Bear Fu (D1 LE)

A warrior must always keep in practice. This place is away from her usual training tools. Can't chase her usual prey, or practice balance in the river, no boulders to flip, and there are no trees big enough for her to get any real benefit out of punching without causing destruction far beyond what the Unicorn would appreciate.
But she doesn't need any of that to train. If she joins the Unicorn, she'll figure something else out. They surely have their own training techniques. For now, she runs through her kata before she has to change and prepare for dinner and the opening ceremonies.
The Proud Bear style keeps to its name, the moves large, sweeping. Not the fastest, but wide, powerful and difficult to escape, taking full advantage of her size and reach. A very distinctive style to watch, drawing from different sources than most Rokugani martial arts, especially the sumai-derived styles most common for a warrior her size, the moves more reminiscent of a beast, if more refined.
((Jiujutsu/Agility: 6d10o10k3 23))
But she doesn't need any of that to train. If she joins the Unicorn, she'll figure something else out. They surely have their own training techniques. For now, she runs through her kata before she has to change and prepare for dinner and the opening ceremonies.
The Proud Bear style keeps to its name, the moves large, sweeping. Not the fastest, but wide, powerful and difficult to escape, taking full advantage of her size and reach. A very distinctive style to watch, drawing from different sources than most Rokugani martial arts, especially the sumai-derived styles most common for a warrior her size, the moves more reminiscent of a beast, if more refined.
((Jiujutsu/Agility: 6d10o10k3 23))