[D6 EE] Guidance

Re: [D6 EE] Guidance

Postby Suki on Mon Apr 24, 2017 2:08 pm

"Ah," the corner of Suki's mouth twitched with the hint of a half smile, "a question that has perplexed minds for centuries. Forgive this one for getting a bit long-winded. This is a matter of some complexity."

"Benten-okami is most pleased by those unions between couples that share a romantic bond. Marriage is a mortal matter; one of duty and practicality. Love is spiritual; a matter that transcends our earthly realm. Thus in order to form such a bond, the involved parties must be prepared to love one another."

"Before people can love one another, they must love themselves. For many, this is the most difficult step on the journey. Both parties must find their center. They must live in the present, rather than dwelling on past shortcomings or concerns of the future. To be concerned about the future is to give in to the sin of fear. To dwell on the past is to turn one's self over to regret. If one is consumed by these sins, they cannot sincerely love another."

"Alongside fear and regret stands desire. For an auspicious pairing to form, the parties must be certain that what they feel for one another is, in fact, love. Desire is of the body. As this one mentioned before, love is spiritual, and thus far greater. If matters of physical pleasure are removed from consideration and one still hopes to be with a particular partner, this is a good sign."

"When one finds themselves drawn toward two, in order to make the better choice, one must prepare their mind and know their heart. Once you are sure of yourself, then you must consider your potential partners. Do they love themselves? Are either of them consumed by the past, or the future? Do they sincerely know what they are feeling?"

"Naturally, this is a complicated matter. The way in which Iuchi-sama may deduce such things would be very different from the path taken by another. And the difficulties one faces along the way will also be uniquely their own."

Suki finished her explanation, though she could've said much more on the subject. Falling silent, she allowed Dong-Ha time to consider things, and the opportunity to ask questions more specific to his personal situation, if he so chose.
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Re: [D6 EE] Guidance

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Mon Apr 24, 2017 2:23 pm

"If the matter was simple, I wouldn't be here asking this, now would I." he nodded to indicate that he agreed with her assessment. "What is there is affection... to both, but no true love? I mean, who could learn to love someone truly in mere days?" he had clearly some opinions about that matter. "Other... things... emotions maybe. But true love?" The desire she had mentioned he could recognize and shut out. Desire was not love as he understood the word.

"I don't really hate myself." he shrugged. "Never thought that I'd love myself, but I have no issues being who I am, if that's what you mean?" Dong-Ha wasn't quite sure where she was going with her explanation. "So.. one should merely focus to what is, is that what Suki-san is saying?" It sounded like that, at least. "I feel no distaste.. about such things, yet there is hardly an urge to... pursue that path either. Everything will come in time, I believe."

"Yet, there are two paths, and only one of me."
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Re: [D6 EE] Guidance

Postby Suki on Mon Apr 24, 2017 2:52 pm

"As you say Iuchi-sama, focus on what is. The mortal aspect of love is not an emotion- it is a decision. But when one troubles themselves with much pondering of decisions, this is concern about the future; a form of fear. Continue down your path and, as the Little Teacher said, it will take you where you are going," she smiled softly.
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Re: [D6 EE] Guidance

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:06 pm

"Uh, if I continue down the way, I end up polygamous..." he chuckled awkwardly. "And I am not sure Benten would quite appreciate that." Moto might have once been prone to such things when they were still called Ujik-Hai, but the modern Unicorn had beaten such habits out of the family. Well, mostly, as the rumors would tell. "So I think I should decide. But Suki-san makes it sound like it does not really matter... what I decide, as long as I decide, correct?"
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Re: [D6 EE] Guidance

Postby Suki on Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:18 pm

"Not quite the path this one meant, Iuchi-sama," she chuckled warmly, "but rather the path, as you've surmised to making a decision."

"If you love yourself, are unhindered by desire, and focus on what is, whatever decision you reach will be the right one. If you choose a woman that has done these things as well, the pairing is likely to please Benten-okami."
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Re: [D6 EE] Guidance

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:27 pm

"The path." If only monks made as much as his father. Alas, that was not the case. "But I don't know which one to decide on. Either way, the decision feels unfair. I could just as well toss a coin." he huffed. "It's easy to say 'chose', but how could I, they are both like hydrangeas after spring shower, though they would look just as beautiful by any other name."

