Moto Butaj wrote:It is a tie again? Jinkies.
Shinjo Kemuri wrote:*has no Lions*
*prepares popcorn*
Matsu Nintoku wrote:If the Champion swears fealty to Hantei XVI, Nintoku's mother and eldest sister will probably follow suit. Both of them are members of the Lion's Pride and both of them have an important position among the Matsu. The only way they'd not follow is if Matsu Shikyo doesn't follow her champion in swearing fealty to the Hantei XVI.
Nintoku on the other hand could never follow that man. Not even mentioning the fact that the guy, at the current date, is the only tyrannicide but also because Nintoku's morality would never allow such.
It will create really interesting RP between the various Lions and I for one look forward to it.
Akodo Runno wrote:I'll leave Rieko's reaction up to MS, presumably she will follow her mother's example. The rest of my Lion are too low on the totem for their choices to matter outside of being brought back.
Kitsune Takeo wrote:Akodo Runno wrote:I'll leave Rieko's reaction up to MS, presumably she will follow her mother's example. The rest of my Lion are too low on the totem for their choices to matter outside of being brought back.
What if Hitoshi is among the spirits!?
Akodo Runno wrote:I'll leave Rieko's reaction up to MS, presumably she will follow her mother's example. The rest of my Lion are too low on the totem for their choices to matter outside of being brought back.
Kitsune Takeo wrote:Do we think it's ironic that the Lion responsible for opening the portal to Toshigoku is in Yomi?
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