Yuzuki wrote:"I... I am sorry, Samurai-sama's," she said to the two who had followed her out, giving them both a bow.
Moshi Asakiko wrote:The tiny Moshi was going in when the pair of people rushed out. She carried a plate with a flower arrangement with some flowers ahe picked from the field. "Konbanwa..." She just said to the guests with a bow. The arrangement had some rice flowers and jasmins.
Kakita Nanami wrote:Nanami sidled up to Monkhbataar as the Mantis abandoned the party, "Ah, Shinjo-san, it seems I have to apologize for the rudeness of the Mantis. To abandon your guests in the middle of dinner..."
Shinjo Monkhbaatar wrote:The Unicorn smirks at the antics of the cat, and he was happy he had his plate of food already without cat hair within it.
"Well, not so much abandoned as trying to recover after an assault on her spread," he replied with a chuckle. "Not sure how much of that is edible after the cat's fun. If you'd like though, I did get a fair bit before the incident." He seemed to be in good humor over the incident.
"How have you been Kakita Nanami-san?" he asks. "Well I hope?"
Yuzuki wrote:"Yes," she said with a sigh. "He's... too old to be doing this."
She peered back inside, at the chaos left behind. And turned back to the Lion.
"If you'll excuse me, Lion-sama, I should probably sort the mess out. We can talk later."
She gave both him and the Unicorn a quick bow before returning to the tent itself, taking herself to the table that Kon had so maliciously thrown into chaos, and began cleaning up the worst of the damage. Fortunately, there was plenty of food to go around, and Kon could only have assaulted some of it, so people wouldn't have to go hungry. But it was still a bit of a mess.
Shimizu Ryori wrote:Ryori attempts to distract from the Mantis's efforts by proclaiming " I brought a bottle of the finest Ikoma Sochui, this is such a lovely dinner perhaps some of you will share it with me, " he lifts the bottle up to display and there is a inquisitive sound from beside him he frowns at his sister "None for you Kyra, not after the kumis incident, and don't look for mom, she isn't here to sneak you any"
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