Kaizen bowed to the small shrine in the dojo before moving deeper and Ichiro somewhat questioningly followed suit. As they walked deeper in Kaizen removed his daisho and placed it on a rack. Ichiro's eyes practically glowed as he looked at the two swords. "So Ichiro-kun what would you like to see while you are here?"

The boy considered looking over a variety of weapons and training implements. With a shake of his head he indecisively said, "I dunno.."

"A dojo is a place of study Ichiro-kun, not a place to be indecisive or timid, you will discover that for yourself soon. Who knows you may be among the first to train at this dojo, one never can tell?" the Shiba said curiously.

The child sat down and pondered Kaizen's words, "I would learn to ride and fight as the Kami Shinjo? Quick as the wind?"

"That is one of many possibilities for your life Ichiro, but that all depends on many things." Kaizen sat facing the boy a few paces distance.