Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:The Unicorn backed off as requested. When he felt better, she allowed herself to sigh out of relief. "Hai, it was intense," she remarked. She gave him a deep bow in return. "I was concerned for your well-being. However, you were right. It did pass."
Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:There was no way for her to not know this was not normal for shugenja. "Sou desu ka. I have never seen such a reaction when others in my Clan use meishodo." She paused, wondering what could be worth such a potential risk. "What spell were you casting, Yuichi-dono?"
Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:"I did not know the kami could be misused," she admitted. Yue shifted in her place and kept the fire ward at a safe distance. She was relieved when the man offered an earth one instead. "Are people ever permanently blessed, Yuichi-dono?" She was referring to her own resiliency.
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