by Ryuuta Tsume on Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:22 pm
Tsume has stopped praying a bit ago and thinks for a moment.
"While I would not want to intrude on your thoughts spoken aloud but privately, I must say that perseverance and endurance are virtues because where perfection and beauty fail, they continue. Yes, things degrade and corrode, but if one looks a bit further they are reborn, made anew and restored. That things pass should be a comfort, because without them there would be nothing new."
Tsume looks at her little shrine, and tries to do the same herself.
Piranha Clan • Courtier • Prone to Sadness • Likes Animals
Glory: 1.0 • Status 1.0 • Honor: Untrustworthy • CP: 0
Carries: Wakazashi, Hat