Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Asako Hirase on Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:01 am

The Unicorn did not have casual reading materials.

It still bothered Hirase immensely.

Thus, he had worked with Eriko to draft a notice, spoken to the local leadership, and gotten the approval to post the notice for all to see. It had taken only a few minutes to hang the notice in an alcove where it would be visible but not ruined by the rain everyone expected to fall later on today.

Once it was up, he stepped back and smiled at it a minute.

"ATTENTION - Pillow Books wanted!

It is said that one can best understand a people through their stories. Though many fine tellers of tales are among us, there is much to be said for the art of the written word. For the duration of this joyous occasion, it is my intent to set up a system where books may be lent and borrowed so that they can be enjoyed, and discussed, by all.

If you have in your possession any scrolls containing works of fiction, travelogues, or transcripts of music, poems, or plays, and are willing to yield these for the duration of the event for this purpose, please seek out Asako Hirase, curator pro-tem of the Itinerant Library.

Watch this notice for available titles!"
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:36 am

Standing just behind and to the left of the Asako was a Shiba. He read intently for a moment, both for his own information and to allow Hirase to bask in... maybe triumph was too strong a word, yet fitting. Of course that basking was how Kaizen's approach went unnoticed. Purposefully the yojimbo stepped back having his sandles make the noise of obvious movement and bowed, "How do the Fortunes find you this day Asako-san?" The younger man rose smiling slightly.
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Asako Hirase on Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:55 am

Turning, Hirase had a quick smile and a bow for his Clanmate.

"Ohayou, Shiba-san." He glanced back at the note again, then moved aside to allow better view of it. "It finds me...optimistic? Yes, I think optimistic is the word. I believe I may have found a purpose for myself here." Something in the almost wistful tone of the man's voice indicated something that might, perhaps, be a goal for more than just the miai.
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Ide Samai on Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:18 am

Apparently the Phonixes were not the only ones present.

Samai stopped as zhe was walking, and read the proclamation with interest. "Oh my!" She exclaimed, not noticing the two Firebirds standing not too far.
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:22 am

"I see... a library?" Kaizen said with the air of rhetorical question. "I wonder if this grants Asako-san the distinction of the first librarian of such works among the returned Ki Rin, no matter how temporary the particular venue may be?" First Librarian Hirase, has a nice ring to it. Were it a real title I believe it would suit him.

Apparently it was Kaizen's turned to be taken slightly off guard, a bad habit for one of his profession. He bowed and said, "Konnichi-wa, Unicorn-sama I am Shiba Kaizen I do not believe we have met as yet."
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Asako Hirase on Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:25 am

"It is fitting that an Asako help with the task, though I do not think they would like one with that Name to keep the work for long. I expect that an Ide..."

He trailed off as one of that Family approached. Her reaction to reading the missive made him smile a bit wider even as he bowed politely. "Ohayou, Ide-san."
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Ide Samai on Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:01 pm

Startled from her reading, Samai blushed and bowed deeply. "Gomenasai minna-sama. I am Ide Samai, I am sorry for my carelessness." She gestured towards the notice. "I am a fan of stories of the Empire, so I lost my place in the world." She glanced towards the pair, taking them in. "You are managing this library?"
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Asako Hirase on Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:18 pm

"Asako Hirase, a pleasure." He smiled. "And I am responsible, hai. Ide-sama approved the idea when I presented it to him. I've only a few of my own books to start but I'm confident that other samurai from the other Clans will have brought some along. I was given to understand that the Unicorn, due to the difficulties of transport, do not have much in the way of written works and that is something I hope to change."
Phoenix Clan * Courtier * Widower * Single Father * Husband-elect of Shinjo Liu Yue
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:28 pm

"I am merely congratulating Asako-san on discerning an inspired way to repay our hosts' many kindnesses." the yojimbo smiled. Likes stories that is a good past time.
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Ide Samai on Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:37 pm

"Well met Asako-san, Shinjo-san." She nodded at the both of them. "I have a few books gifted to me by the Lion, I would happy to gift them."

She smiled at the librarian. "Hai, yes, it can be difficult. Some books survived with great care, but one soon learns to commit everything to memory what is needed, just to be safe. I think I held one or two books through my life."
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Asako Hirase on Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:41 pm

"Indeed." The older of the two males grew solemn. "One of your young Cousins and I were discussing art and the subject came up. She had a book of poetry, clearly old and clearly beloved, but had never had the chance to enjoy a longer work. Sadly, I didn't bring any of the sorts of books she and I talked about, ironically because of the same reason your Clan doesn't have many left: the difficulty of transport."

As she offered to contribute, the smile came back.

"What did the Lion share? Leadership, I suppose?"
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:55 pm

Kaizen smiled at Hirase's assumption of the Lion's obvious text. I imagine he would prefer the Tao of Shinsei. Still Leadership has value. Though neither are really light reading. Kaizen was a reader, though he didn't quite have Hirase's enthusiasm. Still a good scroll was a fine way to pass the time when you had it.
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Ide Samai on Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:08 pm

"Oh, that is irony Asako-san." Samai was smiling as she talked, enjoying the conversation. "In regards to the text I received, it is about a winter court a few years ago... at Kyuden Agasha I believe? Something about the Dragon falsely imprisoning the Lion, incited by Dragonfly, and despite that the Matsu daimyo saving the Emperor from an explosion.... quite the fanciful tale, I must say. Still enjoyable."

She tilted her head as he talked. "I did not receive Leadership though. Should I?"
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:18 pm

Now that is interesting, I wonder which Lion? "That depends on what you wish to read Ide-san. Leadership is the collected wisdom of the Kami Akodo on war, it is a heavily favored book by his Clan. If stories are your preference Leadership is different." Kaizen scratched his head considering, "Though one never knows what book one may find wisdom or joy in till it is read?"
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Asako Hirase on Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:25 pm

"Aah, yes." The Phoenix had come out of that rather well, as Hirase recalled, though he had of course not been present. "If you have any intention of working with the Lion, Leadership is a key piece to understanding them. Most of the Clans have a book or two that is considered required reading and for the Lion, that is it. Their Kami wrote it, after all, it is only appropriate they revere it."

For a moment, Hirase looked wistful.

"If I'd known in advance, I would have brought Niten, Lies, The Sword...all classics, all beloved of their clans of origin. I have a copy of the Tao, at least, which I will be lending out to those who are interested. The intent here is mostly for fiction, though I welcome any contributions. If nothing else, a shared love of books and individual titles in particular is a wonderful basis for discussion. It might be a way for those here to learn more of each other outside of the events hosted."
Phoenix Clan * Courtier * Widower * Single Father * Husband-elect of Shinjo Liu Yue
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