(D1, EM) Dragon Dragon Dragon

(D1, EM) Dragon Dragon Dragon

Postby Tonbo Misa on Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:32 pm

Misa had woken up quite early indeed to make sure things were ready for her two meeting that morning. The rising sun mattered less for her than most, but it was still better for Sanmi that she tended to get up with it all the same. After making certain everything was in order, she sent her servant out to gather up her two clanmates one at a time and bring them back to her room.
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Re: (D1, EM) Dragon Dragon Dragon

Postby Togashi Udo on Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:36 pm

Udo arrived first, having risen early for the interesting day ahead. Upon entering Misa's quarters, he bowed deeply to her.

"Thank you for taking the time to chat with me." Udo looked more closely at the Tonbo. "This one is Togashi Udo. I am pleased to meet you."
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Re: (D1, EM) Dragon Dragon Dragon

Postby Tonbo Misa on Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:41 pm

Misa rose on her own, but it seemed to take her a moment to decide where to orient her body before she gave a bow. "Togashi-san, it is an honor to meet one of your family again in a place like this. We are awaiting one more, but please, have a seat at my table if you wish. This one is Tonbo Misa, Advisor to Tonbo Mariko."

She slipped back down to her own seat, keeping her head generally facing Udo, though it was obviously she was listening toward him more than facing directly.
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Re: (D1, EM) Dragon Dragon Dragon

Postby Mirumoto Chou on Fri Apr 07, 2017 8:54 am

Mirumoto Chou placed a hand on the sliding door before she bowed, deeply.

"Forgive my lateness, Tonbo-sama."

There was no excuse offered, but one hung in the air nonetheless. She took three measured steps forward but did not sit, and appeared to wait. Saku frowned grouchily, apparently not a morning lemur.
Dragon Clan * Duelist * Challenge Accepted * Blind
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"Would you like to see my picture of Shinsei? So would I."

The Jolly Blind Dragon
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Re: (D1, EM) Dragon Dragon Dragon

Postby Togashi Udo on Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:48 am

Udo turned toward the newcomer and gave a seated bow (that's a thing, right?). He then waited for the host to continue.
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Re: (D1, EM) Dragon Dragon Dragon

Postby Tonbo Misa on Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:05 am

Where there may have been awkwardness otherwise, Chou was assisted by the well practiced Sanmi. With a quiet "Let me assist you Mirumoto-sama," she guided the second blind woman easily to a seat.

Udo would see Misa smile softly. "Ah, Mirumoto-san, it gladdens me to hear you've arrived. I am Tonbo Misa, advisor, and this man is Togashi Udo. I pray that the morning finds you well."
Dragon Clan • Bushi • Advisor • Blind • Ascetic • Enlightened
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Re: (D1, EM) Dragon Dragon Dragon

Postby Togashi Udo on Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:28 pm

Udo is surprised that both women are blind, but any sign of it on his face is lost to the others :)

"It is a pleasure to be in such company as this, and I admit no small amount of interest in the events ahead of us. It is also nice that more of our Clan is here, though I suppose we have been about the world more of late."
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Re: (D1, EM) Dragon Dragon Dragon

Postby Mirumoto Chou on Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:48 am

Chou flinched ever so slightly at the unexpected touch to her arm, but her on remained impassive and allowed the servant to lead her to a seat. It wasn't the first time she'd needed someone to direct her to her destination, obviously.

"Tonbo-sama, Togashi-san, a pleasure," she said, allowing herself a friendly smile. "I am better for being in the company of my fellows, certainly. Do we have a goal for the miai, or shall we see where Benten takes us?"
Dragon Clan * Duelist * Challenge Accepted * Blind
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"Would you like to see my picture of Shinsei? So would I."

The Jolly Blind Dragon
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Re: (D1, EM) Dragon Dragon Dragon

Postby Tonbo Misa on Sun Apr 09, 2017 12:18 pm

Misa gave a soft laugh at the others, smiling warmly, which showed in her tone. "It is indeed a pleasure, and always well to have fellow Dragon around. As for goals Mirumoto-san... I would say marriage is a goal, yes? Others might look deeper, at alliances or trade or such, but we know the heart of the matter, yes? With a good showing, and good partnership, the rest will come. Or not. We will learn and grow regardless."
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Re: (D1, EM) Dragon Dragon Dragon

Postby Togashi Udo on Sun Apr 09, 2017 12:34 pm

"Always the path and never the destination," Udo says, agreeing. "Though it seems that in an occasion such as this there are many paths, and the option to walk down any number, should this one be so lucky. This one hopes that one path ends up being more compelling than the others, be it for beauty, ease of travel, or conversation along the way."

Udo looks at both women. "Perhaps more importantly, while this one doesn't know even what paths will be coming, what can be done to assist my fellow Dragon? Maybe the paths must reveal themselves first, but let it be said even now: Togashi Udo will always aid a true Dragon."
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Re: (D1, EM) Dragon Dragon Dragon

Postby Tonbo Misa on Tue Apr 11, 2017 12:35 pm

That gave Misa a smile. "Udo-San is generous. Truly though, the only assistance I would need are opinions and words on those in the running. The findings of a fellow Dragon are always appreciated after all, and I'm certain Chou-san would say the same. Just as we can tell you all about the Unicorn ladies, of course."
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Re: (D1, EM) Dragon Dragon Dragon

Postby Mirumoto Chou on Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:16 pm

"I see we are already on such personal and friendly terms, Tonbo-sama. Have we met before? I never forget a face," Chou said, trying on what she remembered to be a self-aware smile.

"I will be certain to speak well of Togashi-san. In return, it would be good to know which Unicorn men are handsome, that I might avoid them for the ones I won't have to compete fiercely for."
Dragon Clan * Duelist * Challenge Accepted * Blind
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Re: (D1, EM) Dragon Dragon Dragon

Postby Togashi Udo on Tue Apr 11, 2017 6:46 pm

Udo laughs. "I will keep an eye out for the handsome ones!" he exclaims with some mirth. "Though I think the ones who think they are handsome are more of a problems than those who are truly handsome."

He looks at Chou and smiles (though she can't see that). "If I may be so bold, have you always been blind?"
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Re: (D1, EM) Dragon Dragon Dragon

Postby Mirumoto Chou on Wed Apr 12, 2017 8:58 am

"No," Chou answered readily. "This is a recent development. A wayward prayer to the kami, I think. One that could not be undone," she added, a little ruefully.
Dragon Clan * Duelist * Challenge Accepted * Blind
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"Would you like to see my picture of Shinsei? So would I."

The Jolly Blind Dragon
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Re: (D1, EM) Dragon Dragon Dragon

Postby Togashi Udo on Wed Apr 12, 2017 9:36 am

"I am sorry." Udo is not quite sure what to say to that.

"Perhaps there is some good fortune in your future, to balance this bad."
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