by Usagi Tomoe on Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:29 pm
((Like last time, everyone can assume they were present at the beginning of the lesson! It makes it easier for me to just post things right away!))
"Minna-sama," the Hare spoke up, as she had the previous day. "I am Usagi Tomoe, historian of the Hare Clan. Yesterday, I shared the historical accounts of the Battle of Stolen Graves, the Battle of Bloody Retreat and the Battle of Sleeping River. A dark time in the history of the Empire, but as we learned at the Dawn of the Empire, dark times are when the lights of heroes can shine the brightest to lead to victory for good and honorable samurai."
"Allow me to share the history of one such hero who stood against the forces of Iuchiban - a man who would rise from the rank of ronin to Champion of his own clan, and finally in death, as a Fortune of Heroes."
"Reichin was known as a ronin in the area of Ryoko Owari Toshi, also known as the City of Lies, the City of Stories, the City of Green Walls. He was well-regarded by the inhabitants of the city, for he was always aware of what was happening in this city and he often gave his assistance to the keepers of the law. Even as a man with no lord, he had many followers - other ronin who saw him as a leader."
"In the year 750, Reichin was the first to spot the army of Iuchiban marching towards the city of Ryoko Owari. He ran swiftly to the city officers and informed them of the approaching danger, and they trusted his word for he had always been on their side before. As the city was evacuated, Reichin and his followers picked up their swords and fought alongside the Scorpion to hold off the enemy as long as possible, until those who could not fight had fled to safety."
"Reichin did not stop fighting there, and he led his followers to join up with the Scorpion on the frontlines in the Baddle of Bloody Retreat, where they along with the Scorpion forces fought for five days straight to delay the enemy army long enough for the other clans to mobilize."
"Reichin and those left of his men joined in the fray at the Battle of Sleeping River, distinguishing themselves on the battlefield in the eyes of the Emerald Champion as the forces of the Empire claimed victory over the evil sorcerer."
"However, the city of Ryoko Owari was still held by one of the Bloodspeaker's lieutenants, the infamous Jama Suru. The call went out for someone to undertake an impossible mission; to sabotage Jama Suru's defenses. Reichin was the first and only one to step forward, and not wishing to see anymore of those men who were loyal to him, he went into the enemy-held city of Ryoko Owari on his own. For several weeks, he dislodged Suru's defenses, using his advantage of knowing the layout of the city well, gaining more time for the Empire's forces to regroup after the Battle of Sleeping River and prepare themselves for a siege. At last the combined armies of the Great Clans attacked and the ensuing battle for Ryoko Owari Toshi lasted for seven days until they finally drove out the last remains of Suru's forces. In the battle, an escaping enemy fired an arrow meant for the commander of the allied forces, but Reichin swiftly leapt in its path, nearly losing his life for his heroic efforts to save another."
"For his instrumental part in the war, as well as heroic efforts, the Son of Heaven bestowed Reichin with the Usagi Family name and the status of Champion of his own Minor Clan. It would forever be his Clan's duty to be vigilant against dangers such as that posed by the Bloodspeaker and his minions."
"Usagi Reichin continued on to be a great and charismatic leader to his people, and he always fought against injustice where he saw it. The lands of the Hare, which lie near the Shinomen Mori, often ran into conflict with a group of criminals known as the Forest Killers, and Usagi Reichin along with a platoon of Lion, decided it was time to end their threat. In the year 755, together with the Lion, he created a plan to bait the Forest Killers into attacking Shiro Usagi. The plan was successful and the Forest Killers engaged with the Lion forces outside Shiro Usagi - who successfully repelled the enemy to drive them back. After a long day of fighting, the Forest Killers retreated into the forest, hoping to find reprieve from the battle, only to be met by Usagi Reichin and two dozen of the Hare's strongest warriors waiting for them in their hidden camp. The exhausted and wounded Forest Killers were caught off guard and only a few managed to escape the slaughter that awaited them. However, one of the Forest Killers managed before their death to strike Usagi Reichin fatally with an arrow - a barbed arrow with wicked hooks, poisoned. While he fought off death for a month, even the body of a great hero gave in in the end, and he passed away."
"The Son of Heaven, in his divine wisdom, acknowledged all the great efforts and heroic deeds of Usagi Reichin in the year 757, Month of the Tiger, and elevated his spirit to Tengoku, to become the Fortune of Heroes."
Tomoe bowed at the conclusion of today's history.
Hare Clan • Sly Courtier • Sage • Soul of Tamamo-no-Mae • Herbalist • Fox-Child
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