D6 EE Aspiring Asako Attention Assuaged (OPEN)

D6 EE Aspiring Asako Attention Assuaged (OPEN)

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:58 pm

Shiba Kaizen stepped into the dojo with young Ichiro. That Asako Hirase had entrusted the child to him was something he took seriously. Since they left the Western Yurts there was only one place the boy wanted to go. Apparently Ichiro had been hearing stories about all manner of battles, great deeds, and heroes from his father for some time. As a result it seemed he had little interest in following his father's training.

Kaizen bowed to the small shrine in the dojo before moving deeper and Ichiro somewhat questioningly followed suit. As they walked deeper in Kaizen removed his daisho and placed it on a rack. Ichiro's eyes practically glowed as he looked at the two swords. "So Ichiro-kun what would you like to see while you are here?"


The boy considered looking over a variety of weapons and training implements. With a shake of his head he indecisively said, "I dunno.."


"A dojo is a place of study Ichiro-kun, not a place to be indecisive or timid, you will discover that for yourself soon. Who knows you may be among the first to train at this dojo, one never can tell?" the Shiba said curiously.


The child sat down and pondered Kaizen's words, "I would learn to ride and fight as the Kami Shinjo? Quick as the wind?"


"That is one of many possibilities for your life Ichiro, but that all depends on many things." Kaizen sat facing the boy a few paces distance.
Phoenix Clan * Yojimbo * Previous Year Topaz Competitor of Renown * Crane are not Fans of.. * Short
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Re: D6 EE Aspiring Asako Attention Assuaged (OPEN)

Postby Shinjo Liu Fei on Sun Apr 23, 2017 12:28 am

Another entered the Doji, holding her Naginata, stepping immediately off to the side to practice. Moving through the warm up routine she had while the Shiba and Hirase's son talked. Casting only the occasional glance to the boy, trying to figure out why he seemed so familiar despite knowing she had never met a child of one of the other Clan's.
Unicorn - Bushi - Cursed - Unfamiliar (Gaijin) Name - Friend of Fire
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship: -1
Languages: Mekhem, Yobanjin
Carries: Sturdy Clothing (Leather, Fur), Courtiers Fan, Small Knife, Coin Purse, Wakizashi, Tanto, Naginata (Where Appropriate)
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Re: D6 EE Aspiring Asako Attention Assuaged (OPEN)

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Sun Apr 23, 2017 9:59 am


As if the boy's words had summoned the Shinjo herself if not quite the Kami. His eyes grew wide with excitement and his posture stiffened with attentiveness even more than before. He whispered to Kaizen, "She looks strong and fast. Does she have a horse? Of course she has a horse. That is a naginata isn't it? The Shiba sometimes use naginatas don't they? Is she from Kami Shinjo's Family?" He finished the barrage hopefully.


The rapid fire questions were not unexpected, though their source of inspiration may have been, "Ichiro-kun, I do not know the answer to all these questions." He shifted his gaze to get a better look at the Unicorn bushi, "That is indeed a naginata and while many of my kin train and use such weapons I do not normally do so myself. As for the rest I cannot say for sure. Do you really want to know?"


Excitedly the boy said, "Hai!"


Kaizen raised himself to his full, if somewhat short, height motioning the boy to stand. They walked over to the area where Liu Fei was warming up and the Shiba bowed followed by Ichiro who was shyly behind and to the right of Kaizen. The Shiba spoke once she came to a stop in her exercise, "Unicorn-san I have seen you from a distance at various events, but have yet to have the honor of hearing your name. I am Shiba Kaizen and this is the son of Asako Hirase-san, Ichiro."
Phoenix Clan * Yojimbo * Previous Year Topaz Competitor of Renown * Crane are not Fans of.. * Short
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Shiba Kaizen
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Re: D6 EE Aspiring Asako Attention Assuaged (OPEN)

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Sun Apr 23, 2017 12:08 pm

After her meeting with the governor, Hotaru meandered through the village and was planning on making her return back to her yurt for the evening. On the way, she paused to see there was another building of interest along the way. It was probably hard to be impressed by something with a solid roof but there were so few of them around the village and fewer facilities of note. They actually have a dojo around here? But no bath house? Lion did build the place...

She made her way to the entrance of the dojo to have a peek at what was going with evening practice, bowing to anyone who glanced her way.
Scorpion Clan • Shrine Maiden • Diviner • Dangerously Cute • Slightly Short
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Re: D6 EE Aspiring Asako Attention Assuaged (OPEN)

Postby Shinjo Liu Fei on Sun Apr 23, 2017 7:41 pm

Hotaru didn't receive a glance from Fei, only due to her attention already being taken by the Phoenix pair that approached as she finished a small warm up with weapon in hand. Pausing safely she turned and offered them a bow as she was able.

