Daily History Lessons VIII (Day 9, Late Afternoon)

Daily History Lessons VIII (Day 9, Late Afternoon)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Mon May 01, 2017 9:47 pm

"Minna-sama," the Hare stood before the people in the Northern Camp as usual. "I am Usagi Tomoe, historian of the Hare Clan. For the past week, I have spoken of great battles that have shaped the Empire. Today, I speak of one of the great traditions that have a great impact on the Empire's society; the tradition of the Topaz Championship."

"The Topaz Championship is the most prestigious gempukku ceremony in the Empire. Every spring, during the Month of Hantei, the village of Tsuma in the Kakita provinces of the Crane Clan host the contest that invites the most promising students of all the Clans, Great or Minor. The tournament tests the participants on many different skills that a samurai is supposed to know, ranging from poetry, lore and etiquette, and culminating with a test of iaijutsu. The contestant who performs the best, is traditionally gifted with a golden kabuto, and the Topaz Armour."

"The Kakita Duelling Academy, which hosts the yearly tournament, is the center of the Kakita Family. It's origins are traced back to the first followers of Lord Kakita, who learned his style directly from him, but after his death it is said that the class could not remain where it was in the palace of Lady Doji. While Lady Doji had always had an interest in her husband's art, after his passing she would visit less and less, and the students noted how it pained the Lady of the Crane to see them practising her husband's techniques as she was reminded of the loss of her beloved. Lord Kakita's followers relocated their dojo instead to relatively unfertile lands of the Crane and there they began the work that would create the Kakita Dueling Academy. The location was chosen for tactical reasons, as lands with little agricultural use would not attract any major force trying to claim the land, thus in the early days of the Empire, it could be held with a minial amount of troops. Today, it stands as one of the most prestigious dojo in the Empire, where many Emperors have recieved their training, and students of the Academy itself can be recognized by the single stripe of silver on the right side of their family mon on their kimono."

"As the prestige of the Kakita's dojo grew, other clans began to have an interest in testing their best and brightest against the promising students of the Kakita Academy. This eventually led to the Crane beginning to send out yearly invitations to all the clans and imperial families, and even many Emperors expressed interests in attending, which only gave further prestige and glory to the gempukku ceremony of the Academy. The name itself is said to have been given by one of the first Emperors in attendance to see the competition, who began to fondly name the young winners his 'Topaz Champions'. For the past generations, the highest honor a young samurai-to-be might recieve is to be given the trust of representing the teachings of their clan, dojo and sensei at the yearly Topaz Championship."

"The tests are spread out over a series of days, and while there are some things that never change, such as the final test being that of iaijutsu, the competition have sometimes lasted up to over a week, and in other time-periods lasting only three days. The tournament follows a scoring system, based on how well the contestants perform, and contestants need to have a certain number of points to be allowed to pass their gempukku. Like with the tests, the amount of points required has also been subject to change depending on the political circumstances in the Empire or by decision of the presiding judges."

"The most traditional tests have been: Sumai, heraldry, athletic obstacle courses, horseriding, knowledge of law, knowledge of etiquette, understanding of Bushido, skill at arms, poetry, understanding of court, Go, archery, hunting, and finally, Iaijutsu."

"The contestant with the most points, who has competed with honor and skill, is rewarded the title of Topaz Champion. And while the title in itself have no responsibilities or legal standing, it is a title of prestige and glory that often elevates the Champion to greatness - many Topaz Champions have gone on to become commanders in the Imperial Legions, Emerald or Jade Magistrates, yojimbo to important Daimyo or other prominent figures. And as the tournament is repeated each year, it is the responsibility and tradition of the past year's winner to return to pass the Topaz Armor onto the new year's winner."

"Now, as Heraldry is one of the traditional tests, Seppun Hideo-sama has helped prepare the mon of all the Imperial Families, Great Clans and Minor Clans. Please feel free to test yourselves, or ask questions about them if you have any."

Seppun Hideo wrote:
The Imperial Families wrote:

  • The Hantei
  • The Miya
    Vassal Families:
  • The Otomo
    Vassal Families:
  • The Seppun
    Vassal Families:

The Crab wrote:Image
  • The Hida
    Vassal Families:
  • The Hiruma
    Vassal Families:
  • The Kaiu
    Vassal Families:
  • The Kuni
    Vassal Families:
  • The Yasuki
    Vassal Families:

The Crane wrote:Image
  • The Asahina
    Vassal Families: None
  • The Daidoji
    Vassal Families:
  • The Doji
    Vassal Families:
  • The Kakita
    Vassal Families:

The Dragon wrote:Image
  • Agasha
    Vassal Families:
  • Mirumoto
    Vassal Families:
  • Togashi
    Vassal Families:None
  • Tonbo
    Vassal Families:None

