The Void Wolf is probably just a lackey of Hoshi, or they both had the same ideas but now she can take the credit for it

Moto Khulun wrote:Probably, though that happens about 10-15 years from now or so.
Usagi Tomoe wrote:Sith and the Dark Lords of the Council never step on anyone's toes (even eachother's because that's just business as usual).
The Void Wolf is probably just a lackey of Hoshi, or they both had the same ideas but now she can take the credit for it
Moto Khulun wrote:Agent Wren Yuris
An experienced agent going on ten years of service with the SIS, Wren is good at what she does and what she does is not terribly nice. An affable and pleasant personality she is a skilled marksman and the daughter of an ex-Jedi. Her father retired from the Order to marry her mother and they live happily on Coruscant.
She never showed the gift for the Force and joined the Republic military before she was recruited for the SIS. She is an excellent field agent though she does tend to get too attached to her field assets and sometimes takes risks to try and lessen casualties something that has gotten her in trouble from time to time but she is good at what she does. She is one of the top agents stationed at Nar Shaddaa and her cover is that of Technical Expert for the front company run by the SIS.
Tonbo Misa wrote:The preview compilation thread's already 3 pages long? That's a lot of previetoows. And a lot of it NPC's.
Plus with a few weeks to go!
Akodo Runno wrote:Needs more Hutts.
They apologise for nothing!
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