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[D2 - EA] Communion II

Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:39 pm
by Yogo Yuichi
After meeting with the rest of his clan, Yuichi needed some time alone. Well, technically he was never alone...
In any case, He was not in the best of moods as he barely tolerates the other scorpions. '' Bunch of hypocritical morons, especially that Suteichi...'' he said to himself.
Still grunting in anger, he sat in seiza and made a reverence. He light up some incense in a small brazier and began to meditate. Perhaps he could clear his mind.
Re: [D2 - EA] Communion II

Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:47 pm
by Shinjo Liu Yue
Liu Yue came to the shrine out of pure curiosity. As she had been in the streets of the village, she was in a curious mood. Still in her kimono, she caught a glimpse of the man's mask with her impaired vision. "We meet again, Yuichi-dono!" she announced. It was only then that she realized that she might have interrupted him.
Re: [D2 - EA] Communion II

Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:11 pm
by Yogo Yuichi
It seems that Liu Yue did interrupt Yuichi's concentration. He started muttering some words and suddenly his eyes started to shine, same as a small object in his hand. The light was very bright.
More and more Yuichi tried to enter in harmony with the water kami. The humidity in the sorroundings started to concentrate into visible water but suddenly something happened and the magical forces were disrupted.
Yuichi started coughing intensely. He puts his hand on his mouth, it would seem he is going to throw up. '' Oh...*cough*...''
He was interrupted by his coughing.
''... how wonde...rful...*cough*... to cough*... today'' He tried to say while catching his breath. His entire body was shaking.
[OOC - Rolls]
Casting Reversal of Fortunes - 15 | Fail [TN 19, Pearl, +1k1 Void]
Oh water kami can you give me a break please?
1/2 Void points left
1 Water slot used.
Re: [D2 - EA] Communion II

Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:24 pm
by Shinjo Liu Yue
Yue ran up to him after he began to cough. Her hands hovered by him, unsure if she was allowed to touch him at a time like this. "How? Help you?" she said, scrambling for words in Rokugani. She pulled out her medicine kit and dug around.
Re: [D2 - EA] Communion II

Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:38 pm
by Yogo Yuichi
'' Hahah...*cough* ...Don't worry...*cough*... it wil...l... pass...'' He says trying to laugh at the same time he was coughing. It was a bad mixture. His shaking was pretty bad.
He raises a hand so as to signal her to give him a bit of space and time to recover. After a moment he started breathing normally. Yuichi turn around so as to not be seen by the Unicorn and in took off his mask, so as to clean his teary eyes. Clean and presentable he once again put on the Oni mask.
'' Phew...that was intense. '' He turn once again towards Liu Yue. He bows. '' It was not a pretty sight, right? ''
Re: [D2 - EA] Communion II

Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:50 pm
by Shinjo Liu Yue
The Unicorn backed off as requested. When he felt better, she allowed herself to sigh out of relief. "Hai, it was intense," she remarked. She gave him a deep bow in return. "I was concerned for your well-being. However, you were right. It did pass."
Re: [D2 - EA] Communion II

Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:05 pm
by Yogo Yuichi
Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:The Unicorn backed off as requested. When he felt better, she allowed herself to sigh out of relief. "Hai, it was intense," she remarked. She gave him a deep bow in return. "I was concerned for your well-being. However, you were right. It did pass."
Yuichi crossed his arms inside his robes. Actually he was surprised by this Unicorn reaction towards his person.
'' Well, this reaction was not a natural one and it is not caused by some disease. It was caused by an elemental imbalance in Ningen-Do.'' He tries to explain to the Unicorn girl what has just happen.
'' I failed in my prayers to the water kami and as a result I felt nauseated '' He shrugs
Re: [D2 - EA] Communion II

Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:10 pm
by Shinjo Liu Yue
There was no way for her to not know this was not normal for shugenja. "Sou desu ka. I have never seen such a reaction when others in my Clan use meishodo." She paused, wondering what could be worth such a potential risk. "What spell were you casting, Yuichi-dono?"
Re: [D2 - EA] Communion II

Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:43 pm
by Yogo Yuichi
Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:There was no way for her to not know this was not normal for shugenja. "Sou desu ka. I have never seen such a reaction when others in my Clan use meishodo." She paused, wondering what could be worth such a potential risk. "What spell were you casting, Yuichi-dono?"
''Really? They don't feel nauseated if they fail casting a spell? '' Yuichi was confused. '' Hmm, meishodo definitely sounds quite interesting. Perhaps your priests have found a way to cast elemental magic that uses some sort of different rituals and prayers to the kami...'' Yuichi wondered. He was interested in this meishodo thing. '' But I would have to see it in person so as to know if there's something different in they way they cast.''
'' That spell? It is called Reversal of Fortunes. It is a water prayer that uses the power of the water kami to change your luck and outcomes. We really don't know how it works, but it does. '' He shrugs. '' We only know that the water kami influence and guides your actions so they could have a positive outcome. '' He explained to Liu Yue.
'' And I was trying to cast that spell into this...'' He shows her a Yogo paper ward. It was just a piece of paper, but it was of very high quality. '' ...To create something similar to this...'' And now he shows her a magical Yogo ward. This piece of paper glowed with a fiery red and orange, the kanji for the word 'fire' was inscribed on the paper and it glowed with magical power.
Re: [D2 - EA] Communion II

Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:59 pm
by Shinjo Liu Yue
Yue shook her head. "I have not seen them become nauseated, Yuichi-dono. However, I cannot tell you more about meishodo." She gave him a consolatory bow, even if she was sure he knew about her ignorance on the topic.
"Reversal of Fortunes?" she repeated. She listened to his words, though it was clear that she was not really following what he was saying. "Are the water kami talkative? You speak to them. Do they respond?"
She looked over at the wards, fascinated by the quality. "What does that one do?" she inquired in regards to the fire one.
Re: [D2 - EA] Communion II

Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:41 pm
by Yogo Yuichi
'' The kami are very, very talkative. You can hear them talking when water fall during a rain or feel them with the breeze. You can feel their power during earthquakes or when a building burns. They talk to us in their own way, and although we can hear, see, smell or taste them, not everyone has the gift to understand what they are saying '' Yuichi is a priest of the Kami and it's his duty to teach this girl about the elements.
'' Those that are born with the gift to understand the kami are rare and few. The largest family with members that have the gift are the Isawa, descendant of the Phoenix Thunder. '' He continues with his explanation. '' But even with the gift, the kami are difficult to understand. They don't understand the ningen mindset so it is hard to know what they desire. Over the years, the Shugenja families have discovered ways to communicate directly with them, that's what we call 'spells'. It is the only way that we, shugenja, can beg for the kami's power so as to affect the world in different ways.
Yuichi extends his hand and offers the magical ward to Liu Yue, so she can see it herself.
'' Don't worry. These wards can only be activated by my will. For example, you cannot discharge it. This one has a fire kami inside with the prayer known as 'Fires of Purity'. When activated it creates a whirlwind of fire that surrounds and protects the caster, or someone else, with this shroud of flames. Any one that gets too close, would burn by the power of the kami.''
Re: [D2 - EA] Communion II

Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:31 am
by Shinjo Liu Yue
The bushi listened to the speech as well as she could. Translating it all in a way that she could understand was difficult given the density of the information. Kami are always around, okay. And the gift is rare; I already knew that. But their priests can talk to them? Weird, I could have sworn the meishodo users could not. What makes the priests like Yuichi different?
She stared at it until he told her it was safe. She still held it at a distance, not letting fear overcome her posture. However, there was an understandable fear of fire in her given her injuries and their source, a possessed shugenja. "That sounds dangerous. To your enemies," she added.
Re: [D2 - EA] Communion II

Tue Apr 11, 2017 2:12 am
by Yogo Yuichi
Yuichi noticed Liu Yue subtle change. He understood the why of her behavior but did not comment anything about it.
'' The power of the kami is dangerous, if it used with bad intentions. Many shugenjas use their power to do whatever they want, when they want, and for pure egoistical reasons. The kami do as they are told because they don't understand human behavior and some people use this lent power to dominate others. They become so obsessed with the power given, and many of them become corrupted by 'their' power '' He told to her.
'' That's wrong. The power of the kami should be never be used lightly. At least that's what I believe. That' doesn't mean that I would not use it for self defence or when fighting against the 'true enemies' of the Empire and the Heavens. If I can do something without the kami's aid then there's no reason to use their power ''
He takes out another magical ward. That one is marked with the kanji for 'earth' '' This one is a pure defensive ward with the prayer known as 'Armor of Earth'. The earth kami infuse the target with the endurance and resistance of earth, protecting you from harm. '' He pass her the other ward so that she could inspect it.
Yuichi may not be the most courteous priest there is, but he is still a devoted follower of the kami.
Re: [D2 - EA] Communion II

Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:15 am
by Shinjo Liu Yue
"I did not know the kami could be misused," she admitted. Yue shifted in her place and kept the fire ward at a safe distance. She was relieved when the man offered an earth one instead. "Are people ever permanently blessed, Yuichi-dono?" She was referring to her own resiliency.
Re: [D2 - EA] Communion II

Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:41 am
by Yogo Yuichi
Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:"I did not know the kami could be misused," she admitted. Yue shifted in her place and kept the fire ward at a safe distance. She was relieved when the man offered an earth one instead. "Are people ever permanently blessed, Yuichi-dono?" She was referring to her own resiliency.
Yuichi retrieves the fire ward, meanwhile he wonders about Yue's question.
'' Hmm, it could be. There had been many historical and documented cases that told us that the kami sometimes bless people with their power permanently. I myself, to give you an example. For some unknown reason I have a deep conection to the earth kami. Sometimes they offer their help even when I'm not actively asking for their aid. I know that they are there, helping me, because I can hear them. But what about other people? those that don't have the gift of hearing them? Perhaps the kami are aiding them, and they would never know, because they cannot hear them directly. They could live their entire lives without knowing that they are recieving help from the kami. '' The Scorpion explained to the Unicorn.
'' The kami are mysterious beings, they do things for purposes that we humans could never understand completely, as they are part of the Spiritual world. We try to infer their motives and their desires but not even the wisest priests know the truth about them ''