Bayushi Suteichi wrote:"I confess, I could listen to you go on and on. So I wish to know more about you and I am sure you wish to know more about me. Please feel at liberty to ask me anything. Ide-sama. Tell me, how is it you have such wonderful training in song?"
Ide Amaya wrote:Bayushi Suteichi wrote:"I confess, I could listen to you go on and on. So I wish to know more about you and I am sure you wish to know more about me. Please feel at liberty to ask me anything. Ide-sama. Tell me, how is it you have such wonderful training in song?"
Entirely oblivious to how rude she was being to her cousin and the sweet Bayushi woman, "there have been times when the Fortunes have had grace to smile upon this one," times like right now, a small voice in her head observed. "The Unicorn had not been able to write down much of their history, songs and poetry that stayed in the memory better than a dull recitation became a powerful part of our culture. I have sung to the rythym of pounding hoofbeats when the spirits of the riders was low, and to the deluge of rain against a yurt's walls when caught in the rare desert rains. I have sung to the beat of my heart when I was lonely, and joined up a hundred voices in celebration."
"I have no training, just the blessing of kind Fortunes."
Bayushi Hotaru wrote:None of the Soshi here were women, but Hotaru didn't bother telling him that. "Well, I suppose like the Ide," she said with a few nods, going along with what he said. The Ide didn't seem like they were traditionally a shugenja family but she only met one so far, who was hosting this picnic.
Hotaru took a quick moment to nibble on another dumpling, no use letting good food go to waste, even if it was that wretched red meat. She set down her morsel before speaking once more. " I see. It would be interesting to see the differences between our laws! I wish I knew more of law to debate it but that's probably best discussed with one of my more learned kin, perhaps a Soshi!" She imagined there was going to be many issues with that, considering Saibankan's law was a standard in the Empire and not only valid in certain places. Were the Unicorn going to be excluded from that?
Sadly enough, Scorpion food wasn't as interesting as Unicorn food. Hotaru was stumbled to offer anything unique that wasn't available elsewhere in the Empire. "Uhm...I suppose one of our local speciality is our pheasant rice dish. Whole pheasants are poached first then steamed. The stock from the process is used to make the rice and sometimes even broth. The pheasants are served alongside the prepared rice and an assortment of spices, including garlic and chilli." Even that, was probably a Lion dish.
Ide Amaya wrote:She shook her head, "a horse of my own? Sadly, no. I truly hope to have a steed to call mine one day but, by the time the Unicorn reached Rokugan, so many horses had been lost or left wind-broke. My family had been forced to borrow horses from a Moto just to make the final push."
Ide Amaya wrote:Be interested, be interesting; and don't bore your guests, her sensei's voice chanted in her head. "what is it in which you have trained? Do you hope to serve as a magistrate like your father? or study law like your mother? or perhaps something else entirely?"
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