Foxy Things (D1 - LM - Takeo's Room)

Foxy Things (D1 - LM - Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:15 am

Takeo awaited his guest in his comfortable but far from lavish room. It was less than he was accustomed to, but not so much so that he couldn't bear. In truth, he had considered living in the tents to make a better impression on the Unicorn, but realized that turning down these accommodations, which were probably seen as generous, could be equally poorly received. In any event, he was present and had a pot of tea steaming and some light fare for a morning meal - freshly made rice, still visibly warm, and eggs nearby to crack over them with sesame seeds to taste.

A chaperone (to the extent one was needed) waited outside the door. It would not do to have anyone getting the wrong idea about him and his cousin. But they still needed to discuss some internal things. It was what it was.
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi

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Re: Foxy Things (D1 - LM - Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Kumahime on Fri Apr 07, 2017 12:41 pm

Kumahime arrives and greets the chaperone, who announces her presence and awaits an invitation in.

The enormous woman bows deeply to the man, as befits the ranking Fox present, "Kitsune Kumahime, Student of the Proud Bear at your command, Takeo-sama."
Fox Clan • Bushi • Large • Gullible • Student of the Proud Bear • Amateur Veterinarian • One Eye
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Re: Foxy Things (D1 - LM - Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Fri Apr 07, 2017 2:21 pm

"Ohayo, Kumahime-san," he said graciously, "I am honored to have a student of the Proud Bear present. Your sensei's teachings do us honor everytime a student competes for us. I hoped you would break your fast with me this morning," he said, gesturing to the fare he had laid out.

"As we eat, I had hoped we could discuss our goals here. I have...guidance," he said, pausing to think of the word, "that I bring from Kitsune-dono."
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi

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Re: Foxy Things (D1 - LM - Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Kumahime on Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:07 am

"Takeo-sama's praise does us honor. I shall represent our people to the Unicorn with pride."

Kumahime flashes a reflexive gaze toward the food, doing some mental math. Might need a third breakfast. But Takeo doesn't need to know that.

"I am here to serve at Kitsune-dono's will, and I would be honored to join you for breakfast."
Fox Clan • Bushi • Large • Gullible • Student of the Proud Bear • Amateur Veterinarian • One Eye
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Re: Foxy Things (D1 - LM - Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Sun Apr 09, 2017 12:13 am

"Then let us share each other's company," he said, motioning for her to take a seat.

"Tell me, Kumahime-san, what are you most looking forward to about the miai? Or the Unicorn as a whole perhaps?" he asked as he began to plate the food.
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi

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Re: Foxy Things (D1 - LM - Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Kumahime on Sun Apr 09, 2017 2:06 am

"Hai, -sama." The large woman takes a seat as directed, though her demeanor is one easy to pin, from her posture and expression. Here and now, a piece of her is keeping alert for threats. It is, after all, it is her first duty to protect her kin, and Takeo is the only kin she has for many, many miles.

She considers the question for a moment before answering, "I have never ventured beyond our forest's borders, and outsiders visiting our dojo are few. I hope for the chance to test myself against warriors from across the Empire- on friendly terms, of course. I have heard the Moto consider themselves the strongest the Unicorn have to offer, and I have some questions about the style of the Shinjo."
Fox Clan • Bushi • Large • Gullible • Student of the Proud Bear • Amateur Veterinarian • One Eye
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Re: Foxy Things (D1 - LM - Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Sun Apr 09, 2017 2:02 pm

Takeo nodded as he listened.

"Yes - I understand the Moto are the purveyors of a particular sort of sumai - perhaps you will have an opportunity to observe or engage with one of them? If you arrange a formal match, please let me know - I would enjoy watching one of our own in a friendly competition," he said.

"As for the Shinjo, I am curious myself - their kenjutsu is unlike anything in Rokugan, if it is to be believed. Though I suppose that makes sense - they have been far afield for a very long time. The Otaku seem to be the traditionalist though. They are said to have preserved the arts of Rokugan in their long years away. Curious, to see such diversity among the warrior families of a clan."
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi

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Re: Foxy Things (D1 - LM - Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Kumahime on Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:32 pm

"Who is to say which is the traditionalist in the martial arts?" Kumahime counters. "The fighting styles of Lady Shinjo were lost to us long ago, but are no less sacred than the swordsmanship of Lord Akodo. I should like to look into the origins of their fighting styles some time. Should that study be a scheduled match, I shall gladly invite Takeo-sama, though from what I hear of the Moto, I suspect a match as a way of saying 'hello' to a fellow warrior is not out of character."
Fox Clan • Bushi • Large • Gullible • Student of the Proud Bear • Amateur Veterinarian • One Eye
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Re: Foxy Things (D1 - LM - Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:47 pm

"Then I encourage you to say hello loudly, and with all the gusto of our clan's traditions," he said smiling.

