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Day 8 [LM] The Best Part Of Waking Up (Expecting)
Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:15 am
by Bayushi Suteichi
Suteichi was not to fond of having to care for a puppy for the day but he did find the pup interesting and named him after Bayushi Sasuke, Sasuke. He arrived at nice spot in the Western Field with his Samisen, some treats and a dish of bacon, rice, fruit, and Shiba's Sunset Tea. Suteichi was becoming addicted to the bacon, he snuck a piece before the others arrived. Sasuke looked to him with hopeful eyes making whimpering noise as he ate a piece.
"No. This is for the others.... I said, No."
Sasuke made a sad face at Suteichi. Suteichi looked around to make sure no one saw him.
"Here. Don't tell anyone that I was nice to you. You're cute, but don't push it."
Sasuke ate the piece of bacon happily. Suteichi smiled faintly at the pup.
I can't keep you...Good puppy though. He prepared steeping the tea and setting up everything for Shinjo Liu Fei, Matsu Kogo, and Shinjo Monkhbaatar. As he awaited them he picked up his samisen.
"Want to hear a song while we wait?"
Sasuke barked once.
He began to
play a song from his childhood.
"My father would play this...used to annoy my mother. I think you'll like it, little one."
Bayushi Suteichi began to
singto Sasuke softly.
"I could take the pitchfork from the Devil
Keep a super-suit like I'm Incredible
From the deep blue sea to the dark blue sky
I'm the baddest man alive
I'll grab a crocodile by its tail
Handcuff the judge and throw the cops in jail
Make the meanest woman breakdown and cry
I'm the baddest man alive
I'm the baddest man alive
I'll take no mess and I'll take no jive
Sometimes I feel like I can fly
I'm the baddest man alive
I'm the baddest man alive"*
Sasuke toddled around happily and playfully as Suteichi sang. The man who was known as a heartless Scorpion found some joy entertaining his puppy as he smiled the whole time.
The Baddest Man Alive by The Rza and The Black Keys *throws up Wu-Tang clan hands*))
Re: Day 8 [LM] The Best Part Of Waking Up (Expecting)
Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:10 am
by Shinjo Monkhbaatar
Coming running across the field is Meushi and Monkhbaatar with the puppy Nergüi bounding close behind. The Unicorn waves as he continues past, not getting close enough for the horse to kick up dirt near the food. He goes out a bit before turning around and making a few more passes with Nergui, who seems to enjoy the running game.
Eventually, he turns back to the picnic area and brings Meushi there at a walk, Nergüi panting heavily at all the exercise.
"Good morning," he says to the Scorpion while his puppy was busy running into his horse's legs, trying to get her to play with him.
Re: Day 8 [LM] The Best Part Of Waking Up (Expecting)
Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:17 am
by Bayushi Suteichi
Suteichi looked up and saw the Shinjo. He then stood and bowed deeply to him. "Good morning indeed Shinjo-sama. I am Bayushi Suteichi. I trust you are the honorable Shinjo that my associate, Matsu Kogo-san spoke of?" he was not about to try and say is name.
Re: Day 8 [LM] The Best Part Of Waking Up (Expecting)
Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:10 pm
by Shinjo Monkhbaatar
"I am, Shinjo Monkhbaatar. It's a pleasure to meet you," he says, returning the bow. "Thanks for having me. We haven't had a chance to speak yet, though that's probably mostly because I've been interacting with potential matches. Haven't done much outside of that."
Re: Day 8 [LM] The Best Part Of Waking Up (Expecting)
Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:17 pm
by Matsu Kogo
Kogo comes running in with Kabu the puppy and Noburu in tow, periodically stopping to play tug of war with a scrap of cloth. Her eyes are bright and her cheeks are red with exertion. She looks happy and content to be training this animal. Noburu follows behind, amused by this strange little play by play. They play for some time, absorbed in the puppy.
Finally, when the pup seems slightly tired, Kogo walks over, seeing Monkhbaatar and Suteichi. "Monkh-san, Suteichi-san. It is good to see you this fine morning."
Re: Day 8 [LM] The Best Part Of Waking Up (Expecting)
Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:23 pm
by Bayushi Suteichi
"Likewise. Yet here we are now. So I guess that means we have accomplished one of our goals then yes?" Suteichi jested with a slight chuckle.
"Please, sit with me and Sasuke." Suddenly he heard Kogo approaching and he turned and bowed to her. Sasuke cowered at the sight of Noboru.
