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Day 2 [Late Evening] Tea After Dark (Mizuki's Room)

Mon Apr 10, 2017 5:26 pm
by Bayushi Suteichi
((This thread is private. You know if you're supposed to be here))
Suteichi arrived at Yogo Mizuki's room with his tea set and samisen. An assortment of light dishes common to Rokugan were there as well as a couple of meat items that the Unicorn would be more accustomed to. Jasmine incense was lit and the room was also properly lit by candles. Suteichi was quite fashionably dressed in a black and crimson colored kimono. He made sure that everything for the evening was properly set.
"Thank you again honored Yogo-sempai for the room. This is more than sufficient." Mizuki would notice that Suteichi was making just a bit more of a fuss about his appearance and things than usual. He was still somewhat sore from the Bariqu but the pain could be ignored for this.
Re: Day 2 [Late Evening] Tea After Dark (Mizuki's Room)

Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:13 pm
by Shinjo Liu Yue
Liu Yue had not expected to come to the guest rooms for tea time. She was a envious that he was able to secure such a thing for her sister. When she arrived, she knocked on the outside, waiting to be let in. "Shinjo Liu Yue desu!" she announced. Am I supposed to wait until they come see me? Whatever, what is done is done.
Re: Day 2 [Late Evening] Tea After Dark (Mizuki's Room)

Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:44 pm
by Shinjo Liu Fei
Still dressed as she had been Liu Fei hadn't changed much more than returning to her yurt and washing up quickly. With few expectations of what the evening would entail Fei kept things rather simple. Stepping up beside her sister she waited without saying much just yet.
Re: Day 2 [Late Evening] Tea After Dark (Mizuki's Room)

Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:48 pm
by Shinjo Liu Yue
The younger sister turned about and frowned. "This is a more formal event, big sis. I shouldn't have trusted you to come prepared!" She began to smirk. "And you're the one who should be lecturing me on such things!"
Re: Day 2 [Late Evening] Tea After Dark (Mizuki's Room)

Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:58 pm
by Shinjo Liu Fei
"It's hot out little sister, I doubt anyone would want me showing up a sweat drenched mess," she responded freely in Mekhem, pretty sure that Suteichi didn't understand the language from the little she noticed earlier. Leaving her feeling pretty confident that even if they could hear them from inside she was safe from any embarrassment.
Re: Day 2 [Late Evening] Tea After Dark (Mizuki's Room)

Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:12 pm
by Yogo Mizuki
Mizuki giggled at her friend's concern. He must be really interested. I better pay special attention. For her part, she wore a stylish yet comfortable kimono with a mask that showed her mouth and chin, but nothing else.
When the door was knocked on, she opened it and bowed. "Hello, I am Yogo Mizuki. It is an honor to have you join us. Please come in and sit." Mizuki offers them a seat.
Re: Day 2 [Late Evening] Tea After Dark (Mizuki's Room)

Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:17 pm
by Shinjo Liu Yue
Yue did not bother introducing herself again. "Konbanwa, Mizuki-dono." She waited for her sister to go in first, seeing as Fei was the one invited here to begin with.
When she did go in, she took a seat and looked over Suteichi. See, sis? He's totally dressed up for the occasion. She put on a smile, still hesitant on the man. "It is a pleasure to see you again, Suteichi-dono." Her eyes turned to the layout and she gulped. There's no way Fei is going to survive this.
Re: Day 2 [Late Evening] Tea After Dark (Mizuki's Room)

Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:21 pm
by Bayushi Suteichi
Suteichi turned to face the door making sure his mask was on properly and smoothed out his
elegant kimono.
"Konbanwa, minisamas. Please, welcome and welcomed."
She didn't dress for...*sigh*...fair enough.
Re: Day 2 [Late Evening] Tea After Dark (Mizuki's Room)

Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:01 pm
by Shinjo Liu Fei
It was readily, and quickly, apparent that she entirely under-dressed for the occasion. Not that adding that center layer would have been much better, she thought. Still, she bowed when they were greeted, "Shinjo Liu Fei,and this is my sister Shinjo Liu Yue," she introduced again.
"Thank you for the invitation as well as your time," she turned more fully to Mizuki on the second part, "Yogo-sama." For her, for her time, she thanked her with another bow.
Re: Day 2 [Late Evening] Tea After Dark (Mizuki's Room)

Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:08 pm
by Bayushi Suteichi
"The blend being served is Thousand Temple Blend. A common blend but one that is popular for occasions such as this." Suteichi said as he filled cups.
Re: Day 2 [Late Evening] Tea After Dark (Mizuki's Room)

Tue Apr 11, 2017 6:12 am
by Shinjo Liu Yue
"Yes, thank you," Yue parroted her sister. She kept her eyes on Suteichi, still sizing him up even on this day. "How was the wrestling match?" she inquired, still studying his reaction. When satisfied, she looked over to Fei with a smile.
Her gaze turned to Mizuki for a bit. She eyed the woman's mask. Scorpion and their masks. I wonder if she'll play the quiet game during this 'meeting.'
Re: Day 2 [Late Evening] Tea After Dark (Mizuki's Room)

Tue Apr 11, 2017 6:41 am
by Bayushi Suteichi
Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:"Yes, thank you," Yue parroted her sister. She kept her eyes on Suteichi, still sizing him up even on this day. "How was the wrestling match?" she inquired, still studying his reaction. When satisfied, she looked over to Fei with a smile.
Her gaze turned to Mizuki for a bit. She eyed the woman's mask. Scorpion and their masks. I wonder if she'll play the quiet game during this 'meeting.'
"Your sister is most talented at the art." Suteichi replied. He turned to Liu Fei. "She certainly has inspired me to be even more of a man of action."
Re: Day 2 [Late Evening] Tea After Dark (Mizuki's Room)

Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:55 pm
by Yogo Mizuki
Shinjo Liu Fei wrote:"Thank you for the invitation as well as your time," she turned more fully to Mizuki on the second part, "Yogo-sama." For her, for her time, she thanked her with another bow.
"Of course, Bayushi-san is a dear friend of mine. I am happy to help in any way I can."
Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:"Yes, thank you," Yue parroted her sister. She kept her eyes on Suteichi, still sizing him up even on this day. "How was the wrestling match?" she inquired, still studying his reaction. When satisfied, she looked over to Fei with a smile.
Her gaze turned to Mizuki for a bit. She eyed the woman's mask. Scorpion and their masks. I wonder if she'll play the quiet game during this 'meeting.'
When the burned Unicorn looks at her, Mizuki stares back. She takes in the Unicorn's looks, but does not say anything. She does in fact plan to stay quiet unless spoken to. It is Suteichi's time after all.
Bayushi Suteichi wrote:Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:"Yes, thank you," Yue parroted her sister. She kept her eyes on Suteichi, still sizing him up even on this day. "How was the wrestling match?" she inquired, still studying his reaction. When satisfied, she looked over to Fei with a smile.
Her gaze turned to Mizuki for a bit. She eyed the woman's mask. Scorpion and their masks. I wonder if she'll play the quiet game during this 'meeting.'
"Your sister is most talented at the art." Suteichi replied. He turned to Liu Fei. "She certainly has inspired me to be even more of a man of action."
Behind her mask, Mizuki's eyebrow arches.
Wrestling match? Well, you did say you want a woman of action....
Re: Day 2 [Late Evening] Tea After Dark (Mizuki's Room)

Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:04 pm
by Shinjo Liu Fei
"Talented, no, just a bit of practice when there was time Bayushi-sama. I won't have you be singing my baseless praise," she said emphasizing the point. Now, if it was proper praise for something she felt she was actually skilled at.. well. For a moment she glances to the other Yogo. Now, it was masks like that that unnerved her a bit.
"Have I already managed so much already?" she asked, looking back to Suteichi.
Re: Day 2 [Late Evening] Tea After Dark (Mizuki's Room)

Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:13 pm
by Bayushi Suteichi
Shinjo Liu Fei wrote:"Talented, no, just a bit of practice when there was time Bayushi-sama. I won't have you be singing my baseless praise," she said emphasizing the point. Now, if it was proper praise for something she felt she was actually skilled at.. well. For a moment she glances to the other Yogo. Now, it was masks like that that unnerved her a bit.
"Have I already managed so much already?" she asked, looking back to Suteichi.
"You demonstrated superior training over me. I meant what I said, you inspire me. To that end you have managed quite a bit. Please, enjoy the tea."
Suteichi could tell that she was not for the flowery talk this time so he felt it best to get right to the point and not waste her time or his any further.
"You're a woman of action. Bold, fearless and direct. Permit me to honor that. What must a man do to be known as Shinjo Liu Fei-sama's husband?"