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Getting it Out of the System (D2, EM)

Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:39 pm
by Shinjo Kemuri
It had been an unpleasant night. Kemuri would never eat anything with a shell again. He assumed that had been the cause. It was the only thing he had not eaten before. He had also eaten an unbelievable amount. He would have thought it had been far less, had he not seen it all come back up.
Regardless, now that his stomach appeared to be clear, he needed to clear his head. For him, that meant a ride. Best to do that early. It was already warm and could easily get hotter.
Re: Getting it Out of the System (D2, EM)

Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:46 pm
by Tonbo Misa
Fresh air, that's what Misa needed. Getting out of the village, out where nature was... sure, it came with a few smells that weren't the best, but the breeze usually carried more pleasant ones. She still looked a bit pale after her long night dealing with the consequences of the meal the day before, so Sanmi was careful in staying close to her mistress to guide her out into the fields.
Finding a place that had a slight slope to sit on, Misa tilted her head a little, speaking to her servant. "Is that a horse I hear nearby?"
Sanmi had spotted the Unicorn, so she answered immediately under her breath, "Yes Misa-dono. Male, young, I believe the mon on the Shinjo."
Re: Getting it Out of the System (D2, EM)

Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:53 pm
by Shinjo Kemuri
Curse whoever thought sea bugs should be eaten.
The ride was not helping. It was actually making things worse. That, in itself, was an upsetting thought.
"Sarangerel, stop." He guided the horse to stop near the pair he'd spotted. Dismounting, he murmured a few more quiet words to the horse, before they approached the women.
"Good morning." he said as he came nearer, pausing to offer a bow.
Re: Getting it Out of the System (D2, EM)

Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:46 pm
by Tonbo Misa
Misa offered a very Rokugani bow, but it was slightly off of where Kemuri was. As she straightened, she looked ill herself, but she smiled despite her paleness and the vacancy in her eyes. It was clear she could not see him as she looked just past. "Shinjo-san, ohaiyo. I pray I have not gotten in the way of or interrupted a morning ride on such a fine day thus far. This one is Tonbo Misa, advisor to the daimyo of my family."
Re: Getting it Out of the System (D2, EM)

Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:53 pm
by Shinjo Kemuri
"Not at all, Tonbo-sama. I needed a break and thought I might introduce myself." He looked the woman over. The Dragon mon was clear enough. The family mon was unfamiliar. "I am Shinjo Kemuri. I hope my riding didn't disturb you."
Re: Getting it Out of the System (D2, EM)

Tue Apr 11, 2017 12:30 am
by Tonbo Misa
The woman shook her head softly and favored Kemuri with a small smile. "On the contrary Shinjo-san, hearing the vigor of your steed inspired me. I fear I am feeling under the weather, and hearing a creature so healthy and strong pushes me to push myself more. If that makes sense."
Re: Getting it Out of the System (D2, EM)

Tue Apr 11, 2017 9:56 am
by Shinjo Kemuri
"I understand completely." he nodded. "I am not feeling at my best myself, and had hoped a ride with Sarangerel would strengthen me. It did not. But, I am comforted by his presence nonetheless."
Re: Getting it Out of the System (D2, EM)

Tue Apr 11, 2017 12:50 pm
by Tonbo Misa
Misa gave a soft nod, motioning to the grass next to her as she carefully sat. "Yourself as well Shinjo-san? It seems the welcome dinner ended up showing a few of us that adapting to new ways isn't always easy, yes?"
Re: Getting it Out of the System (D2, EM)

Tue Apr 11, 2017 12:56 pm
by Shinjo Kemuri
"So it would seem." He sat down next to her. "Hopefully, food will be the most difficult adjustment. I have to ask, Tonbo-sama, about your family name. It is unfamiliar to me."
Re: Getting it Out of the System (D2, EM)

Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:04 pm
by Tonbo Misa
Misa gave a faint smile, eyes closed as she let the wind wash over her. "That is a long story Shinjo-san, as long a story as any family. Do you wish the full story, or something shorter?"
Re: Getting it Out of the System (D2, EM)

Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:14 pm
by Shinjo Kemuri
"I come from a line of storytellers, Tonbo-sama. I Will be pleased to listen to whatever story you would tell." he replied.
Re: Getting it Out of the System (D2, EM)

Tue Apr 11, 2017 4:58 pm
by Tonbo Misa
Misa gave a nod. "The Tonbo are a young family born of love and strife. A young Phoenix shugenja named Isawa Mariko was engaged to marry a Lion samurai named Akodo Yokutsu, an arrangement made to solidify a political arrangement between their clans. Mariko however loved another man of the Dragon clan named Mirumoto Asijin, and the two decided to marry rather than honor her arrangement."
She paused, tilting her head thoughtfully. "Yokutsu was angry of course, enough to lead an army of 5,000 Lion samurai against the couple. They found the pair guarded by armies from both the Dragon and Phoenix. Yokutsu swore under duress he would never attack the couple again. The Emperor gave them the family name Tonbo and made them a minor clan, the Dragonfly."
"Several years later, Yokutsu was insulted by an ambassador of the Dragon and used the incident to lead an attack against the Dragon. While in Dragon lands, he demanded the right to duel Asijin for his insult. The Dragon champion, Togashi Stoking, arranged the duel, telling Asijin to lose and thus end the strife. During the duel, Asijin did not even draw his blade as he was cut down." Misa frowned softly. "Yokutsu then demanded the right to marry Mariko as the victor. Asijin's son, Kuyuden, challenged Yokutsu for his insult and won, cutting down the Akodo. After that, Kyuden Tonbo became the entry to Dragon lands, and we're looked over by the Dragon."
Misa stopped, smiling faintly. "That is the story of our founding at least Shinjo-san. There is certainly more to tell, but it's a start."
Re: Getting it Out of the System (D2, EM)

Tue Apr 11, 2017 5:11 pm
by Shinjo Kemuri
"That is a wonderful story." he smiled appreciatively. "The Minor Clans fascinate me, as they are something created after the Ki-Rin departed from the Empire. But, why do you wear the mon of the Dragon?"
Re: Getting it Out of the System (D2, EM)

Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:13 pm
by Tonbo Misa
"Because I am one Shinjo-san, and proudly so." Her smile took on a sad quality to it. "As I said, that was merely the tale of our founding. I take it you would hear how I came to wear this mon?"
Re: Getting it Out of the System (D2, EM)

Tue Apr 11, 2017 8:23 pm
by Shinjo Kemuri
"I would like to hear it, but it does not need to be now." Kemuri suggested. "I do not wish to trouble you."