"So... I should chose the one unhindered by desires?" That seemed like a concrete advice, even if he quite could not get behind it. "And one that loves herself." As far as Dong-Ha knew, the both flowers had issues with that. They both seemed to think themselves as inadequate.
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Re: [D6 EE] Guidance

Postby Suki on Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:50 pm

"One less caught up in desire and regret is more capable of romantic love," she nodded. "Though realize, to sin is to miss the mark set by the Gods. We all do this at times, for we are mortal. A minor imperfection or moment of weakness should not be disqualifying. There is, after all, a difference between sometimes feeling desire, fear, or regret, and being truly hindered by them."

"As for which one to decide on, this is not an answer I can give you. Even if this one possessed all the same information as Iuchi-sama, walking the path you have walked would not take me to the same place. It is a decision you must ultimately make on your own. Though realize, if both these flowers are as splendid as you say, the one you do not choose will surely find her own path, and travel it well."
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Re: [D6 EE] Guidance

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:42 am

"Ha..." Dong-Ha nodded slowly. "Well, I never though I was perfect... or anyone else, really." Dong-Ha retorted. "Though, the rumors have that one of them has a lover here, one that is not my kin. Now of course it could be just idle talk, but if that was the case... how would Benten see me pursuing her?"
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Re: [D6 EE] Guidance

Postby Suki on Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:23 am

"This would depend on what you mean by the term "lover". No offense intended toward anyone, of course. If this is one she discreetly lays with purely for physical pleasure or companionship, while this is a sure sign of desire, it is otherwise of little concern. If this is someone with whom she has a romantic bond, coming between those sort of lovers could very well displease Benten-okami. This is, after all, not the only chance for many here to find a spouse. Lovers that meet here and leave here unmarried could very well find themselves partnered down the road... with some effort on their part, of course."
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Re: [D6 EE] Guidance

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:08 am

"Well, one can hardly tell which way it is, eh." Dong-Ha's eyebrow rose. "Well, other than asking her, but that feels rather... impolite, no?"
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Re: [D6 EE] Guidance

Postby Suki on Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:57 am

"Asking would be impolite, yes," she replied dryly. "Though that doesn't change the answer to your question. Discerning people's secrets is not the purview of one as lowly as myself, Iuchi-sama."
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Re: [D6 EE] Guidance

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Tue Apr 25, 2017 3:11 am

"Yet one ought to know the answer, if only to make certain to not offend Benten, yes? If she has found a true love, I should withdraw my attentions and see about deciding on someone else? Surely there can be no happy end if two men pursue the same girl, can there?" Maybe Dong-Ha was looking for an excuse. He sighed. "Why this has to be so complicated."

"You know, as I bemoan here, chances are that someone else makes a claim on me, seeing how the miai is run. So, my decision might matter not." Dong-Ha added. "All I can do it to hope I can come to love her, eventually."
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Re: [D6 EE] Guidance

Postby Suki on Tue Apr 25, 2017 3:21 am

"It is complicated because, for all the advice to be given, all the Tao parables to be quoted, love is divine. We cannot understand it fully anymore than we can pluck the stars from the Heavens."

"As for what occurs while we are here, this one cannot say. But you have a path to walk Iuchi-sama. If you wish to choose it yourself, she suggests that you give consideration to the things we've discussed here, and take the next steps on your journey. May said steps be blessed by Benten-okami, and the Fortunes that stand alongside her."
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Re: [D6 EE] Guidance

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Tue Apr 25, 2017 3:35 am

F**uck love then. Dong-Ha was of the opinion that everything could and should be studied and understood. There were no mysteries that man were not meant to know. Why else the Kami would have placed them there?

"If it cannot be understood, why have this discussion?" he sounded frustrated. "If it is something so mysterious, why not leave it to the Fortunes." Dong-Ha suggested with a smirk.

"But thank you for your time anyway, Suki-san. I am not sure if this was helpful or not, but I will consider your words and try to find the wisdom in them."
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Re: [D6 EE] Guidance

Postby Suki on Tue Apr 25, 2017 7:42 pm

"We cannot understand it fully, Iuchi-sama. Like a good many things. Like all things visited upon us by the Heavens."

Suki offered a respectful bow, the calm hint of a smile on her lips. "This one wishes you the best in that Iuchi-sama." I've given you all the information you need. Now go give it some actual thought.
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