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D1 LE - After Dinner Walk

Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:44 pm
by Shimizu Ryori
Going for a bit of a stretch of thier legs Kyra and Ryori slip out of town after the busy dinner, Ryori waves and his sister takes off at a run letting herself go for the first time that day while Ryori enjoys the moonlight.
Re: D1 LE - After Dinner Walk

Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:53 pm
by Otaku Chi-Pu
The evening noises are disrupted by the wretching sound of a woman loosing her stomach from not far away.
After a few moments, the sounds cease, and then a few moments more, Otaku Chi-Pu walks up from a dip in the terrain that was hiding her.
"Ah, good evening, Shimizu-san. Did you have a pleasant day?"
Re: D1 LE - After Dinner Walk

Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:59 pm
by Shimizu Ryori
He smiles "Otaku-sama, yes a quite pleasant one, I very much enjoyed your Ide's hospitality, though some of my bretheren were less then thrilled about the choices of interior decoration for our Yerks, apparently Lion Pelts was not the most enlightened choice to be used for those who consider such family."
Re: D1 LE - After Dinner Walk

Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:05 pm
by Otaku Chi-Pu
Chi-Pu frowns
"I will make sure to make note of that. No harm was intended, I think we simply wanted you to feel at home and someone had told us that you enjoyed Lion furs. "
Re: D1 LE - After Dinner Walk

Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:14 pm
by Shimizu Ryori
"I pointed that out to my clan mates already, that it was a misunderstanding and they seem to be accepting of it. We prefer our Lions to have thier fur on, much as I am sure you would prefer your steeds to keep thier skins. One of my clan mates saw a fur in his yark that almost exactly matched his cat-brother in pattern and coloring. He was quite disturbed." he smiles " I brought this up here away from prying ears to you, because we know each other, so that your clan can be aware, but it doesn't have to be a public thing."
Re: D1 LE - After Dinner Walk

Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:25 pm
by Otaku Chi-Pu
Chi-Pu grimaces a little and frowns.
"I am terribly sorry, Shimizu-san. I will make sure to tell others to make sure such an offense does not happen again."
She looks around for a moment.
"Speaking of, where is your lionness?"
Re: D1 LE - After Dinner Walk

Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:34 pm
by Shimizu Ryori
He smiles softly and puts two fingers in his mouth, whistling low but loud. Suddenly a small hill of dirt a couple hundred yards behind and two the right of the Otaku reluctantly wiggles then rises out of stalking position and begins looping toward the two of you "I told Kyra she could run and play a little since she was so go at the feast."
Re: D1 LE - After Dinner Walk

Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:45 pm
by Otaku Chi-Pu
Chi-Pu watches as the Lion whistles. Seeing the other lion respond to her masters call, Chi-Pu grins.
"You tow have a very unique bond. It is refreshing to see. Did you enjoy dinner?"
At the words, Chi-Pu's face turns a little green and her stomach growls loudly.
Re: D1 LE - After Dinner Walk

Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:59 pm
by Shimizu Ryori
"Some of your tofu was a little strange but I enjoyed it, Kyrie felt you over cooked your meats for her liking but she seemed to enjoy the spiciness. The thick white tea that had the kick of souchu, now that is something Ikoma himself might bribe a sedon senzo for the chance to sample."
Re: D1 LE - After Dinner Walk

Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:03 pm
by Otaku Chi-Pu
"It wasn't tea, Shimizu-san, it was milk! We call it kumis!"
Chi-Pu looks back to the lioness.
"In the future, I am sure if you ask, we can provide the raw meat for Kyrie so she does not have to eat it warm."
Chi-Pu sighs as her stomach grumbles.
"One from your clan offered me shrimp. It has...not agreed at all with me sadly."
Re: D1 LE - After Dinner Walk

Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:16 pm
by Shimizu Ryori
He turns around quite obviously to look at the moon "Not everyone enjoys shrimp, many can find it quite unsettling, especially the first time one has it." he has his back toward her as he speaks, "I will say Kyra loved the Kumis, she had three bowls of it."
Re: D1 LE - After Dinner Walk

Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:21 pm
by Otaku Chi-Pu
"Does she not get affected by alcohol? If my steed drank three bowls of Kumis, she wouldn't be able to stand, let alone stalk prey and hunt like Kyrie is"
Chi-Pu doesn't seem to mind having someone turn their back to her. Instead, she follows the man's gaze to the moon and looks at it as well.
Re: D1 LE - After Dinner Walk

Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:39 pm
by Shimizu Ryori
"My mother is an Ikoma she has been spiking Kyra's drinks for years, but you can tell if you watch closely that she is a little slower then normal in reactions, slow for a lion is still fast for a serpent. " he smiles "And Shimizu hold thier liquor better then most, we are strong and hearty"
Re: D1 LE - After Dinner Walk

Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:43 pm
by Otaku Chi-Pu
Chi-Pu nods at the words.
"I see. Is there a benefit to "spiking" their drinks as you say? Perhaps it is something we should begin teaching the Otaku to do with our horses?"
Re: D1 LE - After Dinner Walk

Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:54 pm
by Shimizu Ryori
"Ikoma says there are three things you should teach a child as soon as he can walk" Ryori closes his eyes as he says this almost as if repeating it from rote memory "One, how to throw a punch with out breaking your hand, two, how to drain a bottle of shoichu without taking a breath, and three when its time to fight and when its time to think tactically."
,he looks back checking to see if you look like you may still need a moment