SHINJO EVENT: Archery (D3, Early Afternoon)

Re: SHINJO EVENT: Archery (D3, Early Afternoon)

Postby Otaku Imane on Fri Apr 14, 2017 2:10 am

Eventually it was Imane's turn to take the field. Privately she was somewhat relieved this wasn't from horseback because (embarrassingly) she still couldn't pull back the string on her grandmother's Daikyu. Perhaps realising that the young Otaku was unlikely to be an expert at archery on foot the Shinjo judge announced that she should aim at the Green targets.

Imane looked down the range and said: "Thank you Shinjo-sama. I respect your decision but choose the Orange targets." The judge looked skeptical but she fired her first shot and it struck the target near the centre. Encouraged she let the second go too early and it missed.

Inwardly she cursed, but cslmef her nerves and the third arrow hit the target comfortably. Imane closed her eyes and released all of her breath prior to sending the fourth arrow thudding dead centre into the target. The fifth was a graceful and easy shot that landed just a few inches from the previous one.

A little less hubris and she might have scored a full five hits. Nodding to herself she took the lesson for what it was and returned to the stands to watch the remaining competitors.


D3 Event. Archery. Orange target. TN25. Rolls 1-3. Prodigy bonus. Otaku bonus: 3#5d10o10k3+8 29 22 28

2 successes, 1 fail! +6 archery points.

D3 Event. Archery. Orange target. Roll 4. Prodigy bonus. Void for +1k1. 1CR. Otaku bonus. TN30: 6d10o10k4+8 36.

Success! +4 archery points.

D3 Event. Archery. Orange target. Roll 5. Prodigy bonus. Void for +1k1. Otaku bonus. TN25: 6d10o10k4+8 40

Success! +3 archery points.

Total: 13 archery points (4 successes @ 2 above skill, 1CR)
Unicorn • Shiotome • Prodigy • Musical • Honest • Gaijin Name • Archer • Lancer • Singer
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0.1 | Honor: A Soul Above Question | Courtship Points: 9
Languages: Mekhem
Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Flute, Light armour (where appropriate)
Carried by: Almatar (Otaku warhorse, where appropriate)
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Otaku Imane
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Re: SHINJO EVENT: Archery (D3, Early Afternoon)

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:06 am

Saksaha hasn't handled a bow very often since her magical aptitude began to show. But she'd always enjoyed it and certainly won't miss a chance to join in the games, even if she's unlikely to impress the Shinjo much.

She pauses to tuck her long braid down the back of her collar before selecting a bow that suits her sturdy but not particularly long arms. The judge directs her toward the nearest-in line of targets--the blue ones--and after gauging the distance and testing the draw of her bow she sees no reason to argue. Do the thing you can do, and do it well. Taking her position on the line, she checks to see that the range is clear and fires off five neat shots into the target, three of them even fairly close to center.

Pleasantly flushed with the unaccustomed kind of effort--and probably also the summer heat--she unstrings the loaner bow and heads back out of the way to watch the others shoot with a spring in her step.


Five shots at TN 10, five lucky successes, five points.
Unicorn Clan • Priestess • Spiritwalker • Gives Love A Bad Name (Infamy)• Future Togashi???
Honor: What is Expected • Glory: 0 • Infamy: 0.2 • Status: 1 • Courtship Points: -1 • Description
"I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right/I'm the Witch/You're the world."

Speaks Mekhem (with an Ujik-hai accent) and Rokugani.
On her person: embroidered wool robes, various dangling meishodo charms, belt pouch, kiseru, tanto, wakizashi.
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Re: SHINJO EVENT: Archery (D3, Early Afternoon)

Postby Kaiu Hiroji on Fri Apr 14, 2017 8:51 am

Hiroji is unsure about the bow as he first picks it up. He tests it's weight and it's string before beginning the test.
He is surprised as shot after shot hit the target, and feels a tad bit miffed as the last shot goes wild and drops somewhere 50 meters off the target. He returns the bow and leaves the event feeling somewhat succesful.

1st Attempt: Success, 1 Archery Point
2nd Attempt: Success, 1 Archery Point
3rd Attempt: Success, 1 Archery Point
4th Attempt: Success, 1 Archery Point
5th Attempt: Failure, 0 Archery Points.]

Total: 4 Archery Points.
*Crab Clan *Rather Stoic *Large *Possibly has a drinking problem *Allergy to Milk based Products *Dragon-Slayer

Status: 1.0 - Honor: What is Expected - Glory: 3.0 - Courtship Points: 2


Carries with him: Sturdy Clothing, Walking Stick, Chopsticks, Small Mirror
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Re: SHINJO EVENT: Archery (D3, Early Afternoon)

Postby Matsu Yurio on Fri Apr 14, 2017 9:42 am

Archery, something he knew but was by no means an expert at. His first victory was to state that and not brag as he normally would. His second victory was to find a yumi that wasn't taller than he was. There was no third victory.

He chose his target, controlled his breathing and took up the first arrow. Four shots later he paused and then loosed the final shot. Two found their mark. He took solace that if this was a battle then the enemy would be still be dead despite the three misses.