Ah, so this was the frequently spoken of child. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Shiba-sama," she said with a bow of the head to the man. "I am Shinjo Liu Fei."

With grown up Samurai stuff quickly attended to she looked to the little one, "I have heard about you from your father little Ichiro. Looking to make him proud by becoming a strong warrior?" she teased, not really thinking that's the sort of thing a son of Hirase would be aiming for precisely.
Unicorn - Bushi - Cursed - Unfamiliar (Gaijin) Name - Friend of Fire
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship: -1
Languages: Mekhem, Yobanjin
Carries: Sturdy Clothing (Leather, Fur), Courtiers Fan, Small Knife, Coin Purse, Wakizashi, Tanto, Naginata (Where Appropriate)
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Re: D6 EE Aspiring Asako Attention Assuaged (OPEN)

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Sun Apr 23, 2017 10:06 pm

Kaizen nodded to the boy.

The boy stood straight on his own though his voice betrayed some of his nervousness, "I would learn to fight with the heart of Lady Shinjo no Kami and mind of Shiba no Kami should the Fortunes will it... and my Father and the Unicorn." He smiled in innocence. His Father's stories a window into a world of wonder and a reality often very different.

Kaizen kept quiet nodding at the boys answer wondering how the Unicorn would reply.
Phoenix Clan * Yojimbo * Previous Year Topaz Competitor of Renown * Crane are not Fans of.. * Short
Glory: 2.0 * Status: 1.0 * Honor: What is Expected * Courtship Points: 5
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Re: D6 EE Aspiring Asako Attention Assuaged (OPEN)

Postby Shinjo Liu Fei on Sun Apr 23, 2017 10:17 pm

"You are quite the inspiring little Bushi already little Ichiro," she said spoke directly, like he was just that, a little man. Certainly better at being an older sister than she was with children. "I am sure that when.. if your father is wed into the Unicorn you would make a brave Shinjo one day. Otherwise," she glanced up to the Shiba. "Another Family might train you?"

It was as much of a question as a suggestion. Though she could tell the man before her was clearly a warrior she had no certainty that it was true for the entirety of his Family.
Unicorn - Bushi - Cursed - Unfamiliar (Gaijin) Name - Friend of Fire
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship: -1
Languages: Mekhem, Yobanjin
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Re: D6 EE Aspiring Asako Attention Assuaged (OPEN)

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Sun Apr 23, 2017 11:02 pm

Kaizen smiled, "Ichiro-kun is like his Father very inquisitive and also like his Mother the stalwart heart of a bushi. I have had the honor of Ichiro's company some during the miai. Should Hirase-san join the Unicorn he may be a good addition as well. Though the Shiba would gladly admit him to one of our dojo." He tussled the boys hair briefly.


Ichiro's flailed his arms warding off the Shiba. "I will go with Father. Learn to ride and fight. Father will win a bride!" The boys confidence in his Father was convincing and infectious.


The Shiba took a moment to introduce himself to the miko in the room he bowed, "Scorpion-san, I am Shiba Kaizen and this is Ichiro, son of Asako-san Hirase-san." The boy distracted briefly bowed to her, but wheels right back to the Shinjo.
Phoenix Clan * Yojimbo * Previous Year Topaz Competitor of Renown * Crane are not Fans of.. * Short
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Shiba Kaizen
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Re: D6 EE Aspiring Asako Attention Assuaged (OPEN)

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Sun Apr 23, 2017 11:33 pm

Hotaru perked up when she was spoken to, as she was merely observing prior to being acknowledged. She had little idea what it meant to become a bushi or train in martial skills.

"Oooh! Good evening, minisama!" She bowed politely. "I didn't know that practice was still going on at this time and I figured I'll just peek in...I am Bayushi Hotaru, honoured shrine maiden of the Shining Retreat. Pleased to meet you all! I've had the honoured of acquainting myself with one of your kin, a few days ago, Asako Yuki."
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Re: D6 EE Aspiring Asako Attention Assuaged (OPEN)

Postby Shinjo Liu Fei on Sun Apr 23, 2017 11:36 pm

When they turned to add the Bayushi woman to their mix Fei only naturally followed suit, only now noticing she had been there. With a bow she greeted the woman, offering her name when it was appropriate, "Shinjo Liu Fei."
Unicorn - Bushi - Cursed - Unfamiliar (Gaijin) Name - Friend of Fire
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship: -1
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Re: D6 EE Aspiring Asako Attention Assuaged (OPEN)

