The Theology of Half-People (Day 2, EA, Open/Expecting)

The Theology of Half-People (Day 2, EA, Open/Expecting)

Postby Suki on Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:55 am

While Dark Edge Village had its one, official shrine out on the dueling fields, it also had the standard crop of superstitious peasants. And because of this, along the streets of Dark Edge, one could occasionally find small, simple shrines. Sometimes little more than piles of rocks with an offering left on them, these temporary structures allowed the heimin to attempt to appease the gods without frequenting the Shrine of the Emerald Champion, often visited by samurai.

Continuing her wanderings, Suki found herself near one of these small, street-side shrines. Looking it over, she took a moment to dust it off, careful not to displace any of the offerings of flowers and rice left behind by the superstitious villagers.
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Re: The Theology of Half-People (Day 2, EA, Open/Expecting)

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:44 pm

Yukarin, on Iuchi Dong-ha's suggestion, had stuck to a small lunch. Well, small for her appetite at least. Still, it had made her feel better and even a little happy. She felt she owed some thanks to the Fortunes, and as luck would have it, she saw a monk tending to a small street-side shrine as she was walking through the village.

Stopping behind the woman Yukarin put her hands together and bowed deeply, "Good afternoon, monk-san. May I pray here, or are you busy cleaning?"
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Re: The Theology of Half-People (Day 2, EA, Open/Expecting)

Postby Suki on Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:58 pm

Suki looked up from the shrine and offered the Unicorn a respectful bow.

"Was just giving it a quick dusting is all, sama," she stepped aside, gesturing to the stones. "By all means."
Monk * Blessed by Benten * Sensation * Pacifist * Magpie? * Probably Barefoot
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Re: The Theology of Half-People (Day 2, EA, Open/Expecting)

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:50 pm

She offered a small smile before sitting next to Suki, hands on her knees in front of her as she bows her head, speaking with her eyes closed.

"This one is Iuchi Yukarin; Please, feel free to continue your duties as I pray."
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Re: The Theology of Half-People (Day 2, EA, Open/Expecting)

Postby Suki on Tue Apr 11, 2017 8:44 pm

Suki watched the Unicorn for a moment then did as suggested, seeing to the makeshift, roadside shrine. When she finished, she took the time to offer a prayer herself, her lips moving silently.

Once her devotions were completed, the monk stepped aside and waited for Yukarin to finish. She wished to speak with the woman but certainly wouldn't interrupt or impose upon a samurai.
Monk * Blessed by Benten * Sensation * Pacifist * Magpie? * Probably Barefoot
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Re: The Theology of Half-People (Day 2, EA, Open/Expecting)

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:04 pm

It took a minute for Yukarin to open her eyes, but she did so with a smile; She'd been praying to Jurojin in thanks for helping her recovery and to Benten for... well, luck perhaps.

She also smiled at how tidy and inviting the shrine looked now that the monk was done with it, "A wonderful job, monk-san. I am sure the spirits are pleased with your thoughtfulness, neh?"
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Re: The Theology of Half-People (Day 2, EA, Open/Expecting)

Postby Suki on Wed Apr 12, 2017 5:55 pm

"The will of Heaven is it's own," she replied, "but this one certainly hopes so. Surely the Fortunes also look favorably on those samurai so pious they'd stop to pay at a simple, peasant shrine," she offered with a smile and a respectful bow of her head.
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Re: The Theology of Half-People (Day 2, EA, Open/Expecting)

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Thu Apr 13, 2017 12:59 am

"That's the hope at least."

Yukarin bowed her head a little before sitting up off her knees, now squatting next to the other woman, "May I ask if you're from around Dark Edge, monk-san? Or did you come here to look after things during the miai?"
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Re: The Theology of Half-People (Day 2, EA, Open/Expecting)

Postby Suki on Thu Apr 13, 2017 1:21 am

"The latter, Iuchi-sama. Or, more accurately, several members of my order made a pilgrimage from Honored Treaty City upon your clan's return. And while others have traveled elsewhere in your provinces, this one came to advise those who'd seek such advice during the miai. As a devotee of Benten-kami, this humble one would hope to help those seeking marriage to find something more fulfilling than a loveless pairing."

"In this," she added, "you and yours can consider this one prepared to offer aid to any Unicorn that would seek it."
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Re: The Theology of Half-People (Day 2, EA, Open/Expecting)

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Thu Apr 13, 2017 1:52 am

"Ah, that makes sense. Are you setting up seminars or letting people know you're offering these services in a formal way? I fear I wouldn't have heard of the opportunity if I had not been looking for a place to pray."
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Re: The Theology of Half-People (Day 2, EA, Open/Expecting)

Postby Suki on Thu Apr 13, 2017 7:06 pm

"Such assistance tends to call for a more one-on-one approach. While this one is glad to hold seminars purely on theology and philosophy, those wishing to speak of matters falling under Benten-kami's purview tend to prefer a certain amount of discretion."

"That said, perhaps a more formal announcement would be useful. Those assembled for the miai rarely gather in one place, and word of mouth only takes this one's offers to assist so far."
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Re: The Theology of Half-People (Day 2, EA, Open/Expecting)

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:21 pm


Yukarin held her chin thoughtfully, elbow on her leg as she paused a moment. When she spoke up again, her voice was ever so slightly distant, "And if I may impose once more, what sort of help might a devotee of Benten-Okami be able to offer in particular? Advice on compatibility? Fortune telling of a marriage's success? Fertility?"
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Re: The Theology of Half-People (Day 2, EA, Open/Expecting)

Postby Suki on Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:50 pm

"Though this one could advise on such things, and gives such advise to the half and non-people that request it, most samurai would not discuss these things with me. Rather, the Tao and the lessons of the enlightened members of the Brotherhood have had much to say on the matter of love. These are things this one could discuss with samurai without causing any offense. And, if other wisdom- be it quotes, parables, or just my own reflections, to provide them assistance in matters we are not discussing..." she shrugged, offering Yukarin a knowing smile. Samurai tended to be experts at talking about things while openly saying absolutely nothing about them.
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Re: The Theology of Half-People (Day 2, EA, Open/Expecting)

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Thu Apr 13, 2017 11:48 pm

The Ide... were a bit different, "Mmmm... I'm sure such lessons could prove useful; The Unicorn carried Shinsei-sensei's words with them in the Sands and cherished them greatly after all. But I would think a samurai could benefit just as much as a heimin from more direct advice. ...I suppose that too is a custom my people will need to learn to accept."

She frowned slightly.
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Re: The Theology of Half-People (Day 2, EA, Open/Expecting)

Postby Suki on Thu Apr 13, 2017 11:50 pm

"While this one would not presume to inform Iuchi-sama of things she does not know, the samurai who remained here have grown to see speaking of matters of the heart as weakness. They will do so with non-people- geisha, specifically. But to do so with even a heimin would bring them personal shame. And while this one also believes they would benefit from more direct advice, she would not slight their personal honor in such a manner. While the members of the Brotherhood do not necessarily adhere to Bushido, we do respect it."
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