KITTEH CAN DO ANYTHING!!!!, VP for +1k1, TN 20 = 28, apparently Kitteh can, but doesn't have to.

Skill = Green Target

Choosing 1 above = Yellow Target TN 20

Arrows #1-#4, Kyu/Ref, FR from Tech, TN 20 = 24, 10, 13, 11 = 3 points.
Arrow #5, Kyu/Ref, VP for +1k1, FR from Tech, TN 20 = 22 = 3 points.

(edit. Orokos description says Agi, but I rolled correct dicepool for Reflexes. Ooopsie)

6 Points total.
Lion Clan * Bushi * Scout * Small * Daring * KITTEH *
Soon to be Purple KITTEH Doggeh Trainer

Glory 1.0 * Status 1.0 * Honour Exceptional * Courtship 3!

Carries: Daisho, fan, sake cup.
When permitted: No-dachi, light armour.
Sometimes accompanied by: Neko

Panthera leo matsu militarus-minimus
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Matsu Yurio
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Re: SHINJO EVENT: Archery (D3, Early Afternoon)

Postby Akodo Runno on Fri Apr 14, 2017 2:31 pm

Runno took her place and managed to keep her ego in check. Which was fortunate for her as despite the training of her family....Runno was no archer.

Five shots came in rapid succession, each was measured and boring with little flare to them. Even so only two struck home.

Overconfident Check Passed
Five Shots at the Green Target - 2 hits

2 Archery points
Lion Clan • Samurai • Tactician
Status: 1.0 • Glory 1.0 • Honor: Exceptional • Courtship: 2
Carries: Things
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Akodo Runno
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Re: SHINJO EVENT: Archery (D3, Early Afternoon)

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:28 pm

Having visited the archery grounds yesterday to appease the local air kami, Hotaru returned something similar. If she could potentially snag some points, that would be a very welcomed bonus. She appeared dressed as she did earlier in the day, in the white robes and red hakama of a miko, which was only fitting to celebrate the seasonal Setsuban that fell on this month. Whether or not it was coincidence, she thought it was probably appropriate that they had an archery contest on this day, as she vaguely tied the arrow-flinging event to the hamaya charms her temple sold. Such charms were known as demon-breaking arrows, meant to scare away misfortune that oni represented and invite good luck in its place. She wasn't going to be weighing down her arrows with charms and bells to make them hamaya but the sentiment there. Shoot again the bad luck, bring in the good luck for a new day! Gooo, points!

It would have been doubly fitting if she knew what transpired on these grounds.

While it was perhaps picturesque to have a shrine maiden armed with a bow in defense of her place of duty, Hotaru had little experience with the bow, save for the one time she wielded a toy bow at a festival. This was different when working with live weapons. She could only hope that she could fling arrows to suitably entertain the air kami that was getting a lot of attention today and not shot herself in the eye because that would be embarrassing! She took a breath in for focus and began flinging them into the air to appease the air kami, and score some points. Her efforts were her best showing yet, just not enough to impression others. Perhaps this was the turning point for her at this miai finally? She'll have to see what the fates have in store for her...

Zero Kyujutsu skill.
Roll 1&2 at Green Target: (Hit and Hit)
Roll 3, 4 and 5 at Green Target: (Miss, Hit, Hit)

Archery Points Total: 8
Scorpion Clan • Shrine Maiden • Diviner • Dangerously Cute • Slightly Short
Status: 1.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Honour: Untrustworthy • Courtship Points: 9

Description, Artist Details in Description
Personal Effects: Wakizashi (where appropriate), scroll satchel, fan, jade charm, mask, fortune sticks, kawaru coins

Mamoru, Protector of Shrines
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Re: SHINJO EVENT: Archery (D3, Early Afternoon)

Postby Asako Yuki on Fri Apr 14, 2017 8:42 pm

Yuki looked somewhat uncertain as she approached the field with the borrowed bow that she had been given. While kyujutsu had been part of the itinerary at the dojo, she'd never really taken to it, nor paid much attention during classes. She still remembered how sore her forearms had been afterwords too. With a slight sigh Yuki pulled back the string and released the requisite 5 arrows. Finding that 4 of the 5 had struck the target, she smiled slightly, bowed to the judges, handed them back the bow, and marched out before her the redness on her forearms could start to show.

Arrows fired

4 Archery Points
Asako Yuki • Phoenix Clan • Bushi • Dangerously Beautiful • Gullible
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, Smoking Pipe, necklace
Languages: Mekhem, Yobanjin
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Re: SHINJO EVENT: Archery (D3, Early Afternoon)

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Fri Apr 14, 2017 9:37 pm

Tomonaga lined up across from the blue target, smiling cheerfully. "Ok, I'll give it a try." He said.

His draw was solid, and two arrows thunked with solid authority into the target, one striking it dead center.

Unfortunately, his strong draw meant that the three arrows that decidedly did not hit the target went far and wide indeed. Luckily, Tomonaga could run pretty quickly, so his scrambling to retrieve the three missed arrows didn't take too long.


