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A Pup and a Prayer (D8, EA)

Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:55 pm
by Shinjo Kemuri
"That's right. Bring it back to me. Good girl!"
Sitting near the shrine, Kemuri picked the puppy up along with the stick she carried. He let her lick his face, while he scratched her belly.
"You'll be a little champion, won't you Airi? Yes, you will!"
Re: A Pup and a Prayer (D8, EA)

Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:05 pm
by Matsu Kogo
Kogo walks, with Noburu and Kabu trailing, a few toys in her hand. She throws the ball to Kabu, who retrieves it well, despite his earlier sleepiness. She smiles down at the little dog as he returns, affection in her eyes. "You will be good to me and I will be good to you, little Kabu. You will change my luck." She continues the activity and then sees Shinjo-san off to the side. "Shinjo-san! How are you this afternoon?"
Re: A Pup and a Prayer (D8, EA)

Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:09 pm
by Shinjo Kemuri
"A little tired." he admitted. "But, relatively well."
He offered a bow. "How are you Matsu-sama?"
Re: A Pup and a Prayer (D8, EA)

Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:14 pm
by Matsu Kogo
She smiles. "Enjoying the Moto's new challenge. It is something a bit more in my line." She bows back to him. "May I meet your companion?"
Re: A Pup and a Prayer (D8, EA)

Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:15 pm
by Shinjo Kemuri
"Hai, this is Airi" he smiled. "She is a good little hunter."
Re: A Pup and a Prayer (D8, EA)

Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:19 pm
by Matsu Kogo
She leans down to pet little Airi and does a tiny bow. "Nice to meet you Airi." She clicks her fingers and little Kabu comes forward, behaving for once. "This is Kabu. He is a bit naughty, but he is strong and swift."
Re: A Pup and a Prayer (D8, EA)

Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:27 pm
by Shinjo Kemuri
Airi barked and leaped from Kemuri's arms. She began running around Kabu and Kogo.
"Go. Go play." Kemuri laughed as he threw the stick for Airi to chase after.
"Kabu seems like a good pup."
Re: A Pup and a Prayer (D8, EA)

Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:33 pm
by Matsu Kogo
Kogo laughs at the antics of the puppy and indicates to Kabu that he is allowed to play. The two puppies go romping. "He is. I am hopeful that he can change my luck this miai. "
Re: A Pup and a Prayer (D8, EA)

Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:36 pm
by Shinjo Kemuri
"You likely have a better hand at this than most." he nodded. "We do have a dog trainer among us, though."
Re: A Pup and a Prayer (D8, EA)

Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:37 pm
by Matsu Kogo
She nods, a little stiffly. "I have met him, though not his dogs."
Re: A Pup and a Prayer (D8, EA)

Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:41 pm
by Shinjo Kemuri
"Even so, I'd expect you and your kin to do well." he smiled. "You might even gain a new strong and swift companion."
Re: A Pup and a Prayer (D8, EA)

Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:47 pm
by Matsu Kogo
She smiles. "I truly hope so. It is the first event I have felt optimistic about in days." She looks at him from the side. She laughs a little. "I was just hoping to get through the last one without shaming myself or my subject. That succeeded, I am grateful."
Re: A Pup and a Prayer (D8, EA)

Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:52 pm
by Shinjo Kemuri
"I thought it was a good performance." he nodded. "You surprised me."
Re: A Pup and a Prayer (D8, EA)

Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:52 pm
by Matsu Kogo
She blushed a tinch. "I am glad you thought so Shinjo-san. But how did I surprise you?"
Re: A Pup and a Prayer (D8, EA)

Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:56 pm
by Shinjo Kemuri
"I did not think you would sing. I assumed you would not want the attention." he smiled. "Had I known, I might have sung for you."