The Lion wrote:Image
  • Akodo
    Vassal Families:
  • Ikoma
    Vassal Families: None
  • Kitsu
    Vassal Families:
  • Matsu
    Vassal Families:
  • Shimizu
    Vassal Families:None

The Phoenix wrote:Image
  • Asako
    Vassal Families:
  • Isawa
    Vassal Families:None
  • Shiba
    Vassal Families:

The Scorpion wrote:Image
  • Bayushi
    Vassal Families: None
  • Shosuro
    Vassal Families:
  • Soshi
    Vassal Families:
  • Yogo
    Vassal Families:

The Unicorn wrote:Image
  • Ide
    Vassal Families:
  • Iuchi
    Vassal Families:
  • Moto
    Vassal Families:
  • Shinjo
    Vassal Families:
(note - still finishing this as of start of thread, post will be edited as Unicorn can update this

The Minor clans wrote:Badger Clan
  • Ichiro
    Vassal Families:

Centipede Clan
  • Moshi
    Vassal Families:

Fox Clan
  • Kitsune
    Vassal Families:

Hare Clan
  • Usagi
    Vassal Families:None

Mantis Clan
Vassal Families:None

Piranha Clan
(OOC note - I don't think there is a mon
  • Ryuuta
    Vassal Families:None

Sparrow Clan
  • Suzume
    Vassal Families:

Tortoise clan
  • Kasuga
    Vassal Families:

The Brotherhood of Shinsei wrote:Image
Hare Clan • Sly Courtier • Sage • Soul of Tamamo-no-Mae • Herbalist • Fox-Child
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Usagi Tomoe
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Re: Daily History Lessons VIII (Day 9, Late Afternoon)

Postby Shinjo Monkhbaatar on Mon May 01, 2017 10:04 pm

It had been a bit since he had the opportunity to attend a lesson, but Monkhbaatar made sure to show up to this one. He listened closely and nodded along with explanations.

"So one of the tests is horsemanship?" he asks with a smirk. "It is good to know that the skill holds a place for testing the prestigious youth of the Empire. I imagine that many of the specific tests tend to be dominated by groups of schools that focus on them. Who has tended to be the most capable at that over the years?"
Unicorn Clan • Bushi • Fortunate • Daring
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Re: Daily History Lessons VIII (Day 9, Late Afternoon)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Mon May 01, 2017 10:15 pm

"Hai, horsemanship has been a staple for a long time. Usually, the test not only features being able to navigate the mount through basic obstacles, but also mounted archery and being able to strike with a melee weapon from horseback. So I'm certain that we will now see a lot of new talents there with the return of the Ki-rin," Tomoe grinned. "Not that the horses usually used for the competition can compare much with those of your clan, Shinjo-san."

"As for the winners, most often a Crane has been a victor. Much of that is most likely because that the tests fit very well with the curriculum of the Kakita Academy, and at its root, it is a Kakita gempukku, so the statistics are understandable. But there have been all sorts of winners of the centuries, from all sorts of clans, even ronin sponsored by a clan or the Imperial families, and the Imperial families have had some winners too."
Hare Clan • Sly Courtier • Sage • Soul of Tamamo-no-Mae • Herbalist • Fox-Child
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Re: Daily History Lessons VIII (Day 9, Late Afternoon)

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Mon May 01, 2017 10:43 pm

Always interested in a bit of historical knowledge and storytelling, Tenzo came to yet another of the Hare's lessons, finding himself nodding along as she explained the Topaz and all that surrounded it. "As one might imagine, Shinjo-san, the Miya do exceptionally well when it comes to the horsemanship part of the competition, for one of their primary duties as a herald is to spread the messages of the Imperial Court throughout the land, sometimes at great swiftness and speed as offered by the steeds they keep in the Imperial stables," he offered to the discussion with a nod before turning to the collection of mons on display.

"How magnificent it is to see all of the familial and clan mons from across the Empire gathered in one place! It must have taken Seppun-san quite a bit of time and effort to collect all of these together and I will have to thank him later for it - and you now for it as well for bringing them forth to look at, Usagi-san," he stated pleasantly as he offered the Hare a slight bow of appreciation.

"Though I wish not to detract too far from discussion of the Topaz, the display of these mons does remind me to share with the esteemed members of the Unicorn that it is the Department of Heraldry, as is found under the Ministry of Proclamations and Protocols, that acts as the central body for maintaining records on and authorization for the use of heraldry and mons across the Empire. Should one wish to have one's personal mon recorded and noted for the records, that is the place in the Imperial Bureaucracy for which one might seek such things," the Imperial explained.
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Re: Daily History Lessons VIII (Day 9, Late Afternoon)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Mon May 01, 2017 10:47 pm

"Thank you, Otomo-sama," the Hare bowed deeply to the Imperial, who she was always happy to see attend her lessons. "As always, I'm glad to see my lessons well-recieved, by Unicorn and their guests alike... I think I might miss this when the miai is over," she said with a wistful sigh.