"Ah Kogo-san, welcome. Please join us for tea." he turned to Sasuke, "Sasuke...Sasuke, calm down. Noboru is just a big kitty. He won't hurt you."
Re: Day 8 [LM] The Best Part Of Waking Up (Expecting)
Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:41 pm
by Matsu Kogo
Kogo has Noburu sit back a bit and lets Kabu continue playing around her feet, to convince the other puppy that death is not imminent. She bows to Suteichi-san and Monkh-san. "Thank you, I will." She sits down, leaving space for Monkh-san nearby her if she chooses to sit near her.
Re: Day 8 [LM] The Best Part Of Waking Up (Expecting)
Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:26 pm
by Shinjo Liu Fei
Able to be seen coming from elsewhere in the fields, Liu Fei held the puppy she had been given in her arms. Given her morning thus far she felt a bit... looser than most. It was probably a bit too early to have started on that already, but she didn't care. Drinking while you talked about stuff was a time honored tradition damnit! Also, puppies were soft.
Still, as warm as Liu Fei felt she was able to keep control of herself well enough to hide it when it mattered. Approaching the group she set down the puppy she had been given and let him run free and play, or attack, she wasn't sure which of those it was yet, the other free roaming puppies at his leisure.
"Good morning, minna-sama," she offered with a bow to the group. Once those exchanges were done she simply saw to finding a spot to sit nearer Suteichi for this little gathering.
Re: Day 8 [LM] The Best Part Of Waking Up (Expecting)
Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:34 pm
by Bayushi Suteichi
Thankfully his mask helped conceal his happiness in seeing her considering he not too long ago saw her. He busied himself pouring tea for everyone.
*sniff* *sniff*
Drinking at this hour?!...
Suteichi shrugged it off but kept it in the back of his mind. He smiled at her as he handed her the tea. Suteichi was more of a man that drinks at a certain time of the day.
Re: Day 8 [LM] The Best Part Of Waking Up (Expecting)
Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:58 pm
by Shinjo Monkhbaatar
He wasn't paying enough attention to notice any signs of drinking. He smiled and moved to sit near Kogo and the others, joining them and eventually getting a cup of tea.
"Good morning Kogo-san, Liu Fei-san," he says greeting both. "It's a lovely morning."
Re: Day 8 [LM] The Best Part Of Waking Up (Expecting)
Sat Apr 29, 2017 1:49 am
by Matsu Kogo
Kogo smiled at Monkh-san, glad to have him near. "It is a lovely morning, especially with these new lovely creatures to play with." Kogo saws Suteichi's sniffs, but after her LM drink the day before, she is far past judging anyone. Kogo takes a cup of tea to enjoy. "I am glad that we are all finally meeting. I have heard many good things of you Shinjo-san and I am glad to meet you at last."
Re: Day 8 [LM] The Best Part Of Waking Up (Expecting)
Sat Apr 29, 2017 4:53 am
by Bayushi Suteichi
"I brought rice, fruit, and bacon. I confess I am developing an addiction to it. This gets introduced to the rest of the empire, its going go with every dish we have. This will be a hit in Ryoko Owari Toshi." Suteichi spoke as he plated and served.
Re: Day 8 [LM] The Best Part Of Waking Up (Expecting)
Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:36 am
by Shinjo Liu Fei
"I have heard good things of you as well Matsu-san," she said, inclining her head to the woman in a note of respect.
Served their meals, Fei added casually, "We will have to teach the rest of the Empire how to properly breed and contain hogs in the future it seems."
Re: Day 8 [LM] The Best Part Of Waking Up (Expecting)
Sat Apr 29, 2017 8:49 am
by Shinjo Monkhbaatar
"Breeding and slaughtering hogs... makes me wonder. Even if the rest of the empire does enjoy bacon would they like it enough to overlook the process by which it's produce?" He eats a bit himself, enjoying the food. For him, slaughtering animals for food was something he'd seen done since he was young. It was just part of Unicorn life.
Re: Day 8 [LM] The Best Part Of Waking Up (Expecting)
Sat Apr 29, 2017 1:31 pm
by Bayushi Suteichi
"A good question Shinjo-sama. I would suspect that only a couple of clans would be ok with the process. Still, it would make a profitable trading tool for the Unicorn. I brought some manju, please enjoy. My lady, you first." he offered to Liu Fei.