by Yuzuki on Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:48 pm
She did, of course, wear a daisho on her side, as he might notice upon closer inspection. Yuzuki, meanwhile, continued her kata, oblivious to the Moto watching. Or not caring that he was there. Her style was wild and unfettered, very much the style of the Mantis; though Butaj was unlikely to know that of course.
Eventually, she made it all the way through the exercise, and stopped.
Someone watching!
Yes. Could be the one this time.
She placed her Kama back at her sides, and looked toward the Unicorn.
Could be.
Could be a woman again.
And gave him a bow.
It does have long hair.
And a beard. Women don't have beards.
Says who?
"Good morning, Unicorn-sama. This one's Yuzuki of the Mantis Clan."
Mantis Clan • Bushi • Cursed • Easily Distracted • Tough • Eccentric • Fashionable
Glory: 3.0 • Status 1.0 • Honor: Untrustworthy • CP: 1
Carries: Daisho, Kama(2x), odds & ends.
Wears: Expensive kimono, haori, hakama, Light armor when appropriate.
Yuzuki /