Those Aren't Horses... (D3, EM)

Those Aren't Horses... (D3, EM)

Postby Moto al-Kalb on Thu Apr 13, 2017 1:52 am

Although he had instructed the laborers to add some of the obstacles near the start of the course al-Kalb's horse was nowhere in sight this day. Instead, following at his heels, came the two young pups in his care.


Judging that the day would, once more, become unbearable hot he decided it was best to put them through their paces while the it was still, relatively, cool. Taking a careful look at the obstacles and the best approaches the dogs should take to tackling them he begins barking out orders.

Though the impulse of the puppies was to play their training took over and, while it was not a mind blowing performance, they followed his orders and successfully tackled the obstacle course that was laid out. He gives them a brief scratch and words of praise but soon has them running the course again - repeating it for as long as he thinks they can maintain.
Unicorn Clan • Bushi • Hellhound • War Dog Overseer • Massive • Savage
Status: 1 • Glory: 1 • Honor: Untrustworthy • Courtship: 0

Carries: Furs and leathers, daisho, coin purse
Where appropriate: Heavy Armor, ono, no-dachi, two war dog pups

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Re: Those Aren't Horses... (D3, EM)

Postby Otaku Chi-Pu on Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:45 am

Chi-Pu and Tianma walk to the field slowly, taking in the fresh morning air. Upon reaching the practice fields, Chi-Pu disnounts and debridals Tianma, allowing the massive warhorse to roam free.

The woman sits down on the grass and in the rising dun of the morning, she hums softly to herself as she applies her makeup for the day.

As she finishes, she looks around, having noticed the sounds of dog training she had missed before being so enraptured by her beauty ritual.

She stands and Tianma walks to her, Chi-Pu mounting the horse effortlessly and together the two approach the Moto slowly.

"Good morning, Moto-san. New recruits?"
Unicorn Clan | Battle Maiden | Nikutai
Gullible | Can't Lie| Doubt: Kyujutsu | Allergy: Shellfish
Honor: Exceptional | Status 2.0 | Glory 0.2 | Courtship Points 2

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Outfit: Purple Shirt, Brown Leather Pants, Daisho
Combat: Back Banner, Dai-Kyu, Quiver, Daisho, Riding Armor
Steed: Tianma
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Re: Those Aren't Horses... (D3, EM)

Postby Moto al-Kalb on Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:59 am

al-Kalb had not yet fully stripped for the heat but was wearing no shirt under his light fur vest, which stood open, and thin hide leggings. Here and there on what shows of his chest are wounds from battle or training while his exposed arms display a myriad of scars from bites and claws - the side effects of aiding in the training of animals of war.

He nods to Chi-Pu both in recognition and in answer, "Yep, the best prospects from their litter. It'd be a shame to let somethin' like this miai interrupt their lessons so I brought 'em along."
Unicorn Clan • Bushi • Hellhound • War Dog Overseer • Massive • Savage
Status: 1 • Glory: 1 • Honor: Untrustworthy • Courtship: 0

Carries: Furs and leathers, daisho, coin purse
Where appropriate: Heavy Armor, ono, no-dachi, two war dog pups

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Moto al-Kalb
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Re: Those Aren't Horses... (D3, EM)

Postby Otaku Chi-Pu on Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:11 am

"Good. We must all be ready. Conflict could be on us sooner than we think."

She sizes up the man as she stands next to him.

"It is good to know the Moto stand with us. So how are they doing?"

She motions to the dogs.
Unicorn Clan | Battle Maiden | Nikutai
Gullible | Can't Lie| Doubt: Kyujutsu | Allergy: Shellfish
Honor: Exceptional | Status 2.0 | Glory 0.2 | Courtship Points 2

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Outfit: Purple Shirt, Brown Leather Pants, Daisho
Combat: Back Banner, Dai-Kyu, Quiver, Daisho, Riding Armor
Steed: Tianma
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Otaku Chi-Pu
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Re: Those Aren't Horses... (D3, EM)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:41 am

Takeo was out for a morning romp with Asahi when he came upon the Moto and Chi-Pu. Happy to see the shiotome again and seeing this as a perfect opportunity to meet one of the Moto, he approached, Asahi by his side.

As the two grew closer, Asahi languished a bit, eyeing the dogs warily from behind Takeo's legs as they stopped at a respectable distance, not wanting to interfere with what appeared to be training.
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi

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Re: Those Aren't Horses... (D3, EM)

Postby Otaku Chi-Pu on Thu Apr 13, 2017 12:36 pm

Chi-Pu looks up for a moment from the dogs and glances around the field. Her eyes catch the Fox Prince and she smiles, beckoning him over while waiting for the larger Moto to answer her question.
Unicorn Clan | Battle Maiden | Nikutai
Gullible | Can't Lie| Doubt: Kyujutsu | Allergy: Shellfish
Honor: Exceptional | Status 2.0 | Glory 0.2 | Courtship Points 2

Profile Theme

Outfit: Purple Shirt, Brown Leather Pants, Daisho
Combat: Back Banner, Dai-Kyu, Quiver, Daisho, Riding Armor
Steed: Tianma
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Otaku Chi-Pu
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Re: Those Aren't Horses... (D3, EM)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Thu Apr 13, 2017 1:10 pm

Bowing slightly in silent return of Chi-Pu's greeting, Takeo came closer though Asahi remained tucked behind his legs. He offered a bow to the Moto as he arrived, but remained silent, sensing that Chi-Pu was expecting an answer.
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi

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Re: Those Aren't Horses... (D3, EM)

Postby Moto al-Kalb on Thu Apr 13, 2017 3:02 pm

al-Kalb looks to the small dogs as they run the course, "Adequate. Won't be combat ready for a long time yet but for their age the showings good. They've already been blooded with small game, bigger prey will wait a bit."

