by Iuchi Batul on Wed Apr 26, 2017 3:50 am
"How do you exbect on doing some exberiments, cousin Dong-ha-san?" She wondered what he meant. Magic had seemed to be much more dangerous than she had expected. It had cause the death of one Iuchi already, and could mean the death of another, or who knows what... The kami were something new for Iuchi Batul.
Unicorn Clan Samurai *
Meishodo Shugenja *
Perfume of Desert Flowers *
Greedy *
Gaijin Name *
Player *
Age 14Honor: Expected|
Glory: 1.0 |
Status: 1.0 |
Courtship: -1
Wearing: Robe, Wakizashi, Knife, Scroll Satchel, Coin Purse, Set of Dice, Perfume, Jewelry, Fan.
"If the wind blows, ride it."