Seppun Hideo on Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:30 am

Hideo chuckled. "Ah, our weddings. I'm sure we can surprise the Unicorn with those. It does bring up an curious thought; I wonder if the marital rituals for the Unicorn will be vastly different to those of traditional Rokugan? I could see this being a quite awkward meeting of culture, both for those marrying in and marrying out. Especially given the apparent interest in...fur." He managed not to look too disgusted at the notion of fur.

"The situation for the Scorpion has been quite difficult, but compared to Unicorn? Perhaps both of your sufferings will allow a friendship in hard times to blossom...this suddenly makes the amount of your kin here more obvious. The Crane have been the ones advising the Unicorn since their arrival, I wonder how they have been advising them regarding the clans? I had met with one yesterday who seemed unaware of the Imperial families."

There was a chuckle again as she seemed worried for him. "I'm actually quite looking forward to sampling more of the foods. As a scholar, I would wish to learn more of the culture of the Unicorn. As a curious soul, I fancy learning what else the Unicorn have for those who may end up married into the Unicorn."
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Re: [Day 2 - Early Morning] Entertainment for the Kami

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:21 pm

"I recall from my conversation with one of them that they were vastly fascinated with our silk, what with them not being able to obtain it very well when they were abroad. It makes me feel that if there is to be some sort of wedding formal dress for their ceremony, it might look different than what we have here." That thought did make her picture a wedding kimono that wasn't white, but made of fur.

Suffering is a dramatic word, isn't it? "There is strength found in those who find themselves in more or less the same place, Seppun-sama. I'm very sure they something fortuitous will come out from a few Unicorn and Scorpion unions. I think I'll pray that my marriage will serve to benefit both Clans. I don't know if we'll topple the Clan of marriage with our numbers here, but I think sometimes success is found in being happy, rather than only bettering others." She showed an optimistic smile. "It's the sort of wisdom the monks at Hotei Seido taught me."

"And in the situation where Seppun-sama brings his bride to the respectable Imperial families, perhaps he could be an accommodating husband, too?"
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Re: [Day 2 - Early Morning] Entertainment for the Kami

Postby Seppun Hideo on Tue Apr 18, 2017 9:04 am

"I will admit to be very curious about a Unicorn marriage union. Perhaps I should enquire with them..." he mused "if I do, I would be happy to feed back to Bayushi-san what i learn if, she doesn't ask the Unicorn herself of course. The unions will of course bring benefits to both clans beyond just knowledge of cultures and trade. I've noticed that almost every clan, great and minor, is here, so it's clear the Empire all can see the benefits."

He paused, then added "and I hope Bayushi-san finds a marriage that will bring her happiness, not just the clans. I consider myself to be an accommodating man, and I hope that my wife will find me an acceptable husband."
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