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D2LN - Pre Dawn Katas

Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:47 pm
by Shimizu Ryori
Before the sun has risen a single form begins pacing around the dueling circle looking like she would rather be in bed, Matsu Kyra yawns lazily and wanders aimlessly listening for any sound in the darkness.
Her brother is dressed simply, not in his normal court clothes but in his traveling kimono, his katana at his side he makes his way toward the spot the greatest warrior his clan has ever known faced off against the person who invented the art of iajitsu, he is almost reverent in his steps.
Re: D2LN - Pre Dawn Katas

Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:50 pm
by Moto Khulun
Khulun was practicing with her crimson steel sword, working her kenjutsu and Iaijutsu with ease. She is focused on her attacks. The night was long and she slept most of the day so it felt good to stretch and flex the muscles in the dark, a lantern nearby to provide some light.
Re: D2LN - Pre Dawn Katas

Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:58 pm
by Shimizu Ryori
He pauses nearby, seeing the circle in use, well it appears more then one had his same idea, and the other was earlier still, he smiles seeing it to be his dinner companion from the night before, and waits for a moment when she is between stances.
"Morning Moto sama "
Re: D2LN - Pre Dawn Katas

Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:01 pm
by Moto Khulun
She pauses and says, "Ahh Lion-sama, Shi-mizu yes?"
She lowers her blade and adds, "I could not sleep, foul winds bring dark dreams."
Re: D2LN - Pre Dawn Katas

Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:13 pm
by Shimizu Ryori
"Hai, Shimizu Ryori, we ate next to each other last night, you fed my sister." he smiles "Kyra had to much kumis and over slept, now has too much energy and can not sleep, it is a vicious cycle." he nods toward the circle "you are trained in kenjitsu I take it?"
Re: D2LN - Pre Dawn Katas

Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:15 pm
by Moto Khulun
She nods, “Most Moto train with scimitar, as did I but since we return I have focused on daisho.”
She looks at the gleaming edge of Massacre and adds, “This sword is strong, must be strong to match blade. Lion train Kenjutsu as well, yes?”
Re: D2LN - Pre Dawn Katas

Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:30 pm
by Shimizu Ryori
"Hai, the Akodo and the Matsu are both are both among the top five swordsmanship schools in the empire, and the Akodo are considrred the best at single blade kenjitsu. My own beastmaster training focuses more on small unit tactics, but I am trained in basic techniques of, kenjitsu, iajitsu, and jiujitsu, and to a lesser extent tantojitsu, yarijitsu, kyujitsu, and the use of heavy weapons."
Re: D2LN - Pre Dawn Katas

Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:35 pm
by Moto Khulun
“You learn how to fight alongside your lion, yes?” she asks.
“Akodo best swordman? I thought that would be Crane, the Kakita? They master the blade yes?” she says with some confusion.
Re: D2LN - Pre Dawn Katas

Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:43 pm
by Shimizu Ryori
"The Kakita are masters of the Iajitsu style, the style of the duel, one samurai on one with no outside interference. This style is of great honor, and has much value in settling disputes, but is almost useless on the battlefield. The Mirumoto are masters of Niten, a style that requires two weapons used in conjuction. The Matsu style is based on using overwhelming strength to overwhelm foes, while the scorpion style is based on distraction and speed to confuse your enemy. The Akodo style uses none of these ...gimmicks... Its is based on swordsmanship skill alone."
He nods "As a beastmaster we train to fight both as one, to have each others backs at all times, to be partners, and to becable to trust and know each other with out having to check on one another, to be a single mind and body."
Re: D2LN - Pre Dawn Katas

Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:58 pm
by Moto Khulun
“You know much about the fighting styles of the Clans, what of the Mantis or the small clans are they not good fighters or not so much? I met one who seems tough but we did not cross blades,” she says.
“I want to see the Akodo, they seem strong.”
Re: D2LN - Pre Dawn Katas

Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:30 am
by Shimizu Ryori
"The hida and Badger fight with overwhelming strength but usually do not prefer swords liking larger weapons, the Mantis and Hare use athletics and mobility, preferring smaller weapons, the Daidoji, Seppun, and Shiba are trained defensively" he hmms softly "the kitsune are scouts typically, as are the hiruma, and the kitsuki, doji, miya, and soshi are trained as magistrates"
He nods "it is a samurais duty to know the skills of his potential enemies. We have two Akodo trained here, one is a woman, and the other is a matsu who has just finished gempukku,"
Re: D2LN - Pre Dawn Katas

Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:32 am
by Moto Khulun
“Wise words, tell me more of these potential enemies? Have you face any of these samurai in battle?” she asks.
Re: D2LN - Pre Dawn Katas

Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:38 am
by Shimizu Ryori
He actually looks embarassed and shakes his head "the empire has been at peace for the last year, since myself and Kyra completed Gempukku"
Re: D2LN - Pre Dawn Katas

Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:43 am
by Moto Khulun
“Oh, so no fighting at all?” she says.
“Fight many times on the Dark Ride, have many enemies and taken many heads from young till now. Peace is good, but always prepare for war,” she says.
Re: D2LN - Pre Dawn Katas

Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:49 am
by Shimizu Ryori
"I have sparred with others in training and tournaments, I have survived a drunken bar fight or three, faced a wounded wild boar, and I have dealt with bandits on the road, but none of those would I consider actual combat." he sighs " I know wishing for war is xomething noone should fo, but sometimes...."