by Ide Amaya on Thu Apr 13, 2017 6:28 am
Her surprise prevented her from stopping a small moan escaping her lips, and she blushed furiously at her lack of restraint. "It is called susinum. The desert is hot, hotter than Rokugan. The cultures of the sands have developed various ways of coping with this heat and the things that come with it. One is the use of perfumed waxes to cover the multitude of smells and odours they experienced. The custom began with wearing or hanging the waxes about one's person in order to keep the pleasant scent close by."
She wrinkled her nose, "wearing such heavily scented items so close, just thinking about it gives me a headache. But I find a light touch to be quite enjoyable. I was hoping that you would too..." She cleared her throat quietly and rushed on, "I had to borrow the wax. I was only 10 the last time we traded with anyone who crafted the perfumes, so I've never owned one."
• Unicorn Courtier • [Profile - Updated 4/29] •• Small • Gullible • Voice • Inner Gift (Animal Ken) • Love Actuary •• Honor: Expected • Status: 1.0 • Infamy: 0.2 • Glory: 0.0 • Courtship: 5 •
Carries: Wakazashi, Seppun Fan, Personal Chop, Book of Poetry, Hand Mirror, Wooden Hair Comb, Partial Makeup Kit, Satsujin - a weasel. Tokma - a Gaijin riding horse