Iuchi Saksaha wrote:"Well... no." Who in the world can't tell lamb from fowl? Sure, the Ide had said these people in the old country don't eat much red meat, but she hadn't thought the difference was this extreme. "Why does it matter? Is there something unsuitable about our food?"
Taira quirked his head, giving the woman a sidelong glance, and then sighed.
"It is not... customary to eat the meat of mammals in the Empire. Not to say it is forbidden... only that it isn't... a done thing."
With a little shrug, he picked the meat up with his chopsticks looking at it pensively.
"That said... it's quite delicious, and I've already eaten plenty. Stopping now makes little difference."
That said, he placed it in his mouth, and chewed in a contented silence for a moment, before swallowing. "It makes me question the Dragon and their 'mountain tuna' as the flavor is very similar."