Pew pew, I'm a firin' mah bow! Blue target, TN 10: 5#2d10 9 8 12 20 9

2 Archery points
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
Status: 2 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Courtship points: 6
Carries: Sake bottle, sake cups
Final Drinking Count: 22/38 threads
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Re: SHINJO EVENT: Archery (D3, Early Afternoon)

Postby Moto Baatar on Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:54 pm

Moto Baatar didn’t even own a bow, so he hadn’t practiced archery in over a year. But he wasn’t going to let a little thing like that stop him, so he stepped up to the firing line with the bow the Shinjo had lent him.

One look at the young Moto’s shooting stance had the Shinjo judge direct him to aim at the blue target, the very closest one. The same one that the soft easterner courtiers were being told to shoot at, he realized, to his shame.

“Fine,” Baatar said, feigning indifference as he turned toward the blue target. I oughta be able to hit it at least once, he told himself. That’ll be enough to avoid looking bad. It would be mortifying to choke in front of the foreigners.

Drawing the bowstring back to his cheek, Baatar squinted down the arrow shaft at the blue target, then began loosing arrows as fast as he could. Faster means less time to screw it up, he thought to himself.

To his great surprise all of his arrows struck the target! Admittedly, all five of them were on the very outer edge of the target. It was still enough to score, though!

“I, uh, meant to do that,” Baatar told the girl behind him, before handing the bow back to the judge.

5 shots at blue target: unskilled 11, 12, 12, 10, 11 all hit TN10
5 Archery Points
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Gaijin Name • Failure of Courtesy
Honor: Untrustworthy • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.0 • Courtship: 4
carries: scimitar, wakizashi, shochu, puppy. when appropriate: Unicorn horse, riding armor
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Re: SHINJO EVENT: Archery (D3, Early Afternoon)

Postby Matsu Nintoku on Sat Apr 15, 2017 8:50 am

Go big or go home. The Matsu knew he was far from being a good archer preferring to face his enemies in close quarters rather than 100 feet away.

His shots displayed that despite being practiced in the art of kyujutsu he was not a very good archer. Most went off target with only one producing the satisfying thunk on a bullseye.

Once more he'd not be a memorable contender.


Shots vs Yellow Target: 4 failed 1 success
Lion Clan • Bushi • Hero • Kuge • Sometimes Smiles • Cuter Than A Goat
Honor: Exceptional | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 3
Carries: Daisho, Sturdy kimono, Travel pack, Khulun's EXQUISITE fan.
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Re: SHINJO EVENT: Archery (D3, Early Afternoon)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Sat Apr 15, 2017 11:01 am

Stepping up to the range, Takeo tried to keep in mind that he was among exeperienced archers. He tried to keep in mind that he should be humble in the face of their skill. Takeo failed. After boasting about his exploits back home, the Shinjo assigned him to the orange target. In the face of their faith, Takeo went ever further.

"I'll shoot and the black ones," he said, "With a blindfold if you don't mind." The Shinjo protested but Takeo was insistent.

"The arrow knows the way," he explained, with all the calm smugness of one who has no hope of succeeding.

He kept the image of the target in his mind, lowered the blindfold, drew the string on his yumi and released 5 arrows in quick succession.

The arrows did not know the way.

(Overconfident: 18

1 and 2: TN 45 -30, 31 -4 archery points

3, 4 and 5: TN 45 -21, 10, 7 -6 archery points)
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi

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Re: SHINJO EVENT: Archery (D3, Early Afternoon)

Postby Shinjo Hanashi on Sat Apr 15, 2017 10:48 pm

Hanashi smiles a bit, looking down range.

"Go big, or find a yurt to shelter in, eh? Let's try yellow today." He's as bold as the stories say a samurai should be, but whether or not a one-eyed Shinjo can shoot a bow while on foot was another issue. Borrowing the bow from the stock supplied, he got up to the line and took some moments to find his aim.

The first two shots went long; the third short and then he finally accounted for his lack of depth perception and hit the last two shots dead on. A bow and he retreated from the field.

S1: Kyujutsu/Reflexes Yellow TN 20: 15 0ap
S2: Kyujutsu/Reflexes Yellow TN 20: 10 0ap
S3: Kyujutsu/Reflexes Yellow TN 20: 17 0ap
S4: Kyujutsu/Reflexes Yellow TN 20, Void: 25 2ap
S5: Kyujutsu/Reflexes Yellow TN 20, Void: 23 2ap
4 archery points.
Unicorn Clan • Marta Family • Teller of Tales • No Right Eye • Well-Voiced • Wounded
Status: 1.5 | Glory: 0.0 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship points: 0
Generally Equipped: Daisho, Eyepatch, Sturdy Unicorn Clothing, Tanto, Chopsticks
When with Horse: Daikyu, Willowleaf arrows, Blanket

A voice to lighten the weight of those who travel.
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Shinjo Hanashi
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Re: SHINJO EVENT: Archery (D3, Early Afternoon)

Postby Mindshred on Sun Apr 16, 2017 1:47 am

The Shinjo tally up the points and announce the winners!

Otaku Imane earns 3 Courtship Points.
Shinjo Monkhbaatar and Togashi Udo earn 2 Courtship Points.
Moto al-Kalb earns 1 Courtship Point.
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