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Birds of a Feather... (LA, D1)
Thu Apr 06, 2017 3:19 pm
by Kakita Nanami
Kakita Nanami sat before one of the "generously" provided yurts, face shaded by the straw hat tucked on her head and fan waving rapidly to - unsuccessfully - fight the heat that had set in. She sighed, trying to ignore the near ever present scent of horse and looking at what vaguely passed for tea in this kami-forsaken corner of Rokugan. Maybe, she thought, it would have been better to lead her search to a less barbaric piece of the Empire.
Re: Birds of a Feather... (LA, D1)
Thu Apr 06, 2017 3:53 pm
by Doji Ameka
It wasn't a long trek from one of the Crane yurts to another, so that was at least good. And they each had a sort of privacy, which was also good. Lots of fresh-ish air (aside from the pervading horse scent), which was probably healthy for her. Ameka worked to think positively. It was a difficult task under the circumstances, compared to what she was used to. She let out a sigh that devolved into a small cough. Just don't get sick, she told herself.
"Kakita-san...?" She said at the door. Ordinarily light tapping or scratching would be called for, but their... accommodations didn't make that easy.
Re: Birds of a Feather... (LA, D1)
Thu Apr 06, 2017 4:43 pm
by Kakita Nanami
The voice reached the Kakita's ears, "Ah, please enter." Nanami recognized the slight sounds that placed it as a member of her own clan, even though she couldn't quite place who it was - even if she didn't necessarily recognize who the speaker was.
A slight frown on her face, she hurriedly gathered a second tea cup and was already pouring as the other Crane entered.
Re: Birds of a Feather... (LA, D1)
Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:52 pm
by Doji Fukawa
The perfume upon her cherry blossoms upon a spring lake fan was trying to fight the horse really was. However, most Crane perfumes were geared towards delicately suggesting things. Perhaps the Crab had more tetsubo-like perfumes in their arsenal, but who but a Crab would want to wear it?
A slight ruffling of her fan announces the presence of a small doji in a blue kimono highlighted with silver lilies.
Re: Birds of a Feather... (LA, D1)
Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:27 pm
by Doji Ameka
Ameka steps in, and no sooner does she than the second Doji arrives and so she bows to both of them. "Doji-san, Kakita-san, good afternoon," she greets politely. "I am Doji Ameka, of the Kakita Artisan School. It's an honor to meet both of you."
Re: Birds of a Feather... (LA, D1)
Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:33 pm
by Doji Fukawa
This, of course, sets off a bow from the final Doji.
"Good afternoon, Doji-san, Kakita-san." she replies. "I am Doji Fukawa, of the Doji Courtier school. It is my honor to meet you two as well."
Re: Birds of a Feather... (LA, D1)
Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:38 pm
by Kakita Nanami
The Kakita bows politely to both, "This one is Kakita Nanami of the Agasha Shugenja school." She retrieves a third cup and begins to pour tea for the other two Crane, "I must admit I am happy to discover I was not the only member of the clan to come to miai. It is a... breath of fresh air, ne?"
Re: Birds of a Feather... (LA, D1)
Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:41 pm
by Doji Fukawa
Fukawa wrinkles her nose behind her perfumed fan.
"The surroundings are of distraction." she ventures. "One might almost call them beyond monastic with the lack of bathhouse."
Re: Birds of a Feather... (LA, D1)
Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:59 pm
by Doji Ameka
"Fresh air as far as the eye can see," she noted noncommitally, before looking like she remembered something and pulling open a pouch attached to her obi. "Oh, I made a couple of things in case there were a few of our Clan." She draws out two cranes, crafted in sugar on sticks, each one rendered in careful detail.
"They're for each of you."
Re: Birds of a Feather... (LA, D1)
Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:44 pm
by Doji Fukawa
Fukawa considers the pair from behind her fan.
"They are exquisite, Doji-san." she says, impressed with the artisan's work. "And you managed to get them all the way here without damage? Remarkable."
Fukawa shakes her head.
"I am honored by your gift, Doji-san, but surely you should give it to one of the Unicorn officials, to show both your skill and determination to help ensure your future." she says offering first refusal.
Re: Birds of a Feather... (LA, D1)
Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:02 am
by Kakita Nanami
"Indeed, Ameka-san, it is a lovely gift. I cannot accept a gift of such lovely craftsmanship for I am not worthy of it." The Kakita bowed slightly.
Re: Birds of a Feather... (LA, D1)
Fri Apr 07, 2017 7:12 pm
by Doji Ameka
Ameka inclines her head toward each of them as she responds. "I have practice transporting them. For the Unicorn officials, I did some research and made miniatures of their own iconic animal. These are for my honored cousins." She looks toward Nanami. "I assure you that one of the rare shugenja of the Kakita is certainly worthy of a humble gift like this."
Re: Birds of a Feather... (LA, D1)
Sat Apr 08, 2017 12:38 am
by Doji Fukawa
Fukawa nods.
"Ah, a wise maneuver, certainly Doji-san." she agrees. "Hopefully, the matchmakers are able to see your wisdom clearly."
She considers the candy, but shakes her head.
"Still, this is too fine a gift for me, Doji-san. Perhaps you should make an offering of it at the shrine of the Emerald Champion? Surely Kakita would look down from the Heavens for but a moment if offered such a fine example of your art." she says, offering the second rejection.
Re: Birds of a Feather... (LA, D1)
Sat Apr 08, 2017 11:50 am
by Kakita Nanami
The Kakita politely shook her head, "Still, I cannot accept such artisanship. Lacking the training of a true artisan, I could never truly appreciate the workmanship involved." Nanami had always been taught the necessity of the two refusals but pragmatism had also come to her in the Dragon lands; sometimes she questioned the need for it - but still, it was a tradition that needed to be followed.
Re: Birds of a Feather... (LA, D1)
Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:50 pm
by Doji Ameka
"I will make some fresh from the supplies I brought with me and do so. Thank you for the kind suggestion, Doji-san," she agreed with a bow of her head. "But this one is yours."
"A full understanding isn't necessary. One doesn't need to fully understand the intricacies of how a sakura tree grows to appreciate the blossoms in the spring. I only hope that you will like it," she says to the Kakita.