New and Adjusted Families, Schools, and Paths

New Families
Lion Clan: Shimizu Family
The Shimizu family was founded in the 743rd year of the Empire by Akodo Shimizu as a reward for uncovering the plot of the Maho-tsukai Agasha Enshoku, who was then masquerading as a Crane - Kakita Edako, one of the proposed brides of the Emperor. While barely more than a decade old, the Shimizu family is already growing quite rapidly, primarily due to its practice of offering fealty to trusted ronin.
Family Bonus: +1 Willpower
Piranha Clan: Ryuuta Family
The Ryuuta family was formed in 757 as a solution to the issue of who should be given stewardship of the Shinomen Forest. The Ryuuta are still settling in to their new home in the forest, but they have already opened a peaceful dialogue with the Naga of Tausha's Legion, who they have been commanded to liaison with and keep an eye on. As a result, the Ryuuta have already had more contact with the Naga than just about anyone else in the Empire, and a few have already begun to write primers on Naga etiquette for those samurai who find themselves with the admittedly rare Naga guest.
Family Bonus: +1 Awareness
Ronin: Fairuz Family
The Fairuz family - sometimes referred to as "House Fairuz" by its founder - is made up of those ronin who have sworn fealty to the Jade Champion, Fairuz. Though their numbers are still small, they have the backing of the Otomo family, which has resulted in the family having access to far more resources than most other ronin groups of similar or even larger size.
Fairuz himself has thus far decided to stay out of politics as much as possible, and his quiet yet dignified manner is in direct contrast to the loud and abusive nature of his predecessor. The family has thus far done little save to claim a small portion of the lands in the far northwestern corner of the Empire as their own, and only time will tell what direction the Jade Champion will lead his new family.
Family Bonus: +1 Intelligence
Adjusted Families
Mantis Clan
The Gusai Family name was stripped from the Mantis in the year 510, after the Mantis Champion kidnapped the Imperial Heir in an attempt to gain power. Because of this, the Mantis Clan do not possess a Family name, and do not gain the Trait bonuses such a name would normally grant them.
Instead, Mantis Clan characters gain an additional 10 experience points when they create their character, which may be spent in whatever manner they wish.
Lion Clan: Shimizu Family
The Shimizu family was founded in the 743rd year of the Empire by Akodo Shimizu as a reward for uncovering the plot of the Maho-tsukai Agasha Enshoku, who was then masquerading as a Crane - Kakita Edako, one of the proposed brides of the Emperor. While barely more than a decade old, the Shimizu family is already growing quite rapidly, primarily due to its practice of offering fealty to trusted ronin.
Family Bonus: +1 Willpower
Piranha Clan: Ryuuta Family
The Ryuuta family was formed in 757 as a solution to the issue of who should be given stewardship of the Shinomen Forest. The Ryuuta are still settling in to their new home in the forest, but they have already opened a peaceful dialogue with the Naga of Tausha's Legion, who they have been commanded to liaison with and keep an eye on. As a result, the Ryuuta have already had more contact with the Naga than just about anyone else in the Empire, and a few have already begun to write primers on Naga etiquette for those samurai who find themselves with the admittedly rare Naga guest.
Family Bonus: +1 Awareness
Ronin: Fairuz Family
The Fairuz family - sometimes referred to as "House Fairuz" by its founder - is made up of those ronin who have sworn fealty to the Jade Champion, Fairuz. Though their numbers are still small, they have the backing of the Otomo family, which has resulted in the family having access to far more resources than most other ronin groups of similar or even larger size.
Fairuz himself has thus far decided to stay out of politics as much as possible, and his quiet yet dignified manner is in direct contrast to the loud and abusive nature of his predecessor. The family has thus far done little save to claim a small portion of the lands in the far northwestern corner of the Empire as their own, and only time will tell what direction the Jade Champion will lead his new family.
Family Bonus: +1 Intelligence
Adjusted Families
Mantis Clan
The Gusai Family name was stripped from the Mantis in the year 510, after the Mantis Champion kidnapped the Imperial Heir in an attempt to gain power. Because of this, the Mantis Clan do not possess a Family name, and do not gain the Trait bonuses such a name would normally grant them.
Instead, Mantis Clan characters gain an additional 10 experience points when they create their character, which may be spent in whatever manner they wish.