Moto Khulun wrote:Shimizu Ryori wrote:Moto Khulun wrote:Khulun finishes her food and just folds her arms watching him leave before nodding to her cousin and then taking a seat with the Lion. She pours more kumis for them both and says, “Foul company needs good drink to forget their presence.”
“So what do you feed your lion?”
He smiles "meat, preferably fresh but she is making do with your cooked stuff"
He takes the drink and sips this one.
"Can I feed her?" she says excitedly.
"We can get fresh meat! A Mighty killer like her deserves the best."
Iuchi Saksaha wrote:"I was born almost as close to the Western Sea as we are now to the Eastern," Sakasaha says, with a motion that makes the sequins and beads on her sleeve clink and flash a little. "For every year of my life the Clan traveled hard across this great continent, and only now have we come back to Rokugan. This country is not small, but it is not so large either." She tilts her head back to look at the ceiling beams of this tall wooden building as if there were stars up there. "I was born after the years of wide wanderings, but I have still seen many things. Deserts, great cities made all of white clay, steppes where there is always ice under the ground, a great lake so full of salt we could float without swimming... and things I should not speak of at this table, also." Straightening, she makes a quick warding gesture.
Soshi Taira wrote:Taira listened in silence, and then said, softly. "I should like to see some of it some day, though I doubt I ever will."
As she made a warding gesture, he added, blandly, "I fear we are not without our own... unpleasant realities. I pray you will never encounter them, so that your view of your new home is not spoiled."
Soshi Taira wrote:Taira nodded.
"Hai, some things are not a subject for dinner conversation, even among the Crab."
Finishing the bowl, he glanced at the rapidly vanishing spread.
"I think our meal may be concluding, if this is any indication."
Moto Khulun wrote:Khulun nods to the Lion and offers the big kitty some roasted fowl.
"Here you go... eat up."
Iuchi Saksaha wrote:
Saksaha looks about and reaches the same conclusion. "It seems so," she says thoughtfully. "And I still know little about you Soshi-san, except your name, and that you drink sake and eat meat in moderation."
Kaiu Hiroji wrote:Hiroji nods. "I do, but maybe another time. I am afraid I might need some rest from this... Food. As delicious as it was, my stomach just is not built for it. But thank you for the pleasant evening." Hiroji bows to leave.
Shimizu Ryori wrote:Moto Khulun wrote:Khulun nods to the Lion and offers the big kitty some roasted fowl.
"Here you go... eat up."
Kyra almost seems to purr waiting for the food, she doesn't quite beg but she does give the biggest golden eyes to the Moto ever, once it is clear the meet is hers though those big jaws strike wide open and engulf it moving almost faster then the eye can catch it is only a moment of chewing and then that big tongue slides out and around her mouth.
Moto Khulun wrote:Shimizu Ryori wrote:Moto Khulun wrote:Khulun nods to the Lion and offers the big kitty some roasted fowl.
"Here you go... eat up."
Kyra almost seems to purr waiting for the food, she doesn't quite beg but she does give the biggest golden eyes to the Moto ever, once it is clear the meet is hers though those big jaws strike wide open and engulf it moving almost faster then the eye can catch it is only a moment of chewing and then that big tongue slides out and around her mouth.
Khulun laughs and says, "I want one."
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