by Asako Sayuri on Thu Apr 06, 2017 8:57 pm
Morning prayers complete, Sayuri detours, predictably to the fields, hoping against all reason that the Unicorn are late risers. Gawking is quite unbecoming after all, and her first look at Unicorn steeds in action will certainly involve some gawking.
Her hopes proved ill-placed, but as she approached, she noted something she thought she would not see at a miai: two men speaking to each other. One seemed vaguely familiar, in the way that all spoiled rich people seem vaguely familiar. The other seemed to fall into his horse's shadow, but Sayuri was hesitant to ascribe that to his own bearing or her borderline-myopic focus.
It was times like this when Sayuri was thankful for her small frame. Perhaps they wouldn't notice her, and the Shinjo would spur the fabulous beast into a run, and the gust of air would tug at her kimono as she watched them recede, hooves pounding clouds of dust into a nimbus that melded horse and rider into one...
Unfortunately, her consideration of what might be led her to ignore what is, and before long a conversational lul had both men's heads turned directly towards her.
"Oh, forgive me Shinjo-san, Yasuki-sama! I thought to walk the fields after morning payers, and seem to have gotten lost in thought."
Phoenix Clan| Shugenja | Small DescriptionStatus: 1 Glory: 1 Honor: What is Expected
Fine Kimono, Wakizashi, Scroll Satchel, Fan with Asako mon, a monkey named Chugo-chan, who conspicuously lives up to his name