Moto Khulun wrote:“Perhaps the fortunes will favor your request,” she says with a nod.
“Have you found favor with one of our handsome suitors?”
Miya Mei wrote:"Of course I wasn't Otaku-sama. You know your clan and its history better than I. I wouldn't dare take offense when someone is more knowledgeable on a subject and mearly trying to help."
Matsu Kogo wrote:"Ano...." Kogo stalls, knowing the Moto enough by now to know they value direct communication, but also knowing her situation. "I have...found favor, but the standings are not in my favor at this time. The Fortunes seem to be slightly obstinate to work on my behalf at this time. But there is still time and possibility."
Moto Khulun wrote:Matsu Kogo wrote:"Ano...." Kogo stalls, knowing the Moto enough by now to know they value direct communication, but also knowing her situation. "I have...found favor, but the standings are not in my favor at this time. The Fortunes seem to be slightly obstinate to work on my behalf at this time. But there is still time and possibility."
“Hai, that seems to be a common place for may here,” she replies with a nod.
Khulun adds, “You have a good posture in the saddle, my sensei was harsh on me for such things. Always swearing and hitting with stick when I rode poorly. Good woman, bad stick.”
“Who teach you to ride so good?”
Moto Khulun wrote:She looks down at Katsuo and says to Yuzuki, “Who is your little warrior?”
Matsu Kogo wrote:Kogo relaxes slightly. "That sounds like a few senseis I have known. I had kinder ones here, namely Shinjo Monkhbaatar-san, Shinjo Akil-san and Shinjo Kemuri-san. Shinjo Monkhbaatar was very helpful in teaching me posture however and focused on it for our first lesson. I suspect he was right when he said it was foundational."
Yuzuki wrote:"Katsuo, the conquerer," she said. And as if to lend weight to his name and impressive title, the puppy made his best attempt at a growl. It wasn't very intimidating.
Moto Khulun wrote:Matsu Kogo wrote:Kogo relaxes slightly. "That sounds like a few senseis I have known. I had kinder ones here, namely Shinjo Monkhbaatar-san, Shinjo Akil-san and Shinjo Kemuri-san. Shinjo Monkhbaatar was very helpful in teaching me posture however and focused on it for our first lesson. I suspect he was right when he said it was foundational."
“Good rider, strong fighter,” she says about Monkhbaatar.
“You have many come to teach you, not surprised very pretty Matsu, and such fire in blood makes men quite amorous, it is known. It is base thing, good posture. Is that what found.. funda… foondationali mean?”Yuzuki wrote:"Katsuo, the conquerer," she said. And as if to lend weight to his name and impressive title, the puppy made his best attempt at a growl. It wasn't very intimidating.
“Khan Katsuo, eh? Well met little soldier,” she tosses down some jerky for him to eat.
Moto Khulun wrote:“Khan Katsuo, eh? Well met little soldier,” she tosses down some jerky for him to eat.
Matsu Kogo wrote:Kogo's ears blush a tinch, but she has continued styling her hair to hide them. "You do me honor Moto-san. And yes, it is like a base. A place where all things are built from." Kogo sees the Mantis and her dog and bows. "Good afternoon Yazuki-san."
Moto Khulun wrote:Matsu Kogo wrote:Kogo's ears blush a tinch, but she has continued styling her hair to hide them. "You do me honor Moto-san. And yes, it is like a base. A place where all things are built from." Kogo sees the Mantis and her dog and bows. "Good afternoon Yazuki-san."
“New word, thank you. I am curious are duels common in the Lion?” she asks.
She says to Yuzuki, "It is that and more, leader… conqueror, great soul… maybe like daimyo or general… all in one.”
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