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[D1EM] Bright and Early (Open)
Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:20 am
by Shinjo Taichi
It wasn't that he was nervous. Definitely not. He just happened to get up a bit earlier than usual, that's all. Since this was apparently the day that it all started, Taichi thought that'd be better be in top shape for the upcoming miai. He was representing his whole clan, after all.
Shield firmly in place on his left arm, katana in his right he started his routine. Beginning with simple swings, blocks and basic footwork, it grew ever more grandiose. A short pause preceding a furious stream of fast jabs and slashes. A defensive step back, shield forward, suddenly turned into a massive two-handed upwards lunge. It looked awkward, and some of it was definitely impractical... but there was skill in there somewhere.
Taichi found himself smiling a little as the light danced off the surface of his sword and shield, flinging the first rays of the day's light around the inside of the dojo.
Re: [D1EM] Bright and Early (Open)
Fri Apr 07, 2017 2:09 pm
by Usagi Tsukimi
"A glorious morning, isn't it, Unicorn-san?" came a voice from the entrance to the dojo, and there stood Tsukimi, with a light smile on her lips, closing up her wicker umbrella before entering properly, and bowing to the other samurai.
"You look like you know what you're doing. This one is Usagi Tsukimi. If it pleases you, carry on."
Re: [D1EM] Bright and Early (Open)
Fri Apr 07, 2017 3:26 pm
by Kaiu Hiroji
Hiroji approaches the entrance of the Dojo, and appears slightly surprised there are already people there as he hears the voices. He stops at the entrance and eyes the room and it's occupants warily for a few seconds, before bowing and saying "Good morning." He then enters the dojo.
Re: [D1EM] Bright and Early (Open)
Fri Apr 07, 2017 6:08 pm
by Shinjo Taichi
Turning upon hearing the greetings, Taichi bows low. Raising his head, a clear smile could be seen together with a little concentration, trying to fix the Usagi's in his mind. "Hai it is.... Usagi-san. And thank you. I'm more used to fighting on horseback, but being on foot does allow for more movement. Shinjo Taichi, by the way."
"And greetings to you as well, Kaiu-san. I hope that the morning finds you both well."
Re: [D1EM] Bright and Early (Open)
Fri Apr 07, 2017 6:12 pm
by Usagi Tsukimi
She regarded the Unicorn appraisingly, and walked around the dojo, bowing to the Crab who entered after her. "Usagi Tsukimi," she repeated for Hiroji's benefit. "Good morning."
"It is always good to try something new, nei?"
Re: [D1EM] Bright and Early (Open)
Fri Apr 07, 2017 6:31 pm
by Shinjo Taichi
Taichi's face lights up at this "Yes indeed! Experience is the spice of life, and every moment bears its own unique taste. Why limit yourself to just what you are accustomed to? No matter how good something is, you will eventually tire of it."
He had started moving quickly towards her, then stopped briefly to sheathe his sword on the way since it seemed the polite thing to do.
"I have heard a little of your clan in my travels Usagi-san, but never met one before. You are mostly a bushi clan I believe... Hunters if I recall correctly. Fascinating." He seemed to be drifting off into his head a little, trying to remember all that he could of the Hare so he could explain to the Hare what her clan did.
Re: [D1EM] Bright and Early (Open)
Fri Apr 07, 2017 6:36 pm
by Usagi Tsukimi
She laughed a little, amused with his enthusiasm, and nodded happily. "Yes, exactly. Variety is the spice of life. That's what they say, and I find it to be especially true."
She nodded again. "Hai, we are bushi. I... am bushi." She stood strong. "If I am to be your first, I should hope to make a good impression."
Re: [D1EM] Bright and Early (Open)
Fri Apr 07, 2017 6:53 pm
by Shinjo Taichi
He snapped out of his reverie at her reply. Eyes refocusing, appraising her.
She recognised my talent from a mere glance. She must have at least some skill herself then.
He smiled broadly "I've seen nothing to leave a bad impression thus far, Usagi-san. My clan is after all known for the strength of its female bushi" He puffed himself up almost imperceptibly "and I had my fair chance to see them in action as I guarded one of the Otaku's young heirs during the last leg of our return to the Empire."
Re: [D1EM] Bright and Early (Open)
Fri Apr 07, 2017 7:54 pm
by Usagi Tsukimi
She bowed slightly.
"Ah so you are a guardian, then? That bodes well that you were you to look after others, you would look after your family as well?"
Re: [D1EM] Bright and Early (Open)
Fri Apr 07, 2017 8:07 pm
by Shinjo Taichi
After she bowed, he immediately bowed to the exactly the same depth.
"I'm sure that Otaku Kitakuhime-sama can capably guard herself now, but I did my best."
Taichi feigned a sigh. It probably didn't work very well since he was still smiling. "I can't help but try to assist those around me, I'm afraid. I think many people think as you do. They were very keen for me to participate in the upcoming miai, after all." He paused briefly "Are you also here for the miai?"
Re: [D1EM] Bright and Early (Open)
Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:48 am
by Kaiu Hiroji
Hiroji nods. "Indeed, it is a good morning."
Re: [D1EM] Bright and Early (Open)
Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:44 pm
by Shinjo Taichi
Kaiu Hiroji wrote:Hiroji nods. "Indeed, it is a good morning."
Taichi turns and smiles broadly in reply. "I'm glad to hear that. It is my hope that you continue to find your time in my clan's lands enjoyable."
A small pause. "Are you here for the miai as well?"
Re: [D1EM] Bright and Early (Open)
Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:15 pm
by Usagi Tsukimi
She grinned and nodded muchly. "That I am, Shinjo-san! This is to be my first grand adventure."
Re: [D1EM] Bright and Early (Open)
Sat Apr 08, 2017 10:05 pm
by Shinjo Taichi
"And a grand adventure it will be I am sure. My compatriots may have rough demeanours, but they are all good men with interesting stories to tell."
He turned to include the Crab "the womenfolk as well. You fill find none stronger... excepting perhaps the stout maidens of your own Clan. And I can vouch that they would not be considered lesser to them. Equal definitely." He nods emphatically.
Diplomacy at its finest.
Re: [D1EM] Bright and Early (Open)
Sun Apr 09, 2017 7:09 am
by Kaiu Hiroji
HIroji smiles a bit and nods. "I am here for the Miai, yes. I am looking forward to the pleasure of getting to know some of the women of your clan." He eyes Taichi's shield discreetly.