Kitsu Takashi
Gender: Male
Clan: Lion
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Courtier, Scribe
Age: 19
Height: 5'10"
Build: Lean
Hair: Black, Straight
Eyes: Dark Brown
The long, lean form of Kitsu Takashi shows none of the notable aspects of Kitsu parentage. On the other hand, he's almost instantly identifiable as a son of Ikoma from his cool but casual demeanor. While he carries the daisho like a bushi, there's an underlying bookishness to the man that suggests more time spent in study than in the dojo. In sum, Takashi seems a bit complex or incongruent--until he turns on his smile, there's the faintest sparkle of gold in his eyes, and all of a sudden he's offered to tell a story, sing a song, or "give it a try" with some musical instrument he swears he's never played before.
Takashi is very approachable, as might be expected for one who must practice diplomacy on behalf of a stern, unyielding clan. He's inquisitive in a polite way, smiles easily, and can often be seen nodding his head in understanding as others speak. With his unassuming, almost scruffy appearance, talking to him is almost as easy as talking to a bartender when you've already had a couple drinks...
A Kitsu who's not a shugenja? How does that work?
Takashi, why are you always writing things down?
I thought Kitsu never marry outside the clan. What are you doing here?
Want to talk Calligraphy, Lore stuff, or Acting? Awesome!
You think learning stuff, like history, is cool? Me too!
You just need someone to be a good listener? I'm all about that.