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Praying away the shame (D7, EE)

Tue Apr 25, 2017 11:11 am
by Doji Fukawa
Fukawa just could not believe that Moto competition. It was just blatant! What was to be gained by openly naming the target of the song? You were supposed to cleverly suggest, not beat people over the head with emotions!
A well shocked Crane made her way to the shrine, to pray...pray to all the Emerald Champions for....well something.
Re: Praying away the shame (D7, EE)

Tue Apr 25, 2017 11:42 am
by Miya Mei
At one side of the shrine, out of the way of any who came to visit and pay respects, Mei stands, practicing her draws. Seeing the Doji approach, she sheaths her blade and bows.
"Good evening, Doji-san. Did you come here to clear your mind?"
Re: Praying away the shame (D7, EE)

Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:15 pm
by Doji Fukawa
Fukawa nods.
"Hai, I have." she says, her normally melodic voice rather stripped out after an entire afternoon of singing at full power.
She bows.
"We have not been properly introduced." she offers. "I am Doji Fukawa."
Re: Praying away the shame (D7, EE)

Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:57 pm
by Shinjo Monkhbaatar
Monkhbaatar showed up to the shrine to offer prayers of his own. Noticing the two women already present he bows to each and greets them. "Good evening. How are the two of you doing?"
Re: Praying away the shame (D7, EE)

Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:46 pm
by Miya Mei
Mei returns the bow.
"And I am Miya Mei."
She looks to the Shinjo and bows too
"Hello, Shinjo-san. It is nice to see you again. "
Re: Praying away the shame (D7, EE)

Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:52 pm
by Doji Fukawa
"A pleasure to meet you, Shinjo-san" she replies with a bow. "I am Doji Fukawa"
Fukawa lets out a weak chuckle.
"A little hoarse, I'm afraid." she says. "My apologies if I make you strain to hear me."
Re: Praying away the shame (D7, EE)

Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:54 pm
by Shinjo Monkhbaatar
"I am Shinjo Monkhbaatar," he says to the Doji with a smile to introduce himself. Misunderstanding what the Doji said due to her quietness, he tilts his head a bit. "You have a little horse?"
Re: Praying away the shame (D7, EE)

Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:22 pm
by Miya Mei
Mei shakes her head.
"No, that would be me. I have a Rokugani Pony. I can understand the mix up as we both wear powder blue and news in this village spreads rather fast. Doji-san said her throat is sore from singing, so please excuse if she cannot speak loudly."
Re: Praying away the shame (D7, EE)

Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:23 pm
by Doji Fukawa
Fukawa bowed in thanks to the Miya.
It was good to know that the voice of the Emperor was also willing to serve as the voice of his servants when needed.
Re: Praying away the shame (D7, EE)

Tue Apr 25, 2017 4:02 pm
by Shinjo Monkhbaatar
"Ah, wrong hoarse then," he says with a chuckle. "Sorry for the confusion. How have your experiences here at the miai been so far? We don't have a great deal built up yet, but I hope the few things the Unicorn have has been to your liking."
Re: Praying away the shame (D7, EE)

Tue Apr 25, 2017 4:25 pm
by Doji Fukawa
Fukawa nods.
"The settlement is rather....ascetic." she offers. "But I was impressed with how well the...yurts stood up to the heavy rains, keeping all within dry."
Re: Praying away the shame (D7, EE)

Tue Apr 25, 2017 4:28 pm
by Miya Mei
"There have been some serious cultural differences, but that is to be expected when your clan has been away from the Empire as long as it has. I imagine mant of the things we do seem strange to you as well."
Re: Praying away the shame (D7, EE)

Tue Apr 25, 2017 6:15 pm
by Shinjo Monkhbaatar
"For me what I see is less strange and simply more reserved. Most of it makes sense though," he replies with a smile.
Re: Praying away the shame (D7, EE)

Tue Apr 25, 2017 6:22 pm
by Doji Fukawa
Fukawa nods.
"We are more reserved than the Unicorn." she agrees. "With as crowded as the cities can be, and as easy as it can be to unintentionally offend someone, a certain amount of reserve in public helps maintain peace."
Re: Praying away the shame (D7, EE)

Tue Apr 25, 2017 6:38 pm
by Shinjo Monkhbaatar
"I don't know," he says with a smile. "We lived for centuries in tightly knit groups, living next-door to each other in tents. Maybe it has more to do with the number of different cultures we've interacted with that we gravitate towards a more open nature with each other in the Unicorn. So many different traditions and beliefs in the world."