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Is This Fei...t? (D3, LM)

Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:33 pm
by Soshi Yuuru
Yuuru returned back to the western fields again for his morning exercise and found a little outcropping of rock to practice a bit of climbing in the morning. Sitting atop the boulders after a vigorous climb, he pulled out his parchment and began jotting down a map of the area again. He smiled as he looked out across the distance and saw another lone Unicorn maiden and her horse out for a morning ride.
It seems like this is a trend...
(Expecting but it's a big place)
Re: Is This Fei...t? (D3, LM)

Thu Apr 13, 2017 11:06 pm
by Shinjo Liu Fei
Naturally coming up to pass the man on Gokiburi's stride she leaned back, signaling him to slow down as they came up near Yuuru. Looking over toward the man she offered a simple greeting, one without words, letting him set the pace if he wished company. After all it seemed only the appropriate thing to do. Otherwise Gokiburi could still use his exercise.
"Greetings, Scorpion-sama."
Re: Is This Fei...t? (D3, LM)

Fri Apr 14, 2017 12:14 am
by Soshi Yuuru
Yuuru waved a hand gently, "Ahh Shinjo-san. Nice to see you again. Good morning."
Re: Is This Fei...t? (D3, LM)

Fri Apr 14, 2017 12:30 am
by Shinjo Liu Fei
For a moment she thought about when she had seen him before, then she remembered the fire and the music and only then did it click. "Ah!" she exclaimed, a little more open when she was on the back of her horse.
"Good morning, once again. What are you doing up there Soshi-san?"
Re: Is This Fei...t? (D3, LM)

Fri Apr 14, 2017 12:52 am
by Soshi Yuuru
He chuckled at her response, "Gald to see I leave such a lasting impression." He teased.
"Just getting in some morning exercise."
Re: Is This Fei...t? (D3, LM)

Fri Apr 14, 2017 12:56 am
by Shinjo Liu Fei
"By climbing rocks?" she asked, the slight mocking clear in her tone. It was a little odd, after all. Just climbing things for exercise. Not that she knew of any Clan that such a thing was common of to make the all too easy connection and say, What are you a T------?
Re: Is This Fei...t? (D3, LM)

Fri Apr 14, 2017 1:00 am
by Soshi Yuuru
"You've never tried climbing as a work-out? It's harder than it looks. And besides... I need to do it where I come from. Sometimes the only decent place to go is up." He smiled.
Re: Is This Fei...t? (D3, LM)

Fri Apr 14, 2017 2:10 am
by Shinjo Liu Fei
"I doubt it surprises you much if I were to tell you no, no I have not Soshi-san." she said, settling Gokiburi down as if it were her second nature while they remained still.
"Should I leave you to it then?"
Re: Is This Fei...t? (D3, LM)

Fri Apr 14, 2017 8:40 am
by Soshi Yuuru
He smiled, "Well... I'd enjoy some company if you don't have anywhere else to be."
Re: Is This Fei...t? (D3, LM)

Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:39 pm
by Shinjo Liu Fei
"Gokiburi needs his exercise but I can spare a moment for you Soshi-san, seeing as you and that Mo-shi," she had a little difficulty remembering that one. Probably the booze though, honestly. "treated to me to a song last I saw you."
Re: Is This Fei...t? (D3, LM)

Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:47 pm
by Soshi Yuuru
Gokiburi!? A roach? What an interesting woman...
He chuckled, "Well... thank you for your kindness. Don't need to worry about paying back any favors though. You can do what you need to do; I'm just interested in talking to some of the women here looking for matches... figure that's what we're all here for right?"
Re: Is This Fei...t? (D3, LM)

Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:53 pm
by Shinjo Liu Fei
"So, to prepare you decided to seek out the top of the largest rock you could find?" she asked, hiding the smirk but having never attempted to hide the amusement in her tone.
Re: Is This Fei...t? (D3, LM)

Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:56 pm
by Soshi Yuuru
"Well.. in three days, I've had three women pass by me on horse now... Starting to sense a pattern in all your behavior." He smiled.
"And I'm putting myself to a bit of work, trying to be helpful. You make it up here, then I can show you."
Re: Is This Fei...t? (D3, LM)

Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:48 pm
by Shinjo Liu Fei
"Fancy that, you have found woman from the Unicorn clan passing you by on horseback while in their new lands," she said, flat. "Tell me, what type of work are you doing that I would have to dismount and climb up there to see?"
Re: Is This Fei...t? (D3, LM)

Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:49 pm
by Soshi Yuuru
He chuckled, "The Scorpion are known as the clan of secrets. I wouldn't be living up to that name if I just came right out and told you now would I?"