At the sight of the Fox and the fox the big Moto once more barks a quick order at the two dogs to reinforce their current task. Though they clearly scent the fox and seem unsure how to proceed they return to the task at hand - if obviously a little distracted.

"Not perfect yet but at least not gonna eat his pet so there's that."
Unicorn Clan • Bushi • Hellhound • War Dog Overseer • Massive • Savage
Status: 1 • Glory: 1 • Honor: Untrustworthy • Courtship: 0

Carries: Furs and leathers, daisho, coin purse
Where appropriate: Heavy Armor, ono, no-dachi, two war dog pups

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Moto al-Kalb
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Re: Those Aren't Horses... (D3, EM)

Postby Otaku Chi-Pu on Thu Apr 13, 2017 3:08 pm

Chi-Pu grins

"You are doing well, Moto-san. I am impressed. Other handlers would not have been able to keep them from attacking."

She looks to the Kitsune.

"I appologize, Fox-sama, I did not realize you had a friend with you.

She bows low and then smiles at the man with her eyes.

"Have you had a good start to your morning?"
Unicorn Clan | Battle Maiden | Nikutai
Gullible | Can't Lie| Doubt: Kyujutsu | Allergy: Shellfish
Honor: Exceptional | Status 2.0 | Glory 0.2 | Courtship Points 2

Profile Theme

Outfit: Purple Shirt, Brown Leather Pants, Daisho
Combat: Back Banner, Dai-Kyu, Quiver, Daisho, Riding Armor
Steed: Tianma
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Otaku Chi-Pu
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Re: Those Aren't Horses... (D3, EM)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Thu Apr 13, 2017 3:55 pm

"As good as one can - I am off to a good start with a friendly face and an unfamiliar one," he replied.

"I am Kitsune Takeo," he said, addressing the Moto for introductions.

"Asahi," he gestured to the fox kit, "Is intractable. Perhaps if I placed him in Moto-san's care he would be less so?"

Asahi's ears perked at this and he adopted the most dour of faces.
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi

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Kitsune Takeo
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Re: Those Aren't Horses... (D3, EM)

Postby Otaku Chi-Pu on Thu Apr 13, 2017 4:00 pm

"Moto al-Kalb is a fine trainer of our war dogs. He might be able to teach. Though, if he fails, he could end up as supper. I do not think Fox-sama would like that."

Chi-Pu smirks in a jesting way and waits to hear what the large man has to say.
Unicorn Clan | Battle Maiden | Nikutai
Gullible | Can't Lie| Doubt: Kyujutsu | Allergy: Shellfish
Honor: Exceptional | Status 2.0 | Glory 0.2 | Courtship Points 2

Profile Theme

Outfit: Purple Shirt, Brown Leather Pants, Daisho
Combat: Back Banner, Dai-Kyu, Quiver, Daisho, Riding Armor
Steed: Tianma
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Otaku Chi-Pu
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Re: Those Aren't Horses... (D3, EM)

Postby Moto al-Kalb on Thu Apr 13, 2017 4:42 pm

The big man laughs, loudly, as he examines Asahi with a appraising eye, "Can't say I ever tried to train, or eat, one of these Rokugani foxes. The desert ones are a bit stringy."
Unicorn Clan • Bushi • Hellhound • War Dog Overseer • Massive • Savage
Status: 1 • Glory: 1 • Honor: Untrustworthy • Courtship: 0

Carries: Furs and leathers, daisho, coin purse
Where appropriate: Heavy Armor, ono, no-dachi, two war dog pups

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Re: Those Aren't Horses... (D3, EM)

Postby Otaku Chi-Pu on Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:32 pm

Chi-Pu smiles again at the return joke.

"Have you ever seen war dogs before, Fox-sama?"
Unicorn Clan | Battle Maiden | Nikutai
Gullible | Can't Lie| Doubt: Kyujutsu | Allergy: Shellfish
Honor: Exceptional | Status 2.0 | Glory 0.2 | Courtship Points 2

Profile Theme

Outfit: Purple Shirt, Brown Leather Pants, Daisho
Combat: Back Banner, Dai-Kyu, Quiver, Daisho, Riding Armor
Steed: Tianma
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Re: Those Aren't Horses... (D3, EM)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:38 pm

Takeo shook his head.

"The Lion are known to use...well, lions, in combat on occasion. And many of the clans make use of things like falcons and hawks, but for the most part animals are not used in direct combat."
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi

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Kitsune Takeo
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Re: Those Aren't Horses... (D3, EM)

Postby Otaku Chi-Pu on Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:44 pm

"It is quite a sight to see. The cavalry charges, then the dogs, then the infantry. Few can survive the combined might when all the Unicorn come together"
Unicorn Clan | Battle Maiden | Nikutai
Gullible | Can't Lie| Doubt: Kyujutsu | Allergy: Shellfish
Honor: Exceptional | Status 2.0 | Glory 0.2 | Courtship Points 2

Profile Theme

Outfit: Purple Shirt, Brown Leather Pants, Daisho
Combat: Back Banner, Dai-Kyu, Quiver, Daisho, Riding Armor
Steed: Tianma
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Otaku Chi-Pu
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