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Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Sun Apr 16, 2017 5:12 pm
by Otomo Tenzo
Another day, another stroll for Otomo Tenzo, this one taking him down a few of the village's streets with the skies darkening a little bit but the rain very much holding off for now. The weather likely kept the crowds of people thinned out, allowing him ample opportunity to take his time viewing the various market stalls and storefronts for something that might interest him, but even they seemed to have thinned out as well, closing early or otherwise starting to pack their things away in anticipation of the brewing storm. Unfortunate, but at least Tenzo's walk was calm and quiet, and he had not found anything catching his attention anyways...
Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:03 pm
by Iuchi Yukarin
Iuchi Yukarin was making her way towards the administrative center after an early dinner; She still had time before the book club, but the storm was approaching, and she had no delusion that her umbrella would keep the four books in her other arm dry from such a thing. Still, she did not hurry as she walked, being careful with her heavy load.
So it was that when she spotted a familiar face moseying down the street, it wasn't any trouble when she wanted to talk to the man. Crossing the street on sandaled feet, she called out ina not-too-loud voice, "Otomo-sama, oh Otomo-sama!"
Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:31 pm
by Otomo Tenzo
Turning around, Tenzo looked to see whom it was that was calling out for him. He was surprised, though pleasantly so, to see Yukarin, the Iuchi he had met at the previous day's history lesson, striding across the street in his direction. He raised a hand slightly to let her know that he had heard her and, once she had drawn closer, offered her a polite and welcome bow.
"Ah, Iuchi-san, a most pleasant afternoon to you! This one hopes your day has been well so far. It seems many feel that a storm is coming and it appears you are well-prepared - unfortunate that I have chosen to take my chances with finding cover before it comes," he said with empty hands on sighting her umbrella as he came up from his bow, though his eyes lingered for a time on the books she carried as well.
"So you are an avid reader as well, Iuchi-san? I do enjoy a good and heavy pillowbook and travelogue in my spare time and those look quite heavy - might I assist in carrying one or more for you?"
Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:30 am
by Iuchi Yukarin
"Um... if you are offering then I will accept Otomo-sama; If nothing else... I cannot seem to properly bow to you while holding these."
That was pretty clearly true as she shifted the heavy volumes to try to do so.
Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:46 pm
by Otomo Tenzo
"Worry not about that, Iuchi-san, it is most understandable and it would please me greatly to help you with such heavy tomes," he offered with a small smile as he stepped forward with hands out to take up some of the heavier ones she carried. "After so much time in the archives, I am already quite used to lugging such loads of paper around with upmost care."
Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Mon Apr 17, 2017 7:06 pm
by Iuchi Yukarin
"And I am used to my 'archive' being on wheels," she says with a small smile, letting the Otomo take a few of the tomes; It felt much more easy now.
"Thank you for the assistance regardless; I have a reading club meeting with some other Unicorn women this evening, and I left early just in case the storm hit sooner than expected."
Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Mon Apr 17, 2017 7:31 pm
by Otomo Tenzo
"Then I will ensure you and your books arrive safely before the weather should strike. It seems the merchants here have the same idea regarding avoiding the storm - unfortunate that I was not able to look but for a little longer, but I do believe that your company has well made this little shopping trip worth the journey," he added with a smile as he shifted the books around in his arms so that they were tucked safely while they walked.
"A reading club? This one has found many an insightful conversation and a pleasant evening with good companions and a good book - any one of these in particular that you might be discussing?" he asked politely as he looked down at the books in his arms and eyed their covers and bindings.
Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:15 pm
by Iuchi Yukarin
"I don't know; I was invited by an Ide Amaya and one Moto Khulun. Details weren't given on the actual structure of the meeting~"
She fell in step with him as she talked.
Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:27 pm
by Otomo Tenzo
"A reading club with a surprise agenda? Most mysterious - it must be quite the read then!" Tenzo proclaimed with a short laugh.
"Do you have a subject or style of book that you like to read more than others, Iuchi-san? Or are you one to read whatever book might fall upon your hands?" he asked, looking over to her to make sure she was still fine carrying the now-lightened load of books.
Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:14 am
by Iuchi Yukarin
Yukarin seemed fine for now, walking easily and thoughtfully alongside him, "Hm... well, I'm pretty open to almost anything, Otomo-sama, as far as books go. But I suppose if I were put on the spot I would say I prefer books where I learn something, like books on history or cultures. That's why I was so excited to be able to attend the lecture with Usagi-san and yourself."
She gave a small sigh, "If I understand correctly, my schedule meant I missed another of those this morning."
Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Tue Apr 18, 2017 5:53 pm
by Otomo Tenzo
"I find that I too tend more toward the historical texts and journals of travels far and wide as there is much that can be learned within. More recently I have tried to read more of the classics in the poetic realm, but I find myself drifting back toward the writings of the historians, so much so that I seem to have forgotten to bring one of my books on the former in favor of the latter, a short little thing on the time of the Shining Prince and the early centuries," he said with a nod of agreement.
"I would not worry too much about that, Iuchi-san, for Usagi-san will surely have more. I only hope that my own words were not too confusing for those in attendance yesterday - Moto-san is quite the curious one, that is certain, and matters of spirits and shugenja are the expertise of my cousins in the Seppun than mine. One does learn many things when tending to an archive covering all sorts of matters, however. If there is anything in particular that you might wish to know or learn of the history of the Empire or its customs and cultures, this one would be more than pleased to share what he knows more privately as well," he offered with a warming tone.
Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Tue Apr 18, 2017 7:03 pm
by Iuchi Yukarin
Yukarin chuckled softly, smiling softly, "It might be more productive to ask what I am not interested in learning of history and culture than the particulars; Perhaps it is due to having such limited resources while in the Sands."
Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Tue Apr 18, 2017 7:45 pm
by Otomo Tenzo
"That is not surprising to hear. I could only imagine that parchment and paper did not keep well on the journey and thereby making such things quite valued, appreciated, and protected on the journey. I imagine the arts which we appreciate so much here must have been quite uncommon as well, hence the need for storytellers - or storykeepers, as they sound to me - like Shinjo Hanashi-san that I had the pleasure of hearing from at a campfire a couple moons ago, weaving art and history into a well-woven fabric," Tenzo reasoned with a nod as he walked quietly for a moment or two.
"What of your story, Iuchi-san? What might this one learn about you?" he asked as he glanced over with a thoughtful look.
Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Tue Apr 18, 2017 9:38 pm
by Iuchi Yukarin
"Me?'' she gave him a wry look before smiling, "Hm... well, would you believe I come from a family of mystics whose very specialty was in the preservation of objects?"
Yukarin let out a chuckle, "Books were relatively easy actually; With sol little moisture or insects, they kept well. The problem keeping them was more in weight; Books are heavy and are not supplies that can be eaten or drank or used to defend the caravan. They also had limited trade value and were somewhat impractical, since many Unicorn never learned to read, and books in the Sands could be in any number of a half dozen languages anyways. And if a storyteller could memorize the contents, they were just extra weight on the horses. Frankly, I'm lucky my ancestors kept as many books as they did."
Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Tue Apr 18, 2017 9:50 pm
by Otomo Tenzo
"Really? By all means, do tell..." the Imperial trailed off before listening to her explanation where he ended up nodding along in agreement. "Most fortunate that they did, Iuchi-san, and understandable that that which is needed for survival take precedence in the wagon over other things," he said. Not that he quite knew of such difficult choices needing to be made, of course.
"You mention your family - does that make you a mystic as well, then? Like... our shugenja, say?" he asked, trying to understand.