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After a Duet (Day 7, LE, Yuki's Yurt)

Wed Apr 26, 2017 3:58 pm
by Asako Yuki
Yuki sat quietly in her yurt, trying to ease her racing heart after everything that had happened today. Quietly, the young Phoenix opened up the familiar wooden box with Mekhem scrawling and pulled out a paper bag of material. Stuffing the mixture into her pipe along with the paper, Yuki lit a stick off one of the lamps and quietly lit the material inside, taking a deep breath, she could feel her jitters begin to dissipate.
Re: After a Duet (Day 7, LE, Yuki's Yurt)

Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:58 pm
by Moto Butaj
There is only one person now Butaj wants to spend this evening with and he doesn't think twice before coming to her yurt with the hope that she will find her there. He has managed to wash himself thoroughly and re-braid his hair since manly braids have been apparently on her mind sometimes. He barely can keep his enthusiasm in check, explicable in no other way to him than something special and exciting is happening. By the flap, he calls her name.
Re: After a Duet (Day 7, LE, Yuki's Yurt)

Wed Apr 26, 2017 7:38 pm
by Asako Yuki
There was a pause, followed by Yuki yelling out "Hai... one moment! I just..." There was some quick shuffling of what sounded like papers and the top to the yurt popped open. A few moments later the flap opened to reveal Yuki, already a little pink in the cheeks. "Buta- I mean, Moto-san." She remembered herself, however briefly. "Please, come in."
Upon entering, Butaj can see that the small yurt looks well used and comfortable enough. Yuki's daisho sits in its stand to one side, with the pillows placed mostly around the central fire. Several papers seem to have been quickly shoved under one of the furs, and the acrid smell of, if he had any familiarity with it, hashish, still wafted through the enclosure.
Re: After a Duet (Day 7, LE, Yuki's Yurt)

Wed Apr 26, 2017 7:50 pm
by Moto Butaj
Butaj comes in with a grin. And a skin of kumis. And a pot of lamb pilav. And with her fan behind his sash. He doesn't come in with judgement, though his nose wrinkles at the acridity. Smells oddly familiar, but he can't pinpoint it.
Day 7 - LE - Hash Hash Baby - Per or Int/Lore: Drugs (Unskilled):
2d10 13"Butaj has brought some dinner. He thought you might be hungry."
Re: After a Duet (Day 7, LE, Yuki's Yurt)

Wed Apr 26, 2017 11:30 pm
by Asako Yuki
Yuki smiled. "Starved." She shut the flap behind her. She Moved behind Butaj and resisted the urges she had until he could set the food down.
Re: After a Duet (Day 7, LE, Yuki's Yurt)

Thu Apr 27, 2017 12:15 am
by Moto Butaj
"Butaj will take care of it then!" His shoulderblades roll as she moves to his back, and vertebrae pop softly when he straightens his back after setting the pot by the hearth, right before taking a seat. He then glances at her from over his shoulder with a small smirk, waiting for her to join him.
Re: After a Duet (Day 7, LE, Yuki's Yurt)

Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:33 am
by Asako Yuki
Yuki was torn for a moment, her hand briefly resting on Butaj's back. It lingered for a moment before she finally sat beside him, a little strategically putting herself between him and whatever she'd stuffed under a fur. Yuki quietly reached out with one of her hands and took his. "So, what have you brought?" She asked with a smile.
Re: After a Duet (Day 7, LE, Yuki's Yurt)

Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:49 am
by Moto Butaj
He shivers at her touch but does not read too much into her chosen place to sit. "Butaj has..." He stops, gazing at her wondering how she has seen through him, but then realises she might be addressing not his secret item but pilav. "...brought pilav! Rice, vegetables, and lamb strips.It's spicy, so kumis was brought too. Do you have bowls? Or would you like Butaj to find tasty bits for you straight from the pot?"
Re: After a Duet (Day 7, LE, Yuki's Yurt)

Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:15 am
by Asako Yuki
Yuki's eyebrows went up at all the food and she grinned. "That sounds excellent." She declares, completely missing his odd pause. She giggled at the suggestion of eating straight from the pot. "I do have bowls." She said, scooting away for a moment to collect two and handing them to Butaj.
Yuki did briefly side-eye the kumis. For as much as she enjoyed cheese, kumis was a taste it would take awhile for her to acquire. "Spicy, huh? Yuki glanced at the food. "I've had a bit of spice before."
Re: After a Duet (Day 7, LE, Yuki's Yurt)

Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:31 am
by Moto Butaj
"Oooh, so maybe Yuki will be able to tell which are in pilav?" He teases, still wondering a bit about the smell. It feels... like the Sands.
Butaj takes a wooden ladle and selects the best parts for Yuki, carefully putting them in the bowl. Then he then places it in her hands, cupping them for a moment from the outside with a warm smile. "Bilhana wishshifa." He adds in semi-broken Mekhem.
Re: After a Duet (Day 7, LE, Yuki's Yurt)

Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:53 pm
by Asako Yuki
Yuki smiled a little. "Not that familiar with them." She paused. "I suppose I should become a better chef? Though Butaj-san seems quite capable."
Taking the bowl, Yuki glances down at Butaj's smile, looking up at him through her lashes as her fingers briefly try to entwine with his. But the bowl becomes unstable and with a bit of a blush, Yuki commits to taking it from him.
"Itadakimasu." She intones as well before taking a spoonful of the pilav. Her eyes close in enjoyment for and she chews slowly, enjoying the flavor. Soon enough, her brow furrows a bit, then she quickly swallows the food and her eyes open. "Ah. Water, water." She calls out as she sets the bowl down and waves at her open mouth at the heat of the spices.
Re: After a Duet (Day 7, LE, Yuki's Yurt)

Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:01 pm
by Moto Butaj
Butaj, set into gentle mood, is in the process of tenderly reaching out to take a strand of her hair behind her ear when the spices hit! He jumps up and scrambles in search for water, but he has no intuitive knowledge where she has her supply. "Where, where?!"
Re: After a Duet (Day 7, LE, Yuki's Yurt)

Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:19 pm
by Asako Yuki
Yuki points towards a pot sitting next to the small fire and holds out her cup, still breathing funnily as her tongue burns. "Hot, hot."
Re: After a Duet (Day 7, LE, Yuki's Yurt)

Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:26 pm
by Moto Butaj
Butaj will do everything to save the poor throat of his dear Yuki! He lunges toward the pot at full speed, grips it, tosses it into the air, rises quickly, catches it before it spills anything, rushes toward her in miliseconds and deftly pours water into the cup!
Day 7 - LE - Cinematic Water Delivery! - Ag/Athletics:
5d10o10k4 23Day 7 - LE - Cinematic Water Delivery! - Ag/Sleight of Hand:
5d10o10k4 25
Re: After a Duet (Day 7, LE, Yuki's Yurt)

Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:46 pm
by Asako Yuki
Stunned by the performance, Yuki can only stare dumbfounded for a moment as her mind catches up, then her instincts are torn between girlish laughter at the Moto's exuberance or survival by drinking water. Perhaps luckily for Yuki, survival wins out and she takes the cup and drinks it down.
"Ahhh, that didn't help!" She cries out, setting the cup down. For particularly spicy foods, milk did a much better job of dulling the heat than regular water. Something that Yuki did not know, but that Butaj perhaps did.