Usagi Tomoe wrote:The dojo was soon swamped... which she felt a little surprising, as she had expected more to be attempting the Shinjo's test.
As two of them began wrestling, the Hare moved to the side to take a drink of water, seating herself in seiza to observe the match so that she might perhaps learn something.
Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:The woman blinked. Why did I not expect him to surge forward like that? Well, nothing to do but to break out.
Except she did not. She stumbled as she tried to maneuver her foot around. The only force that she had going for her was her arm's pull. "That did not go as planned," she said, followed by a soft giggle.
Jiujutsu/Strength TN 19: 8 Failure
Moto Khulun wrote:“He is good at… that,” she says with a wry smile.
Soshi Taira wrote:Taira nodded. "It rarely does."
Shifting his stance, he looked down at his foot, guiding her gaze. "See how this foot was pushed forward during my rush? My balance is currently forward, and so instead of a contest of strength, widen your stance with your left foot, and then twist with your whole body, and add your own strength to mine, pushing me forward and past you."
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