"Our primary responsibility here is to do everything we can to improve the relationship between our clan and the Unicorn. Obviously we were both sent to find Unicorn spouses. Are you familiar with the Kitsune's origins among the Ki-Rin, Kumahime-san?"
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
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Re: Foxy Things (D1 - LM - Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Kumahime on Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:25 pm

At the encouragement, Kumahime smirks, but says nothing, carrying on to the task at hand. "In the most general sense, hai. We are the descendants of those Ki-Rin who stayed behind."
Fox Clan • Bushi • Large • Gullible • Student of the Proud Bear • Amateur Veterinarian • One Eye
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Re: Foxy Things (D1 - LM - Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:32 pm

Takeo nodded.

"Kitsune-dono seeks to strengthen and renew those bonds, to the extent possible. It is part of the reason we are here. There are some," he said, pausing momentarily to linger on the word, "who believe we should go a step further and reunite with those whom we share a common history with."

He paused to pour some tea for his guest while he awaited her reaction.
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

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Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
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Re: Foxy Things (D1 - LM - Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Kumahime on Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:42 pm

"I see," Kumahime says as she accepts the tea, mulling the facts over in her mind.

A turning point for her clan, either way, but a decision well above her. "Then it seems the orders remain the same. We represent our people and our ways as best we can, to build friendship. And once our superiors have had adequate time to observe, they shall decide whether they wish to direct that friendship towards alliance or unification. In either case, we have much to offer one another."
Fox Clan • Bushi • Large • Gullible • Student of the Proud Bear • Amateur Veterinarian • One Eye
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Re: Foxy Things (D1 - LM - Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Tue Apr 11, 2017 2:51 pm

Takeo nodded his head in agreement.

"Recent events have shown that the status of a Minor clan, protected by the Emperor's decree as we are, is more susceptible than it might have seemed. We are taking steps to safe-guard against falling on hard times, especially since we have only so recently recovered from a catastrophe all our own," he explained.

"I trust that together we can show the Unicorn the value of the Fox, however it may be best realized," he said smiling.

"If there is anything I can do to assist you in your efforts to find a suitable spouse, please let me know Kumahime-san."
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
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Re: Foxy Things (D1 - LM - Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Kumahime on Wed Apr 12, 2017 4:29 pm

"I thank Takeo-sama for the offer, but my suit is... simple, and should be apparent once we begin the more martial trials," Kumahime deflects, in favor of keeping attention to the previous topic.

"I am more concerned, should we join, about our own duties. We have secrets, responsibilities, and allies beyond the scope of what we once were, beyond what the rest of the Empire understands. Critical matters apparent to every Fox, but would a Unicorn clan champion appreciate that the Kitsune Mori is not simply a useful source of lumber? How far do we spread our secrets with our new allies? A great clan would have far greater difficulty keeping them than a minor clan where everyone is raised to respect our duties to the forest. But if we do not spread the knowledge far enough, then our newly returned cousins may make dangerous decisions out of ignorance. It is a... delicate decision."
Fox Clan • Bushi • Large • Gullible • Student of the Proud Bear • Amateur Veterinarian • One Eye
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Re: Foxy Things (D1 - LM - Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Wed Apr 12, 2017 4:54 pm

"I imagine that all of the clans keep a great many number of secrets according to the Emperor's decrees," Takeo replied, "And in any event, if we were to rejoin our cousins, I expect that Kitsune-dono would have equal footing with the other families. To my understanding they number only twice what our own clan holds. If we were to join, we would become one of their larger families," he pointed out.

"In any event, existence on our own may not sustain itself. Recent days have seen other Minor clans fall on hard times. The Sparrow survive in a fashion, but the Dragonfly are no more. I think we would return to have a hand in our own fate, rather than be forced into it by circumstance. And in any event, I trust that Kitsune-dono would make no pledges of fealty that did not include the appropriate respect and reverence for the Kitsune Mori."
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi

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