Iuchi Saksaha wrote:
"Hmm." Saksaha looks at Taira curiously, gives the clear liquid another sniff, and empties the cup. In a thoughtful kind of way, though. "My mother's cooking is comfortable, but all the same I know it is not as fine as this." She tilts her head to indicate the spread on the tables around them--the beads of her headdress clack faintly as she does--and sets the cup down. "Now that I am to live in Rokugan, I think I must learn to tell good sake from bad. Unless I can find among you Rokugani a husband who is content to drink only kumis and arkhi..." She spears a bit of fried cheese with her chopsticks and nibbles, ruminating on this possibility.
Oh... interesting.
"Perhaps it would be better if you could find one who helped you learn the good from the bad in Rokugan? After all, he would count on you to help him with these new wonders your clan has brought with you."
Taira fished about in his bowl with his chopsticks until he had a strip of grilled... something. He didn't know what
precisely it was, but it was clearly the meat of some sort of... not bird or fish.
And it was fabulous.
"I've heard a little about this kumis, though I haven't tried it. Arkhi I've never heard of. Would you be so kind as to enlighten me?"