Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:A whole flurry of emotions erupted inside the Shinjo woman. She adored children but she knew that her injuries were very far from ordinary. They were even intimidating, sometimes.
She refused to let it get to her. Yue dismounted her horse and gave her three students each a deep bow. "Konbonwa, mina-dono." She swallowed. Oh it most certainly is weird if I refer to a kid as such. Hm, well, deepest respect to everyone! Yeah...
"It is a pleasure to see you all," she continued. Her eyes shifted between them all. "Who is my first student tonight?"
Tonbo Misa wrote:Misa's smile blossomed. "I can never turn down feeling Lady Sun's warmth on my face." As they crested the hill she let the rays warm her cheeks, sitting up a bit as a touch of her nervousness left her, allowing more of her body to get warmed by the sun's setting light.
Asako Hirase wrote:Just as she had been warned he would, the boy begin to squeal with excitement, his small frame practically vibrating with a desire to bounce in excitement. Only the instruction to stay still, paired with his slight awe of the big lady, kept the boy's body still.
Once the initial happy noises subsided, the boy began cahattering as quickly as he could, as if the words were some sort of pressure release.
"What is the ponies name? Is it a boy? A girl? Faster? Do you fall off? Why does it have shinies? Do you like rice? You're purple! Do ponies have kami? Why do we have a clothes house? Got new tabi, want to see?"
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