She doesn't turn.
Her hands clench in fury. She had done everything right and honorable to bring glory to the Unicorn, but the Fortunes did no comply to her bidding. Kitakuhime gets haunted by thoughts of regret, of things she shouldn't have done. Her lack of fear made a fool out of her, not a hero. Disowned, discredited and cut: not only once, but twice. She bleed for her Clan, and all she gets is to be chosen by someone that she knows she'll fall for.
This miai was a mistake.
She doesn't turn. Nont until the winds blow the other way. Gekko senses the whispers arriving and rears, neighing loudly as if crying for battle.
She slowly moves her head sideways, the soft lines of her face appearing to Yawarakai over her shoulder. Kitakuhime turns, and slowly opens her green eyes to see his maskless face.