Yurio began the egg hunt with a bright glint in his eye. He loved this kind of thing. In fact part of his scout training had consisted of finding things his sensei had hidden near and around the camps at Swift Sword Castle. It did not take him long to find two eggs.
He soon found another egg, but as he bent down to pick it up he was startled by a loud snuffling sound just to his left in the long grass.

The badger was just as startled as Yurio and dashed off into the undergrowth, as the little Lion managed to drop one of the eggs he was carrying onto the one he'd just found. Breaking both.
Swearing internally he set off again and spied another egg very quickly. Just as he reached it there was a flurry of wings as a pheasant was startled from the grass.

It flew right at him and Yurio could think of nothing other than to throw the egg he already had at it to divert it's course as he dived backwards. The pheasant flapped off to safety as Yurio stared at the wreckage of the eggs he had found.
He continued onwards, nothing else could go wrong yes? He found two eggs nestled together and after waiting at least a minute for the next animal to leap out at him . . . . . carefully reached forward, only to hear a 'ribbit' sound just before a very surprised frog leapt out at him and down the neck of his kimono.

Yurio shrieked and writhed to get the frog out of his clothing, accidentally stepping on both eggs as he did so. The offending frog managed to slip out of a sleeve and hop away unnoticed, leaving the little Lion flailing.
Breathing heavily and swearing under his breath but audibly to anyone nearby, Yurio steeled himself once more and set off again. He found three eggs in quick succession and waited at least a minute by each to make sure no animals at all were nearby before picking them up. He the stood stock still for another minute, holding the eggs . . . staring around for the next calamity . . . but luck was with him this time.
The time limit on the hunt was approaching and Yurio knew three eggs would not be good enough. Another two were found and he applied the same waiting game before collecting them. Turning towards the judges a butterfly fluttered past, and Yurio breathed out admiring the insect's beauty. Unfortunately he failed to notice the speeding grey bullet in pursuit of the butterfly.

Neko hurtled past, using Yurio as a springboard to catapult himself after the flying snack and, of course, sending all Yurio's collected eggs flying. One of them even managed to land on an egg Yurio hadn't even spotted yet and broke that as well.
"ARRRGGGGHHHHH!! YOU USELESS SACK OF FLEA BITTEN FUR. I WILL END YOU!!!!!"Eggs forgotten, Yurio set off after his feline companion, murder in his eyes, except the furry critters he next found were of the weasel variety.

It would be a dark day for these particular weasels, as their chosen target was not feeling charitable to small furry creatures. It would go down in Weasel History as the dark defeat of the Battle of Broken Eggs and Furious Kitteh.

Yurio returned to the judges eventually, empty handed. It was the weasels that had been mauled, not him.
Roll #1, 1 CR, TN 15 =
23 = +2 eggs
Roll #2, 1 CR, TN 15 =
14 = -1 egg
Roll #3, 1 CR, TN 15 =
12 = -1 egg
Roll #4, 2 CR, TN 20 =
15 = -2 eggs
Roll #5, 2 CR, TN 20 =
27 = +3 eggs
Roll #6, 2 CR, VP for +1k1, TN 20 =
15 = -2 eggs
Grand Total of -1 eggs . . . somehow.
Weasels, Def/Ref, TN 10 =