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Mon Apr 24, 2017 12:01 am

Oooh! A Shinjo woman, I wonder...It is her! Hotaru smiled more at the introduction of her name. "Pleased to meet you, Shinjo-san. I hope things are well for you? It's always a pleasure to meet more of the Unicorn."
Scorpion Clan • Shrine Maiden • Diviner • Dangerously Cute • Slightly Short
Status: 1.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Honour: Untrustworthy • Courtship Points: 9

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Bayushi Hotaru
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Re: D6 EE Aspiring Asako Attention Assuaged (OPEN)

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Mon Apr 24, 2017 8:17 am

"Bayushi-san yes in fact Asako Yuki-san has mentioned your name about your hope to restore the Shrine of the Emerald Champion. Has Ide Dabo-sama approved your handling the matter? Asako-san seemed optimistic."

Ichiro listened, but was more interested in the discussion with the Shinjo. The boy tugged at Kaizen's hakama for a brief moment in the direction of the Shinjo, letting his displeasure known.

Kaizen looked at the boy, "Courtesy and patience Ichiro-kun. Ask Shinjo-san about the patience of cavalry needing to hold and strike at the proper moment." The boy blushed and looked at the Unicorn looking for what confirmation? Rescue? Understanding?
Phoenix Clan * Yojimbo * Previous Year Topaz Competitor of Renown * Crane are not Fans of.. * Short
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Shiba Kaizen
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Re: D6 EE Aspiring Asako Attention Assuaged (OPEN)

Postby Shinjo Liu Fei on Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:58 am

"A pleasure to meet more of the Scorpion Clan," she offered in turn, "Things are well," she finished with a small bow of the head. Leaving Kaizen and Hotaru to their shared acquaintances she stood and listened after that.

Catching the hopeful look of the little boy she looked down, tried to think of the right thing to say and instead just gave a little nod and a quieter, "Patience, little Ichiro," denoting it's importance.
Unicorn - Bushi - Cursed - Unfamiliar (Gaijin) Name - Friend of Fire
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship: -1
Languages: Mekhem, Yobanjin
Carries: Sturdy Clothing (Leather, Fur), Courtiers Fan, Small Knife, Coin Purse, Wakizashi, Tanto, Naginata (Where Appropriate)
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Shinjo Liu Fei
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Re: D6 EE Aspiring Asako Attention Assuaged (OPEN)

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:31 am

"Oooh?" Hotaru said with a bright smile. "I'm glad that I've managed to make such an impression on Asako Yuki-san. Our time was too brief for my liking but that is indeed my wish. The Unicorn have possession of a very important piece of history in the Empire, and a place of great power. I believe that, with some aid and earnest souls, we can perhaps put a shine on the Shrine. The monks have been hard at work with little resources to being with, they could really use our help."

"I think my meeting with the governor went well," she said on an optimistic note. As much as she could assume with the scene still being in progress.

She looked between the Shinjo, Ichiro and Kaizen again. Placing her hands together, she wordlessly dipped her head down in a quite apology, in case she was interrupting something before.
Scorpion Clan • Shrine Maiden • Diviner • Dangerously Cute • Slightly Short
Status: 1.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Honour: Untrustworthy • Courtship Points: 9

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Re: D6 EE Aspiring Asako Attention Assuaged (OPEN)

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:41 pm

"Well Bayushi-san I will help where I can if you catch me tomorrow before any official events I would be better prepared to render such assistance." he returned the apologetic bow. Looking at Hirase's son he said, "Ichiro-kun maybe to learn some patience you can help Bayushi-san by helping the monks clean the Shrine?" It was not his place to punish the boy, only provide meager instruction while watching him. Going to the Shrine would be instructive as would cleaning it. If he wished to be a bushi he would need labor to gain strength and endurance.


The boy seemed to take it in stride all because that meant they were getting back to what he really wanted to know now. "Hai Shiba-san." he bowed to the Scorpion, "Bayushi-san"


Kaizen turned back to the Shinjo business with the Scorpion concluded, "Ichiro-kun is excited about his Father's prospects joining the Unicorn. Hirase-san himself wants to help build up a library or perhaps several. He has spoken with Ide Samai-san about writing the stories of the Unicorn to preserve them and share them with the Empire at large. So Ichiro-kun for now seems to want to follow a different path, perhaps Shinjo-san would share your Family's view of honor and the bushi within your Clan?"
Phoenix Clan * Yojimbo * Previous Year Topaz Competitor of Renown * Crane are not Fans of.. * Short
Glory: 2.0 * Status: 1.0 * Honor: What is Expected * Courtship Points: 5
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Shiba Kaizen
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