"Ah, I admit that Heraldry is not my strongest field, especially when it comes to the rarity of personal mon. But yes," Tomoe nodded, looking at Monkhbaatar, "it is possible for samurai to earn the right to bear a unique personal mon. This is often award to people who perform extraordinary services to their clan or for the Emperor, but not quite in the same vein as those who earn the right to found Families or Clans."
Hare Clan • Sly Courtier • Sage • Soul of Tamamo-no-Mae • Herbalist • Fox-Child
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Re: Daily History Lessons VIII (Day 9, Late Afternoon)

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Tue May 02, 2017 1:39 am

Yukarin looked over the mons appreciatively, "Are only Clan mons tested, or are Family mons and School mons ever included as well?"
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Re: Daily History Lessons VIII (Day 9, Late Afternoon)

Postby Seppun Hideo on Tue May 02, 2017 1:57 am

Hideo stood to the side, a polite smile on his face as his works contribution. He spoke up at Yukarins question.

"I believe it has happened in the past. I had read of a case once where the judges had found an old mon, long since retired, and placed it in the test. These are the best and the brightest students in the empire, and they are thoroughly tested."
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Re: Daily History Lessons VIII (Day 9, Late Afternoon)

Postby Seppun Hitako on Tue May 02, 2017 4:47 am

His cousin, Hitako, standing nearby, nodded. "Hai, though it would be unlikely personal mons would be tested for. But, any clan, family, or school mons could be. I think they like to bring out the old Yasuki mon, once in a while, too. It changed about 500 years ago."
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Re: Daily History Lessons VIII (Day 9, Late Afternoon)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Tue May 02, 2017 9:15 am

Tomoe nodded as well. "Yes, I've read a similar account too, Seppun Hideo-sama, that occassionally the judges have brought in old and almost unknown personal mon from the archives, but it's more often been featured as an extra bonus for the contestants."
Hare Clan • Sly Courtier • Sage • Soul of Tamamo-no-Mae • Herbalist • Fox-Child
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Re: Daily History Lessons VIII (Day 9, Late Afternoon)

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Tue May 02, 2017 5:17 pm

"Mmmm... that all makes me wonder how up to date this 'Ministry of Heraldry' is with Unicorn mons..."
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Re: Daily History Lessons VIII (Day 9, Late Afternoon)

Postby Shinjo Monkhbaatar on Tue May 02, 2017 5:41 pm

"Certainly not up to date with any personal ones for living members of the Unicorn... short of maybe recently updating it for our daimyo," he replies with a nod.
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Re: Daily History Lessons VIII (Day 9, Late Afternoon)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Tue May 02, 2017 5:41 pm

"I imagine it is currently undergoing several updates now, to properly track all the new mon, such as the Moto, as well as that of the vassal Families and the occassional personal mon too." Tomoe smirked a little at the idea of bureaucrats running back and forth, trying to sort it all out.

"But likewise, there must be a lot of work for the Unicorn too to adjust to all the new mon that have appeared in your absence."
Hare Clan • Sly Courtier • Sage • Soul of Tamamo-no-Mae • Herbalist • Fox-Child
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Re: Daily History Lessons VIII (Day 9, Late Afternoon)

Postby Seppun Hideo on Tue May 02, 2017 7:01 pm

"Perhaps mina-san would like to assist in completing this? I cannot say I know many of the vassal families of the Unicorn, and would certainly welcome the chance to learn more about the families of the Unicorn" Hideo offered as he looked over the Unicorn gathered.
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Re: Daily History Lessons VIII (Day 9, Late Afternoon)

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Tue May 02, 2017 8:25 pm

Saksaha listens politely to the presentation, busying her hands with the same embroidery project she'd been working on last time she'd attended Bunny Story Hour. The little sigils, most of which which she'd memorized and then largely pushed to the back of her mind years ago, surprisingly manage to interest her afresh; their totemic images have an interesting resonance with the word-symbols of Iuchi magic, now that she thinks about it.

Seppun Hideo wrote:"Perhaps mina-san would like to assist in completing this? I cannot say I know many of the vassal families of the Unicorn, and would certainly welcome the chance to learn more about the families of the Unicorn" Hideo offered as he looked over the Unicorn gathered.

"But you know our family sigils already?" she asks, wondering how quickly such knowledge might have spread.
Unicorn Clan • Priestess • Spiritwalker • Gives Love A Bad Name (Infamy)• Future Togashi???
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Re: Daily History Lessons VIII (Day 9, Late Afternoon)

Postby Seppun Hideo on Wed May 03, 2017 8:47 am

"I know of the Ide, the Iuchi, the Moto, the Otaku and the Shinjo. But what of vassal families?" Hideo asks Saksaha
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