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[D7 EM] Close Combat

Tue Apr 25, 2017 3:03 am
by Iuchi Dong-Ha
As Lady Sun slowly climbed over the horizon, Dong-Ha sat cross legged at the veranda of the dojo waiting for Tomoe to arrive. He had left his usual robes in his tent and instead wore simple sleeveless wool tunic over leather breeches. He had once tried to wrestle wearing the traditional robes his kin favored, but his Moto opponent had demonstrated rather quickly why such clothing was not worn in combat.
Re: [D7 EM] Close Combat

Tue Apr 25, 2017 9:09 am
by Usagi Tomoe
Tomoe was an early riser and soon joined Dong-Ha in the dojo.
The Hare wore a plain gi, and her long hair pulled back in a tight braid.
"Ohayo gozaimasu, Dong-Ha-san. I hope I haven't kept you waiting long?"
Re: [D7 EM] Close Combat

Tue Apr 25, 2017 9:12 am
by Iuchi Dong-Ha
Dong-Ha's eyes brightened as he saw Tomoe. "Good morning!" he greeted her cheerfully. "No such thing Tomoe-san." Using the veranda to support himself, the young Iuchi pushed himself up and offered the Hare a small bow. "I hope you slept well and managed to eat something before coming here."
Re: [D7 EM] Close Combat

Tue Apr 25, 2017 9:59 am
by Usagi Tomoe
"Unh, I slept well... and had a fair share of herbal tea to remedy some of the shochu," she chuckled a little. Some had to make due with mundane means to get rid off hangovers.
"And you?"
((At work so replies are slow))
Re: [D7 EM] Close Combat

Tue Apr 25, 2017 10:18 am
by Iuchi Dong-Ha
"I cannot complain. Shochu does wonders to sleep." He had allowed himself to remain tipsy to fall asleep after the somewhat agitating evening. "Had some cheese as breakfast before coming here." Dong-Ha quite didn't want to faint in front of her, even if she probably would have known what to do. He had embarrassed him badly enough the other day.
"I'm glad you came. I was bit afraid you might not, after..." he muttered shyly. "Some things we discussed." They had had all kinds of awkward talk, and while things had turned out seemingly well, Dong-Ha could quite not trust his charms.
"So, you started your practice here, or did you do already something back home?" She had mentioned practicing with a Lion the night before.
((Figured. Let's do the actual wrestling bit later unless you absolutely want to roll on a phone.))
Re: [D7 EM] Close Combat

Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:26 pm
by Usagi Tomoe
"Ah, well... I meant it when I said I was looking forward to this," she confessed with a faintly blush in her face as she started stretching her arms.
"I have a friend who has tried to teach me a few times, but he's... not a good teacher so I kind of gave up on it. When I expressed my interest to learn to Matsu-sama, he volunteered to teach me."
Re: [D7 EM] Close Combat

Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:09 pm
by Iuchi Dong-Ha
Dong-Ha only smiled at her as she admitted having looked forward to seeing him again. "So, what have you done with Matsu-san, then? I can try to pick up from where Matsu-san got with you." As much as he had some ulterior motives with the meeting, Dong-Ha hoped he could also teach her thing or two. "If you don't mind, that is." They had only agreed to spar after all.
Re: [D7 EM] Close Combat

Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:10 pm
by Kitsune Kumahime
Kumahime arrives at the dojo for her usual morning training, though she has grown inexcusably lax since being mauled by a swarm of rabid, crazed weasels.
Noticing Tomoe engaged with a Unicorn, she bows, but does not interrupt, instead proceeding to her own kata. Large, controlled movements whose sheer power can nearly be felt through the earth itself.
Re: [D7 EM] Close Combat

Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:15 pm
by Usagi Tomoe
"He's instructed me mostly in locks and subduing an opponent, rather than throws and such," Tomoe explained, unaware of Dong-Ha's ulterior motives.
She gave a nod to Kumahime, but kept her attention on the Unicorn. "I've seen that Unicorn wrestling uses a lot of throws?"
Re: [D7 EM] Close Combat

Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:25 pm
by Iuchi Dong-Ha
Dong-Ha too nodded to Kumahime as she passed, though kept his eyes duly on the Hare before him. "Ah, that would be the case yes. Though that might be because most of the rules note that the the first wrestler to cast the other person down wins the bout." he explained. "Locks and holds are employed to bring the opponent off balance." he explained, pressing his right arm over his left shoulder to warm up his joints. "Matsu-san's approach does make sense though. Most throws get harder when you are.. not that tall." the man's eyes had a certain softness in them as he spoke.
Re: [D7 EM] Close Combat

Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:12 pm
by Usagi Tomoe
Tomoe continued warming herself up by placing her hands behind her head and stretching her arms.
"Heh, yes, it does seem hard to throw someone who is a foot taller than me and twice my bulk like Matsu Nintoku," she chuckled with a playful grin. It would be fun if she coul manage that someday. "So what will you be teaching me then?"
Re: [D7 EM] Close Combat

Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:21 pm
by Moto Baatar
Moto Baatar wandered in soon after, glancing at the others as he arrived. "Good morning, minna-san," he goodmorninged with as much sincerity as he could manage, before selecting a bokken from the rack.
The young Unicorn began practicing sword moves, but as he noticed Kumahime doing a kata by herself, he offered, "Hey! Want to practice together?"
Re: [D7 EM] Close Combat

Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:28 pm
by Iuchi Dong-Ha
"G'moorning." Dong-Ha nodded to Baatar, less than happy that others had found their way to the dojo this early. He did swallow his disappointment, though.
Usagi Tomoe wrote:Tomoe continued warming herself up by placing her hands behind her head and stretching her arms.
"Heh, yes, it does seem hard to throw someone who is a foot taller than me and twice my bulk like Matsu Nintoku," she chuckled with a playful grin. It would be fun if she coul manage that someday. "So what will you be teaching me then?"
Dark brown eyes followed the contours of her body as Dong-Ha moved through his routine, pressing his hands to the, extending them as widely as he could. "I mean, there are some techniques where you can use the weight of your opponent to your advantage, but they have to be careless or it won't work." he noted. "I guess I could try to show you some of those?" the young man suggested. "Though, they do require you to be quick."
Re: [D7 EM] Close Combat

Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:42 pm
by Usagi Tomoe
"Ohayo," she replied to Baatar and turned her attention back to her partner.
"That sounds like it could be useful," she nodded, "sure. I can be quick like a rabbit." At least she had been faster than her Matsu opponent last time.
Re: [D7 EM] Close Combat

Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:52 pm
by Iuchi Dong-Ha
"That should serve you then." he noted, smiling. "Are you done with your warm-up?" Dong-Ha rolled his shoulders, figuring she'd be pulling his arms before the morning was over.