by Matsu Kogo on Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:15 pm
Kogo looked bashful for a moment. "Ahh, I am sorry Shinjo-san. I assumed that you were referring to my family's reputation." In Kogo's mind, a cruel voice seems to play in a familiar tune, Ahh yes, you must start working on your assumptions Kogo-chan. They will only get you in trouble, as they did yesterday.
She blushes and takes a moment to think through her words. "You honor me Shinjo-san with your words, more than I am due. Having not been in battle as of yet, I cannot say what my skill is in comparison to others." Her ears tinge again. "The other words, I can give no comment to. From the inside, one is little able to see how others view one. I am glad my appearance is pleasing to you." She looks at him and smiles in a smaller one. "Any woman would be incredibly lucky to have a husband who is so concerned for their happiness. It is not a typical concern in much of Rokugan, where marriage is seen almost as a business arrangement." She pauses, wishing to say more, but feeling the effects of yesterday's "boldness". Slow and steady.
Lion Clan • Beastmaster • Gullible • Idealistic • Paragon: Courtesy
Honor: What is expected l Status: 1 l Glory: 1 l Courtship : 1
Carries: Wakizashi, sweets, traveling game of Go, jade
internal thoughts
Accompanied by Warcat Noburu at most times.