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[D6 LA] Science!
Sat Apr 22, 2017 3:04 pm
by Iuchi Dong-Ha
Iuchi Dong-ha sat in his tent, wrapped in his normal wool robes, waiting for his guests to arrive. A small brazier filled with tinder laid in front of him, ready to be lit. As insignificant as the brazier appeared, it would serve an important role for the experiment he had schemed with Isawa Nonin. The small fire would be a locus for the fire kami, allowing the Iuchi meishodo tap into the same spirits that the Rokugani shugenja would try to commune with.
Both nervous and excited, the young Unicorn mystic fiddled with his charms to steady his mind.
Re: [D6 LA] Science!
Sat Apr 22, 2017 3:37 pm
by Moshi Asakiko
The Moshi arrived as she was invited. She bowed to the Iushi as they waited for the rest of the people to arrive. The woman was quiet thinking about what Nonin had told her the other day.
Re: [D6 LA] Science!
Sat Apr 22, 2017 6:16 pm
by Isawa Nonin
Nonin arrived, looking very alert and ready. "Good day all."
Re: [D6 LA] Science!
Sat Apr 22, 2017 6:19 pm
by Iuchi Saksaha
Saksaha ducks into the tent, looking somewhat abstracted. Her expression clears somewhat as she focuses on the people there, and she smiles a little at Dong-Ha and then by extension at the others.
"Hello, cousin. And these must be Moshi-san and Isawa-san. I am happy to meet you both."
Re: [D6 LA] Science!
Sat Apr 22, 2017 6:22 pm
by Isawa Nonin
The Phoenix bows to the new Iuchi. "Blessings upon you, Unicon-san. I am Isawa Nonin, shugenja of the Phoenix."
Re: [D6 LA] Science!
Sat Apr 22, 2017 6:24 pm
by Iuchi Saksaha
"Iuchi Saksaha." Because he'd bowed, she remembers to do so as well. "The same, of Unicorn."
Re: [D6 LA] Science!
Sat Apr 22, 2017 6:28 pm
by Iuchi Dong-Ha
"Thank you for coming, Moshi-san, Isawa-san, Saksaha-san." Dong-Ha bobbed his head for each of his visitors. "I hope you have rested well?" In stark contrast of the man's courteous words, his eyes gleamed with brimming curiosity.
Re: [D6 LA] Science!
Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:36 pm
by Isawa Nonin
Nonin nods. "Yes, and I had an exhilarating ride, thanks to the Otaku and their lance test."
Re: [D6 LA] Science!
Sat Apr 22, 2017 10:36 pm
by Iuchi Saksaha
"Mm. Well enough," Saksaha says, with a reserve that might indicate (at least to Dong-Ha, who knows her a bit better) that there's something else there, though she apparently doesn't wish to speak of it right now. "And the weather is fine today. This is good also."
She too is animated by curiosity to see how this will all turn out, and this is probably obvious as she finds a seat for herself and continues, "Thank you for inviting me, Dong-Ha-san. And Moshi-san and Isawa-san, for sharing your knowledge today."
Re: [D6 LA] Science!
Sat Apr 22, 2017 10:56 pm
by Isawa Nonin
"Well, we have no knowledge yet but soon we should," smiles Nonin. "Moshi-san is closely attuned with the kami of fire and should be able to ask useful questions of the fire kami."
"Much better than I could."
Re: [D6 LA] Science!
Sun Apr 23, 2017 9:15 am
by Moshi Asakiko
She looked at Nonin tilting her head. "Iie, Isawa sama we are attuned with the air and Lady Amaterasu blesses us granting us the better understanding of the fire kami when her light is out." She corrected the Isawa.
Re: [D6 LA] Science!
Sun Apr 23, 2017 9:31 am
by Iuchi Dong-Ha
"Ah, I see." Dong-Ha nodded at the Moshi. "Does that require you to be in sunlight, or does Lady-sun's presence outside suffice?" he asked, curious. "We can of course move out, if that is necessary."
Re: [D6 LA] Science!
Sun Apr 23, 2017 10:48 am
by Moshi Asakiko
"Her watchful eye peaks in so no need to move Iuchi sama so we shall be good. " The Moshi nodded.
Re: [D6 LA] Science!
Sun Apr 23, 2017 10:53 am
by Iuchi Dong-Ha
"Very well, I shall commence the experiment then." Dong-Ha grabbed the flint and stuck the two pieces against each other, producing a shower of sparks with each stroke. Moments later, a faint tendril of smoke could be seen rising from the brazier. Carefully blowing into the cup, the young Unicorn mystic tried to fan the budding flames. "I hope this works..." he muttered.
Re: [D6 LA] Science!
Mon Apr 24, 2017 1:04 am
by Iuchi Saksaha
Seated cross-legged, Saksaha props her elbows on her knees and leans in to observe. Although admittedly she's not quite sure what she should expect to be observing.